17.001:知识产权的所有权和处置, 员工参与研究商业化






由T发出.L Chesnut

  1. 目的


  2. 介绍

    It has long been the tradition of newbb电子平台 to disseminate scholarly 和 creative endeavors for public 和 private use 和 benefit. The growing responsibility of newbb电子平台 to provide inputs for the ever increasing knowledge-based economy is seen in federal 和 state laws. The federal Patents 和 Trademark Act of 1980 grants universities ownership of inventions developed in the course of federal sponsorship 和 requires the creation of procedures for disclosing 和 developing inventions. 同样,俄亥俄州修订法典第3345条. 第14条授予发明产权, 包括大学相关研究成果的专利, 到大学. 研究经费的第三个来源, 私人赞助, 知识产权是由合同规定的. 尽管创造性努力的所有权通常是明确的, the guidelines for disposition of intellectual property 和 the role of the university employee in the process 和 sharing of rewards has been less clear.

  3. 目标

    1. 建立适当的支持机制和激励措施,鼓励创造性工作;

    2. 确保发明人与大学之间的利益公平分配;

    3. 为大学职员制定一般指引,产业发起人和资助机构关于知识产权处置的意见, 和

    4. 明确教员的权利和责任, staff 和 students with emphasis on allowing inventors to become appropriately involved in 和 benefit from commercialization decisions 和 processes.

  4. 程序

    1. 所有权

      newbb电子平台教师创造的可申请专利的发明(以下称可申请专利的知识产权), staff 和 students (hereinafter called inventors) in connection with activities eithersupported by University-administered funds or conducted in University 控制led facilities, 根据国家法律规定,这些都是学校的财产. 否则,该发明属于发明人的专有财产.

      Software or computer data bases created as a result or byproduct of a research agreement between outside sponsors 和 the University may, 根据协议条款, 要求大学将商业使用权转让给赞助商. 在这种情况下,大学将被分配所有权,并授予赞助商许可证, 从而允许大学追求商业化并向创作者分发许可版税. All such arrangements must contain language that holds the University harmless from all liability claims 和 product warranties.

      Computer software or data bases created by an individual as part of University-assigned duties shall be the property of the University. 否则,由个人创建的非专利软件或数据库归创作者所有. 所有权 of such software 和 data bases is not contingent on whether or not University facilities were used or University support was provided as is the case for patentable intellectual property.

    2. 发明披露

      Inventors are strongly encouraged to disclose all potential patentable intellectual property 到大学 Technology Transfer Office. 对于赞助研究, 发明者有合同义务及时披露潜在的可获得专利的知识产权. The Technology Transfer Office will review each intellectual property disclosure for commercialization potential 和 assess the University's responsibility to disclose inventions to research sponsors. Such reviews shall take no longer than 90 days before a decision is made as to University interest in pursuing commercialization. If the University declines to pursue commercialization the inventor 和 the funding agency will be notified in writing 和 the inventor may have the right to commercialize the intellectual property independent of University ownership.

    3. 许可证使用费的分配

      作为对许可权利的回报,授予商业实体制造, 使用和出售大学的专利知识产权, 大学须向获许可人索取版税. 由大学拥有或分配给大学的任何知识产权所赚取的版税将分配给教师, 教职员或学生发明家, or other inventive parties once all expenses associated with the particular intellectual property have been recovered by the University. 提成按下列公式分配:


      1. 50%作为直接支付给发明人

      2. 发明人所在部门或

      3. 发起单位

      4. 发明人学院的10%

      5. 25%给大学


      1. 30%作为直接支付给发明者

      2. 20%归发明人所在部门或

      3. 发起单位

      4. 发明人所在学院15%

      5. 35%给大学

      所有被点名的发明者应得到平等的分配. 在特殊情况下, 经受影响单位协商并达成协议, the Vice President among inventors 和 an alternative for Research 和 Graduate Studies may use formula for distributing royalty.

    4. 有形研究财产(TRP)

      有形研究财产包括作为研究结果而创造的材料或设备. TRP被定义为通过人工或非自然方式产生的化合物, 比如化学和生物化合物, 以及作为研究努力的一部分而构建的设备或仪器, 比如电子设备, 集成电路. Whenever TRP is derived from conditions that apply either to patentable intellectual property inventions or to sponsored research or contractual obligations, TRP的所有权将分配给大学. 然而, 如果TRP是独立于赞助的研究或大学雇佣的合同义务而创建的, TRP的所有权将属于创造者. The creator may assign the non-university owned TRP 到大学 for commercialization purposes in return for a share of the license royalty. 所有TRP转让协议必须由技术转让办公室批准. All TRP exchanges should be accompanied by agreements which correctly specify either University ownership or assignment 和 the conditions for use by the recipient. 在任何情况下,大学都不会保证该产品,并且大学将不会承担任何责任索赔. 确保适当的发展是创造者的责任, 控制, TRP的储存和分配. 鼓励将大学拥有或指定的TRP分配给研究社区.

      Commercial entities may desire to evaluate TRP either owned by or assigned 到大学 prior to actually licensing the TRP or the processes used to derive the TRP. 作为对TRP商业潜力评估的权利或选择权的回报, 商业实体应支付费用以获得TRP并获得评估TRP的选择权. 从TRP评估中获得的大学收入应直接拨给创建者的实验室或部门。. 如果有实际的商用license, TRP特许权使用费的分配, 或其衍生品可能以专利或其他许可财产的形式存在, 会否受上述安排及分配公式规管. The Technology Transfer office will become involved in marketing 和 commercial distribution of creator-owned TRP only if the creator assigns ownership rights 到大学.

  5. 发明家/员工的责任

    1. 利益冲突

      exist when a University employee acts to advance his or her personal interest in a manner that diminishes or otherwise causes harm to an interest of the University or violates state or federal law. 当从事商业活动的个人不履行大学义务时,就存在承诺冲突. 这些类型的义务通常包括上课, 学生建议, 委员会工作, 参与公共服务, 学生研究进展和类似学术活动的方向. 大学员工避免任何利益冲突和承诺的关键是充分和公开的披露. 教师 和 staff must disclose to their immediate supervisors all commercial arrangements related to their scholarly work in accordance with the 教师 H和book, 第四节. 只要可能出现利益冲突,就应予以披露. 至少, 包括咨询安排在内的所有商业活动应每年披露一次. 披露内容应包括关系的性质和持续时间, the entity or individual with which the relationship has been established 和 any special circumstances about the relationship that pertain to the employee's work at the university, 如, 学生参与或使用设施或设备.

      University faculty 和 staff may not become directly involved in negotiating commercial agreements for intellectual property which is owned, 分配给大学或由大学控制. 进行这种谈判是技术转让办公室的责任. University personnel are discouraged from holding positions as operating officers or acting in key decision-making capacities in businesses that have or intend to establish commercial relationships with the University. 教师 和 staff members may hold ownership in private entities that seek to commercialize the results of their research provided that (1) such arrangements conform to Ohio law, (2)所有权完全披露给负责研究和研究生学习的副校长, (3)所有权不影响拥有股权的人或受其指导的个人的学术活动.