newbb电子平台. The 荣誉导师学院 program in classics is designed to give highly motivated students a substantial overview of the disciplines that constitute "Classical Studies" and at the same time equip the student with both the linguistic and archaeological training that is essential for expert study of Greek and Roman antiquity.' name="description"/> 经典与宗教研究|newbb电子平台-newbb电子平台


自1804年成立以来, the study of classics has been considered a cornerstone of liberal arts 教育 at newbb电子平台.

The 荣誉导师学院 program in classics is designed to give highly motivated students a substantial overview of the disciplines that constitute "Classical Studies" and at the same time equip the student with both the linguistic and archaeological training that is essential for expert study of Greek and Roman antiquity.

Students in the tutorial program have easy access to all the faculty in the Department of 古典文学与宗教研究, which comprises philologists specializing in the Greek and Latin languages and texts, and archaeologists who interpret the classical world through the study of the material culture. Each student will work with a personal advisor/tutor from our faculty to craft the individual program and to monitor the student's progress.

The program develops familiarity with the different aspects of the classical world, 有效的研究和写作技巧, 独立思考. 学生可以免除大学通识教育的要求. 学生的平均绩点必须保持在3分.5 or higher in courses required for the program and the 荣誉导师学院.


The HTC program in Classics has two distinct tracks: 古典语言文学 and 古典文明. 这两个课程都有希腊语的核心教程和非教程课程, Latin, 考古, 文明与人文, 还有古老的历史.

对于每条轨道, 学生将学习八门辅导课, 四年内每学期一门, 还有八门古代语言的常规课程, 文明, 考古与古代史, 以及两门经典和世界宗教研讨会课程.

The 文明 and language tutorials in the first three years are tied to the regular classics courses offered each term. Each of the required tutorial courses comprises four hours of regular course work plus an additional hour of tutorial with the course instructor, 从课程材料中发展出感兴趣的领域.


在前三个学期, 所有学生的教程都以文明为重点, 考古, 和/或古代历史. 第二年的春天, students ready to move to a higher level of language study can take the fourth semester tutorial in language, 而不是文明的一个方面. In the third year, all students will take one or two language tutorials at the 3000 level or above.

第四年的最后两节辅导课是关于毕业论文的. 到第四年开始的时候, each student will develop a prospectus for a thesis topic under the supervision of a Classics faculty member, 并在两个学期内进行研究, write, and revise the senior thesis and submit it before the end of Spring semester. 论文字数不少于1万字. The final draft of the thesis will be evaluated by the thesis advisor and another member from the department.


Students who choose languages and literature will complete the introductory sequences of both Greek and Latin through LAT/GK 2120. 具有拉丁语和希腊语经验的合格学生, 或者在语言课程上进步更快, 可以用语言教程代替LAT/GK 2120吗. 然后用专业化的语言, they will complete at least two tutorials and one regular course at the 3000-4000 level. However previous knowledge of Latin or Greek is not required to enter the program. 语言文学专业的学生也学习古典考古学, 文明和古代史在教程和常规课程.


Students who choose 古典文明 will take four tutorials and six regular courses in 文明, 考古, 还有古老的历史, and two tutorials in the language of specialization the 3000-4000 level of Latin or Greek. We recommend but do not require that Civilization students achieve competence in the other language, so that they can understand both Greek and Roman 文明s through the languages as well as material culture.


除了, 在二年级和三年级的秋天, 所有宏达国际学生必须选修两门CLAS 3800课程, 经典与世界宗教研讨会, 一门一学时的课程,每学期七次. The Classics Colloquium is designed to acquaint students with the different disciplines of classical studies (e.g. 语言学与文学, history, 考古, epigraphy, 纸草学, prosopography) and to introduce them to ongoing research by faculty and visiting scholars.


The object of the weekly tutorial is 1) to enrich the student's understanding of the topics and issues raised in the regular course and 2) to focus attention on areas of particular interest to the student.

为了实现这些目标, the professor and student together devise a set of topics of interest connected with the course and the research projects that develop from them, and establish the criteria upon which the tutorial course will be graded, 包括笔试, 作业, and presentations required in the regular class as well as the research and writing projects designed for the tutorial.

The tutor will set readings and activities for the tutorial above and beyond the readings assigned in the regular course, 由学生在每次辅导会前准备. A tutorial typically involves a series of short papers and a final project; this affords the student the opportunity to report on his/her findings and, 在可能的情况下, 发展有见地的原创论文.

在第二段的开头, third, 第四年, each student will compile a portfolio with samples of work from different tutorial and regular courses, 跟踪学生的学业和个人进步. All HTC students must fulfill the Tier I Freshman and Junior Composition requirements, 或者出示优秀的书面证明来放弃它.


研究的质量, 批判性思维, 合成, and effective writing developed in our program are applicable to many careers besides graduate programs in classics. Graduates from our Classics HTC program have gone on to graduate programs in classical languages and 考古, theology, rhetoric, 教育, 还有法学院. 一些人在开始读研前曾在“为美国而教”组织工作.


副教授、博士. 玛娜·佩雷斯·谢尔登
(740) 597-2105



B.S., Westmont College, Department of Biology; Department of History, 2006


  • 科学与宗教
  • 女性主义科学研究
  • 性研究
  • 关键种族研究
  • 科学史
  • 19世纪和20世纪的美国.S. History
  • 基督教历史


玛娜·佩雷斯·谢尔顿获得了博士学位.D. in the 科学史 from Harvard University in 2014 and was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Center for Women, Gender, 和莱斯大学的性研究. 她是科学项目的附属教员, Religion, 是哈佛神学院和文化的主编 宇宙论的杂志.

She was a Research Fellow at the Darwin Correspondence Project at Cambridge University from 2010-13. 她的工作得到了亨廷顿图书馆的支持, 费城图书馆公司, 美国哲学学会, 以及查尔斯·沃伦美国历史研究中心.

她曾在 标志:文化与社会中的妇女杂志EndeavourStudies in the History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and the 劳特利奇宗教与生态伴侣.

Dr. 谢尔登的论文, on the public career of Harvard evolutionary biologist and public intellectual Stephen Jay Gould, 是艾伦·内文斯美国历史奖唯一的亚军吗. The book manuscript is currently under review at the University of Chicago Press.