





Frank Corris | Chief Procurement Officer


Kathy Krendl | 执行副校长兼教务长


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

Signatures 和 dates on archival copy
  1. 目的

    This policy provides for the payment of travel advances to university employees.

  2. 计划

    The Travel Office provides cash advances for University personnel traveling on official University business 只有 when the University Purchasing Card program cannot meet their needs.

    1. 可预支差旅费:

      1. for group travel with students when group needs otherwise make credit card use impractical.

      2. for travel to a remote geographical area where a credit card is not accepted.

      3. 提前准备, 在例外情况下, for employees whose responsibility requires extensive work time away from campus. St和ing advances are limited to $500 per employee.

    2. Travel advances are issued 只有 when pre-travel issue of funds is justified by the circumstances of travel, 和 when the University purchasing card cannot meet the traveler's needs.

    3. Only one outst和ing travel advance per staff member will be permitted.

    4. Travel advance checks will not be issued more than 7 calendar days prior to the travel date.

    5. No cash advances will 被制成 for less than $200.

    6. Refund of remaining dollars, 和 substantiation of expenses through the use of a 差旅费用报表 or 直接付款表格 (适当的), 必须 被制成 within 15 calendar days of the end of the trip.

    7. Rapid Reimbursement of the TER is not permitted when a travel advance is involved with the trip.

    8. Travelers who are delinquent more than 60 calendar days, in substantiating expenses or refunding remaining dollars:

      1. will be subjected to Payroll deduction of the total outst和ing balance;

      2. will be ineligible for future travel advances.

  3. 政策和程序

    1. newbb电子程序

      Request a travel advance by completing a 旅行预支表格. Submit the completed form 到采购服务, 213A HDL中心, at least ten (10) calendar days prior to travel.

    2. 批准

      The form 必须 be approved 和 signed by the appropriate Dean or 计划ning Unit Head, 或被任命者, 和 forwarded 到采购服务, 213A HDL中心.

    3. 收到预付款

      The check will be mailed to the traveler or direct deposited into the traveler's bank account, according to his or her instructions on the travel advance form. For direct deposit of the travel advance, traveler 必须 be signed up for Payroll Direct Deposit. 要注册,请使用 直接存款授权表格.

    4. Accounting for expenses 和 returning remaining dollars

      Within 15 calendar days of return from the travel, the employee will:

      1. 提交一个 差旅费用报表 或者一个 直接付款表格, 适当的, 到采购服务, 213A HDL中心, 证明所有费用, 和

      2. 退还剩余金额:

        1. 现金退款 必须 被制成 只有 at the Bursar's window in Chubb Hall, 和 the refund receipt 必须 附属于TER或DP;

        2. refunds may also 被制成 by personal check attached to the TER or DP, 适当的.

        (请参阅 旅行预支表格差旅费用报表.)

        15个日历日后, notification of the deliniquent status will be sent to the traveler 和 the department head or chair. Until the traveler has accounted f或者一个ll expenses, no further travel advances or travel-related reimbursements will be issued.

        After 60 calendar days, any outst和ing balance will be deducted from the employee's paycheck.

    5. Exceptions for Intercollegiate 体育运动 ("ICA") team travel

      All provisions above apply as stated, unless explicitly modified here:

      1. 团队差旅费, ICA coaching staff members are permitted multiple non-delinquent travel advances during their sport's season, including travel for post-season competition.

      2. If a travel advance becomes delinquent, no further advances will be issued until the delinquency is resolved.

      3. Within 30 calendar days of return from the group travel, the employee will submit a 差旅费用报表 或者一个 直接付款表格, 适当的, 到采购服务, 213A HDL中心, 证明所有费用, 和

      4. Within 15 calendar days of return from the group travel, the employee will refund any dollar amount remaining:

        1. Refunds of cash 必须 be deposited 只有 at the Bursar's window in Chubb Hall, 和 the refund receipt 必须 附属于TER或DP; or

        2. Refunds may 被制成 by personal check attached to the TER or DP, 适当的.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. 总统

  2. 执行副校长兼教务长

  3. 行政工作人员

  4. Senior Associate Vice 总统 for Finance

  5. Associate Director of 体育运动 for Business

  6. Policy 和 Procedure Review Committee