





John Biancamano | General Counsel 


Pam Benoit | Executive Vice President 和 Provost


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

Signatures 和 dates on archival copy
  1. 概述

    This policy describes the numbering system used in the "Ohio 大学政策 Manual," so that new policy statements may be assigned numbers that are consistent with those already in use, 和 so that people wishing to find the policy statement that addresses a particular concern can more readily find it.

    1. 数字格式

      的 policy numbering system will be a five-digit number consisting of a two-digit general classification number 和 a three-digit index number, 用句号隔开, 在表格中, "XX.YYY," with leading zeros for each part, as needed.

    2. 行政代码

      参议院法案3, 9月17日生效, 2014, requires that Ohio university rules be published both on the institution's web site (e.g., this manual), 和 as part of the 行政代码. 的re is a direct mapping between the policy number 和 the 行政代码 number; the primary differences are that the 行政代码 number includes a prefix that is unique to Ohio university, 和 that leading zeros are less available in the 行政代码 system. 例如,我们的“政策03”.004" will be identified as "rule 3337-3-04 of the 行政代码"; our "政策 41.125" will be identified as "rule 3337-41-125 of the 行政代码"; etc. (在某些情况下, the 行政代码's rule number may have additional segments between the "3337-" 和 the last two segments that are derived from our policy number). Although the number of digits displayed within the 行政代码 is not always five, 数值确实匹配.

    3. 保留数据

      行政政策手册,“the”教师手册,"和"学生行为准则" are distinct documents: each has its own formal review 和 approval process, 和 none is part of either of the others.

      Some issues are more appropriately addressed within the "教师手册", 或者“学生行为准则”," rather than as part 这个政策 manual; other issues are best addressed here; 和 some issues will be addressed in more than one of those locations.

      In order to facilitate publication of all three types of rules as part of the 行政代码, while preventing the ambiguity that would result from numbering collisions among them, several general classification numbers are "reserved": they will not be assigned to any administrative policy, to ensure that their corresponding numbers within the 行政代码 are available for publication of faculty 和 student rules; see parts (D) 和 (H) 这个政策.

    4. 号码分配

      Numbers will be assigned to new policy statements by the office of legal affairs.

      的 basic general classifications 和 subject matter areas within these classifications will be as shown in the rest 这个政策.

  2. General classifications 00 to 09:

    1. 组织图

    2. 一般的政策

    3. Issues that overlap multiple other general classifications


      1. 场地及设施使用情况

      2. Harassment 和 professional conduct

      3. 身份证

  3. General classifications 10 to 19:

    1. 大学

      1. 艺术与科学

      2. 业务

      3. 沟通

      4. 教育

      5. 工程

      6. 美术

      7. 研究生

      8. Health sciences 和 professions

      9. 荣誉

      10. 整骨疗法的医学

      11. 大学

    2. 学生学习成绩

      1. Access to public 和 private information

      2. Registration, drops, 和 withdrawals

      3. 分级

    3. 图书馆

    4. 学习资源

    5. 校外学术项目

    6. 制度研究

    7. 国际事务中

    8. Research 和 intellectual property

    9. 名誉地位

    10. Appointment 和 evaluation of faculty 和 academic leaders

      (参见 (F)(6)(H) 这个政策.)

    11. 中心和研究所

  4. General classifications 20 to 29:

    General classification number 27 is reserved for the "学生行为准则" 和 related documents, as described in part (A)(3) 这个政策.

    1. 学生工作人员

    2. Health 和 psychological services

    3. 就业及实习

    4. 兄弟会和姐妹会的事务

    5. Student activities 和 public occasions

    6. Residence services 和 residence life

    7. 大学学科

    8. 体育运动

    9. 校园娱乐

    10. Student financial aid 和 scholarships

  5. General classifications 30 to 39:
    大学 development 和 planning matters

    1. 校友

    2. 区域发展

    3. 公共事务

    4. 公共信息

    5. 大学的出版物

    6. newbb电子平台基金会

    7. 建设

    8. 空间利用率

    9. 装修

    10. 工程

    11. 头衔授予

  6. 一般分类40-49:

    1. Registration, admissions, scheduling, 和 regents reporting

    2. Office 和 environmental services

    3. Facilities management 和 maintenance

    4. 车辆

    5. Ohio university police department

    6. Human resources 和 employment matters

      1. 就业

        1. 任命

        2. 招聘

        3. 转移

        4. 促销活动

        5. 降级

        6. 分离

      2. 好处

        1. 教育

        2. Group insurance 和 workers' compensation

        3. Assistance 和 development programs for employees

        4. 假期和假期

        5. Other leaves of absence 和 accommodations

        6. 退休

      3. Compensation, rewards, 和 recognition

      4. 争议解决

      5. Records 和 information services

      6. 绩效管理

      7. Workplace 和 occupational health 和 safety

      8. 工资

  7. General classifications 50 to 59:

    1. 金融事务

    2. 控制器的功能

      1. 应付账款

      2. 补助金及合约

      3. 工厂资金

      4. 总会计

      5. 财产会计

      6. 采购

      7. 盈余

    3. 财务函数

      1. 财务主管

      2. 应收账款

      3. 基础会计

      4. 现金管理

  8. General classifications 60 to 69:

    General classification numbers 60 through 69 are reserved for the "教师手册" 和 related documents, as described in part (A)(3) 这个政策.

  9. General classifications 90 to 99:

    1. 行政支持

    2. 学术支持

    3. 话音和数据网络

    4. Information retention, integrity, 和 security


Proposed revisions 这个政策 should be reviewed by:

  1. Executive 工作人员 政策 Committee