
听力荣誉辅导学院(HTC)项目, Speech and Language Sciences aims to provide qualified students with a research-oriented undergraduate experience through individualized training in the hearing, 演讲, 语言科学.



The philosophy of the HTC program in HSLS is based on the idea that education is aimed at intellectual growth rather than static transmission of knowledge. Students are seen as active participants of their education rather than passive receivers of instruction. They are also expected to cultivate scientific ways of thinking in addition to obtaining factual knowledge. 因此, 高度的积极性和知识独立性是HTC学生所期望的品质. The individualized nature of the HTC program requires the students to assume more responsibility in their own education.

除了课程作业,HTC学生还需要完成五门辅导课和一篇论文. 教程, 教师与学生单独或小组会面, 是所有HTC项目的标志. 教程 and thesis allow HTC students to work closely with faculty members to obtain an enriched educational experience. 

促进补习教育, 提供学术资源,包括优先注册, 特殊宿舍的可用性, 增强的库权限, 研究支持, 从事研究生工作的资格, 海外教育机会, 以及奖学金的可获得性. General 教育 requirements are also kept to a minimum to allow students the flexibility to explore their intellectual interests.


HSLS的HTC项目从大二春季学期开始. 准学生在大二秋季申请入学. The application process is very competitive and requires one recommendation from a HSLS faculty member. 3分的学生.5 GPA or above are invited to apply in the fall semester; applications are due on October 1 (See below for more details on the application and admission process).

在他们大二的春季学期, 被录取的学生参加学习主任的辅导. 在本教程中, students have the opportunity to meet with individual faculty members about their research programs. Students also enroll in at least one seminar offered by the HTC to establish a meaningful connection to the HTC community. 在大三和大四期间,学生要完成必修课程、辅导课和一篇论文. 

这种设计是由许多考虑因素驱动的. 第一个, completion of a subset of the foundational courses is essential for students to take full advantage of the tutorial education. 第二个, academic performance in the foundational coursework allows both the faculty and the prospective students to evaluate the aptitude and fit for the tutorial mode of learning. 虽然ACT分数是非常重要的,但学习成绩同样重要. 最后,认可未来学生的教师可能会成为潜在的论文顾问.


HSLS的HTC项目只接受当前newbb电子平台学生的申请. 准学生在大二申请. 被录取的学生在大三开始HTC项目. 根据荣誉辅导学院制定的校内转学指南, students interested in applying for the HTC program in HSLS should include the following materials in the application:

  • A当前的dar.
  • 一份目的声明,描述追求HTC轨道的原因, 资格和适合HTC赛道, 并提出论文研究的一般内容领域.
  • 写作样本.
  • A completed form of endorsement from an HSLS faculty member who is familiar with their academic work.


Dr. 朝阳李


newbb电子程序s will be reviewed by 教务主任 and an admissions committee comprised of HSLS faculty, who will make admission recommendations for final approval by the Dean of the 荣誉导师学院. 可能还需要与研究主任和其他HSLS教职员工进行面谈. 此外,作为审查过程的一部分,可能会安排与HTC院长的面谈. 录取决定在秋季学期结束时做出. 被录取的学生在大二春季学期正式注册HTC.


HTC要求所有学生满足大学的英语作文要求, 完成一系列的教程和一篇论文, 保持最小值为3.总平均成绩(GPA) 5分. 听力, 语音和语言科学要求HTC的学生完成至少五个教程, 宏达国际举办的讲座(HC 2500或2900), 一篇论文, and a set of courses designed to provide an understanding of normal human communication processes and an 介绍 to 演讲-language pathology and audiology. HTC的学生至少要修3门.HSLS专业课程平均成绩5分.

The coursework requirements are essentially the same as those in the traditional HSLS major with a few exceptions (see Frequently Asked Questions for a comparison chart). 简而言之,HTC项目对通识教育的要求更少. The flexibility in coursework requirements is intended to facilitate the tutorial mode of education rather than to achieve accelerated learning. 和传统专业一样, HTC的学生预计将在四年内完成他们的本科课程.

