
The 荣誉导师学院 program in 新闻 offers an individualized course of study for exceptional students.

Maximum opportunity will be afforded for the student to work at their own pace.The tutorial program serves as preparation for graduate study or employment in various fields of journalism such as newspaper or broadcast reporting, magazine writing or 编辑, 在线新闻, 公共关系, 和广告.

Typically, the tutorial program is designed along a four-year degree track. The first three years focus on journalism tutorials, on core and sequence courses in journalism, and on liberal arts education. The fourth year will be used to broaden and deepen the journalism education, both professionally and academically. Students also will prepare a professional project or thesis during this year.


There are five components of the tutorial program in journalism:


A tutorial consists of a one-on-one course, a mini-group, or a small seminar. Such a setting provides the type of individualized attention and academic challenge capable of stimulating the intellectual growth of talented and creative students. The Director of Studies for the tutorial program assigns tutors in accord with the interests of the individual student. The tutor, in consultation with the student, develops an individual plan of instruction. Students complete a total of eight tutorials:

  • Three tutorials on core issues: Media Ethics, 媒体法, and Communication Theory or History of American 新闻(1st and 2nd year)
  • Two advanced tutorials on conceptual/theoretical issues, such as Computer Assisted Reporting; Investigative Reporting; Gender, Race and Mass Media; Advanced 媒体法; Social Media; Multimedia Reporting; Science 新闻; Business 新闻; Media 新闻; Political 新闻; Media Metaphors and Rhetoric; Methods of Qualitative Research, and others (2nd and 3rd year)
  • A research tutorial in a small-group format to prepare for the thesis/professional project (spring semester of 3rd year)
  • Two thesis tutorials with the thesis advisor to work on and complete the thesis requirement (4th year)

Professional courses in journalism

Tutorial students are required to take additional core courses not covered by tutorials (JOUR 1010 Past, Present and Future of Media and JOUR2310 Multiplatform Reporting). Students are also expected to take an appropriate number of approved electives in journalism, 通常有三道菜. 部分专业课程, such as multiplaform journalism, 编辑, 图形, 战略沟通, 等., are experiential by nature, usually taught through labs and writing courses. Other courses provide conceptual knowledge and/or theoretical approaches to journalism and related fields. Students will usually follow one of the two tracks in journalism (news and information track or 战略沟通 track).


新闻 programs generally require the student to develop a broad background in liberal arts. 在E区.W. Scripps School of 新闻, we expect students to complete a year of a foreign language; courses in history, 社会学或人类学, 政治科学, 经济学, 哲学, 英语, 心理学, 和统计数据. 也, students must take courses in fine or comparative arts, Afro-American Studies or Women's and Gender Studies, as well as natural and applied science.

A detailed overview of the HTC 新闻 curriculum is available in the newbb电子平台 本科目录.


Students are expected to select an area of specialization outside of the School of 新闻, 媒体艺术与研究, 及视觉传达. The area of specialization requirement can be met through a planned series of courses in a single department, 课程组合, 或者证书课程.


Consistent with its policy of combining class work with practical training, the E.W. Scripps School of 新闻 requires students to complete an advisor-approved internship. It should entail a minimum of 200 hours and be in a field that is relevant to journalism and the student's track or emphasis. Interns receive hands-on experience in a media-related organization and may be paid a moderate stipend. 实习s are located throughout the nation and abroad.


Applicants are selected on the basis of superior academic ability and the potential for self-motivated undergraduate study and research. Students already enrolled at newbb电子平台 must have an overall G.P.A. of 3.6 and should have earned fewer than 60 hours.

The deadline for applications for admission and scholarships is November 15th. Interviews are held in January.