
Geographers are interested in the relationship between humans and their environment. Do you want to learn more about the problem of global poverty and food insecurity? 你想了解更多关于气候变化的挑战和解决方案吗? If you are eager to better understand these kinds of issues, Geography is the program for you! Geographers study how people impact the environment and in turn how the environment impacts people. 地理学的视角本质上是空间的, 这意味着地理学家感兴趣的是人们之间的关系和环境是如何在从地方到全球的各种尺度上发生的.

Geographers use a variety of cutting-edge techniques to study topics like agriculture, cities, wealth, poverty, culture, population, landforms, politics, economics, climate, weather, 生态学只是举几个例子. Techniques include but are not limited to computerized geographic information systems, 制图(发布), remote sensing, storm chasing, 以及对研究对象的采访. 地理荣誉教程(HTC)课程为您提供了一个无与伦比的机会,可以探索人与环境之间这种动态互动的广度, while at the same time, 在你感兴趣的分支领域获得深度和熟练程度. Are you interested in researching climate change adaptation in the developing world? Are you interested in researching innovative ways to create green space in densely settled cities? You can pursue these specific interests and so many more in the tutorial program in Geography. Our HTC Geography program prepares talented and highly motivated students like you for employment in the public sector (government work), 私营部门(包括非营利和营利性组织), 对于研究生来说.

作为我们项目的学生, 你在选择学习重点方面有很大的灵活性. The Honors Tutorial Program in Geography offers several tracks that can be tailored to suit your interests:


可持续发展的城市和区域规划专业旨在为对可持续城市未来感兴趣的学生提供概念和分析工具,以理解和创造复杂和日益城市化的世界的解决方案. 课程强调生态, social, political, 规划的历史方面, equitable, 因此是可持续城市. 学生们将学习能源知识, green space, urban forests, urban agriculture, 水文系统, 在许多其他话题中. 毕业生将为公共规划机构的工作做好准备, 私营企业(包括与城市有关的非营利组织), 以及高级规划研究生课程的深造.
Urban green spaces, forests, and waterways make cities more livable and sustainable. However, 由于种族原因,绿色和蓝色基础设施的分布并不均匀, ethnic, 社会经济因素. 因此,进步的城市规划者必须弄清楚如何在促进城市可持续发展的同时,让所有城市居民都能获得这些资源.

Urban green spaces, forests, and waterways make cities more livable and sustainable. However, 由于种族原因,绿色和蓝色基础设施的分布并不均匀, ethnic, 社会经济因素. 因此,进步的城市规划者必须弄清楚如何在促进城市可持续发展的同时,让所有城市居民都能获得这些资源. Photo and maps by Dr. Harold Perkins.


全球化与发展专业为学生提供了对当代全球问题的深刻理解,并为分析涉及国家和国际发展的关键问题提供了地理框架, 尤其是与全球南方有关的问题. 反映地理学科作为一个整体, 本专业强调通过将区域研究的优势与课程中的理论和专题调查相结合,采用综合方法研究全球变化与个人和社区福祉的关系. 这个专业不仅为学生进入研究生院或法学院做准备, 同时也适用于各种领域的就业, 包括非盈利和政府工作, 特别是在社区和国际发展领域, 以及在国际范围内的私营部门工作.

Globalization enhances prosperity in some places but creates many challenges in others. Sustainable, 因此,公平发展是指直接与社区合作,帮助他们预测和解决与资本主义和气候变化带来的变化有关的挑战, among others. 需要了解复杂社区的发展实践者,他们将直接与他们合作,帮助生活在全球南方的人们成功地管理他们家园的重大变化. Photos by Dr. Smucker.


气象学专业为HTC的学生提供了研究天气的机会,从雷暴等中尺度过程到中纬度和热带气旋等更大的天气尺度系统. Students also have the opportunity to study forces impacting climate from local to global scales. 气象学专业为学生提供了获得国家气象局和美国气象学会认证要求的机会. 学生也将为气象学的研究生培训做好准备, climatology, or atmospheric physics. 我们的斯卡利亚大气分析实验室维护着两个气象站, and through practicum courses students learn to make weather observations and issue public-oriented forecasts.

气候变化和恶劣天气事件对人类构成重大危害. 气象学专业的学生可以学习使用斯卡利亚天气实验室的先进设备实时预测和跟踪天气,也可以在实际的风暴追逐现场学习. 获得的技能主要是对导致气候变化的力量的先进知识, severe weather, 并帮助创建挽救生命的高级预警. Photos courtesy of Dr. Jana Houser.

General Geography

Students enrolled in the HTC Geography Program do not have to pursue their studies in the above mentioned concentrations. Students are also encouraged to tailor and pursue their own concentration in consultation with the HTC Geography Director of Study. The Geography Department at Ohio University has 15 full-time faculty working in the natural and social sciences. 这意味着地理系拥有广泛和深入的专业知识,可以帮助你制定一门学习课程,挑战并奖励你的学术好奇心和奉献精神. For example, students may choose to tailor a focus in environmental geography that explores topics such as environmental assessment and monitoring, resource management, 保护自然地区, 户外和环境教育. 学生也可以选择地理信息科学的重点,为他们提供一套严格和密集的分析和计算技能. GIScience students gain a background in the fields of geographic information systems, cartography, remote sensing, 定量方法使他们非常擅长识别, analyzing, 为现实世界的问题创造解决方案. 攻读这一专业的学生经常与企业打交道, government agencies, non-profits, 和世界各地的规划机构在完成他们的学位.