教程. 至少需要五个教程. 前三个教程可能包括, 但不限于, (1)教师科研探索导师制, (2)研究方法的指导, and (3) a tutorial in identifying 一篇论文 topic and developing the thesis research plan with a faculty advisor. 论文研究采用了两本高级教程.

HSLS 2970T大二教程
HSLS 3970T初级教程1
HSLS 3980T初级教程2
HSLS 4970T高级教程1
HSLS 4980T高级教程2

论文说明书. 为论文研究做准备, HTC requires the submission of a 论文说明书 at the beginning of fall semester of their senior year. 招股说明书应包括论文的标题, 介绍, 研究问题和方法, 有注释的参考书目, 以及一份完整的论文招股说明书, 可在宏达电论文指南页面. Students are strongly encouraged to take a writing course offered by the HTC (HC 2900) in the spring of their junior year to prepare for the Prospectus. 写作课程也满足一级高级英语写作要求.

论文. 所有HTC学生都必须完成一篇论文. They are expected to identify a faculty member as the thesis director by the end of fall of their junior year. 论文研究采用高级辅导课进行, which is normally completed in the spring semester of their senior year with an oral presentation to the public. 论文的准备应遵循HTC论文指南中规定的信息, 可在宏达电论文指南页面.


教程的评估. The 荣誉导师学院 requires evaluation of student performance in each tutorial by faculty tutors. 在一个学期的最后一周, faculty tutors complete a tutorial description and evaluation form and submit the evaluation to 教务主任, 谁将评议结果转交给荣誉辅导学院.

第一年投资组合回顾. All HTC students are subject to a formal academic progress review at the end of their first year in the HTC. 学生需要准备一个作品集来展示学术进步. 有关投资组合内容和样本的详细信息可在HTC总部获得. 进度审查将包括学生之间的会议, 教务主任, 以及HTC的院长. Input from the HSLS faculty will also be considered in assessing the student's aptitude and fit for the thesis research. The review will determine if a student should remain in the HTC program or transfer to the traditional baccalaureate program.

论文评价. 完成论文研究后,学生必须进行公开的口头报告. 经论文主任批准后, 论文将提交荣誉辅导学院院长审核.


Dr. 朝阳李

Dr. 朝阳李

Dr. 李朝阳领奖
总统教师奖决赛选手李朝阳于10月11日在贝克舞厅领奖. 31, 2018. 汉娜·鲁霍夫摄




作为一名语言科学家. Lee is interested in how listeners extract information from the acoustic signal to retrieve linguistic representations. His research examines how acoustic variability in the 演讲 signal and listener characteristics affect the comprehension of spoken words.


维纳,年代., & 李,C.-Y. (2020). Multi-talker 演讲 promotes greater knowledge-based spoken word recognition in first and second language listeners. 心理学前缘,11:214. doi: 10.3389 / fpsyg.2020.00214

维纳,年代.李,C.-Y., & 道,我. (2019). Statistical regularities affect perception of second language 演讲: Evidence from classroom learners of Mandarin Chinese. 语言学习,69(3),527-558. doi: 10.1111 /朗.12342

李,C.-Y., & 张,Y. (2018). 在重复和语义/联想启动中处理词汇和说话人信息. 心理语言学研究,47(1),65-78. doi: 10.1007/s10936-017-9514-y

刘正,F.-C.李,C.-Y.麦克唐纳,T. N.甘奇,H. M.,蒂茨,E. A., & 哈特,B. N. (2017). Subcortical frequency-coding errors are linked to speaker-variability intolerance in normal-hearing adults. 声学学报,42(3),el70 - el75. doi: 10.1121/1.5002150

Information about the Division of 听力,言语和语言科学 can be found at the School 网站.