HTC Geography provides its majors with an invaluable skill set to solve a variety of real world problems. Students can take a field studies course and learn to generate valuable data about changes in Eastern hardwood forests and their soils, for example. Majors can also take Geographic Information Systems courses and learn to analyze and map traffic patterns, too. 这只是地理专业的两门课程, among many, designed to give students conceptual and practical proficiencies that will serve them well in their future careers and studies. Photos courtesy of Dr. Jim Dyer.


在四年的课程中, 学生每学期参加一个辅导班, including one fixed-content introductory seminar – Geography 5000: Research and Writing – taken in their first semester.在他们的第四年, students use their final two tutorials to conduct original research and write a thesis. 所有其他的辅导课都是“选修课”,由学生的指导老师和项目主任(DOS)共同选择。. 其中之一可以从地理以外的部门或学院. In addition, 学生还可以根据newbb电子平台本科目录中指定的学术计划学习地理和相关领域的高级课程, 荣誉导师学院, 并且得到了学生的同意, 他或她的学术顾问, and the DOS. 关于辅导课选修课, the options available to students reflect the diverse teaching and research interests of the Geography Program’s faculty. 这些兴趣跨越了广泛的系统和技术专业, including nature and society studies; cultural and political ecology; geographic information science and remote sensing; environment and development; international migration;gender and development; environmental planning; rural livelihoods and urban environments; landscape ecology; biogeography and landforms; and meteorology and climatology, among others. Geographers at Ohio University explore these fields in a variety of regional contexts around the world, 包括拉丁美洲, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Western Europe, North America, and Antarctica. 学生可以选择围绕这些广泛的主题构建教程,也可以根据他们的个人需求和兴趣构建更狭隘的问题. Students, 谘询他们的学术顾问及教务主任, 有机会在文学士(B.A.)及理学士学位(理学学士学位).S.)的地理专业学位.

关于辅导课选修课, the options available to students reflect the diverse teaching and research interests of the program's faculty. 这些兴趣跨越了广泛的系统和技术专业, including nature and society studies; cultural and political ecology; geographic information science and remote sensing; environment and development; international migration; gender and development; environmental planning; rural livelihoods and urban environments; landscape ecology; biogeography and landforms; and meteorology and climate among others. Geographers at Ohio University explore these fields in a variety of regional contexts around the world, 包括拉丁美洲, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Western Europe, North America, and Antarctica. 学生可以选择围绕这些广泛的主题构建教程,也可以根据他们的个人需求和兴趣构建更狭隘的问题.


Applicants are selected by the program DOS in consultation with the Dean of the 荣誉导师学院. 申请人一般具有优异的学习成绩. 招生委员会寻找的是那些积极上进的学生, 具有很高的学术才能, 并表现出进行独立研究的潜力. An essay and a personal interview with the DOS are required for entry as a freshman. 虽然这是一个四年的项目, 未完成的申请将予以考虑, newbb电子平台一年级新生.


八门辅导课,其中七门必须是地理课. 毕业论文也必须在指导老师的指导下完成,并由DOS和荣誉辅导学院院长批准. HTC专业的学生必须修习荣誉辅导班所要求的课程. In addition, students are expected to take various Geography courses as specified in the undergraduate catalog for their program of study. 有关具体计划要求的更多信息,请参见: Additional courses in cognate fields are recommended in consultation with the faculty advisor and/or DOS.


申请截止日期是11月15日. 面试在一月份举行.

Director of Studies

Risa Whitson, portrait

Professor Risa Whitson
(740) 593-1144
Clippinger 110



Forum Archives




  • Gender and development
  • Social geographies
  • Informal sector
  • Argentina

我的学术和教学兴趣位于人文地理学三个子领域的交叉点:发展地理学, social geography, 女权主义地理学. The majority of my work contributes to these sub-fields by addressing the ways that the non-standard labor relations, 尤其是非正式的工作, constitute an important element of changing economic structures (or development broadly defined). My research also analyzes the processes by which informal work is mutually constituted with gender, place, 不平等的权力关系. In other words, I employ informal work as a lens to analyze the way that economic activity has implications for, 它本身是由, 非经济的社会过程.

To date, the majority of my research has taken place in the context of contemporary Argentina with a focus on informal work. 我最近的项目探讨了布宜诺斯艾利斯关于废物和非正式废物回收(拾取)的公共辩论,以及美国直销工作中性别话语的作用. 我目前也在进行一项新的研究,通过生物繁殖的视角来解决发展和女权主义地理学的交集. 我的教学领域包括人文地理概论, Social Geographies, 定性研究方法, 以及性别与发展研讨会. 我还和妇女医院有个联合预约, Gender, 及性研究课程, where I teach introductory courses as well as an upper-division class in Global Feminisms.

Selected Publications

Klimpel, Jill和lisa Whitson. Forthcoming. “Narrating Birth and Place: Spatial discourses of cesarean birth in São Paolo, Brazil.” 性别、地域和文化, forthcoming.

金,秀明和丽莎·惠特森. 2014. “‘Traditional Chinese Girls’ in a Modern Place: Gender and Public Leisure Spaces in Contemporary Beijing.” 社会文化地理学 15(4): 449-469.

Whitson, Risa. 2011. “Negotiating Place and Value: Geographies of Waste and Scavenging in Buenos Aires.” 对跖点:一本激进的地理学杂志 43(4): 1404-1433.

Whitson, Risa. 2010. “‘The reality of today has required us to change’: Negotiating gender through informal work in contemporary Argentina.” 美国地理学家协会年鉴 100(1): 159-181.

Whitson, Risa. 2007. “Hidden Struggles: Spaces of Power and Resistance in Informal Work in Urban Argentina.” 环境及规划A 39(12): 2916-2934.