newbb电子平台newbb电子使用的报警系统的质量, 并规定了标准化的审查和批准程序. 不遵守此规定,校园内任何建筑物或区域都不得安装报警器. 就本政策而言, an "alarm" shall mean any device or system that monitors conditions at a location on campus and alerts personnel at a remote reporting center to a condition requiring action.' name="description"/> 44.114 |newbb电子平台-newbb电子平台









Pam Benoit |执行副校长兼教务长


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. 概述

    此策略提供兼容性, 一致性, 以及newbb电子平台newbb电子使用的报警系统的质量, 并规定了标准化的审查和批准程序.

    不遵守此规定,校园内任何建筑物或区域都不得安装报警器. 就本政策而言, an "alarm" shall mean any device or system that monitors conditions at a location on campus and alerts personnel at a remote reporting center to a condition requiring action.

    The application of this policy shall not result in systems or specifications that conflict with provisions of the Ohio basic building code or other authorities having jurisdiction.

  2. 一般规定

    1. newbb电子平台应保持单一来源的供应商合同,以提供咨询, 安装, 维护, 并监控所有远程报告报警系统,监控校园环境或安全状况.

    2. 火灾报警系统远程报告,但不包括在单一来源供应商合同中.

    3. 任何想要安装远程报警系统的部门或办公室, 除了火灾报警系统, 必须只使用经批准的供应商合同.

    4. 在本政策生效之日已经存在的遗留系统除外, all costs associated with the 安装 and 维护 of an alarm system shall be born by the office or department installing the system.

    5. 安装报警系统的办公室或部门必须承担持续的监控费用, 按照合同规定.

  3. 环境警报

    1. 环境警报包括所有监测不涉及有害物质的情况的警报系统, 对人类生命的威胁, 或者潜在的犯罪活动.

    2. A department or office installing an environmental alarm system must provide the alarm company with detailed information about the conditions to be monitored, 这些条件的可接受参数, 以及什么情况会引起警报.

    3. A department or office with an environmental alarm system must provide detailed instructions to the alarm company describing the actions to be taken by the monitoring service in the event of an alarm condition. 这些说明必须包括24小时, 优先联系人列表,包括部门或办公室人员的姓名和电话号码,以便在警报情况下得到通知. 联系人名单应及时更新.

    4. OUPD shall not be listed as a point of contact for environmental alarms unless specific arrangements for doing so have been reviewed and approved by the chief of police or his designee.

  4. 安全警报

    1. 安全警报 include all alarm systems that monitor conditions indicative of potential criminal activity or 对人类生命的威胁, 火灾警报器和危险物质警报器除外.

    2. A department or office seeking to install a security system must submit a detailed description of the proposed 安装 to the chief of police or his designee. 说明书应包括所有要监测的条件, 所有传感器的位置, 该系统将在正常时间内生效, 以及任何与警报区域有关的安全问题. 除了, a twenty-four hour prioritized contact list with names and phone numbers of department or office personnel to be notified in case of an alarm condition or problem with the system must be provided to the Ohio university police department (OUPD) and kept current.

    3. The department or office installing a security system will inform the alarm company that OUPD shall be the only point of notification for all alarm activations or trouble with the system. 在激活或故障通知情况下, OUPD将确定适当的响应, 如果激活需要,派遣警察, 并将报警或故障通知相应的部门或办公室人员. OUPD还应提供武装和解除所有安全警报系统的通道.

    4. OUPD may issue a written warning to any department or office with a security alarm system that results in repeated false alarm activations due to employee error or other correctable conditions (e.g.,一个风扇留在吹纸上,激活一个运动传感器). OUPD may levy a per incident charge for each false activation occurring after a department or office has received a written warning.

    5. Any department or office with a security system that discontinues active use and monitoring of the system must notify the chief of police or his designee 以书面形式说明系统正在停用,以及停用的生效日期.

  5. 危险物质报警器

    1. 危险物质警报包括所有监测有害物质(如化学物质)水平的警报系统, 辐射, 激光, 等.,火警除外.

    2. A department or office seeking to install a hazardous material alarm system must submit a detailed description of the proposed 安装 to the director of environmental health and safety (EHS) or his designee. 说明书应包括所有要监测的条件, 所有传感器的位置, 该系统将在正常时间内生效, 以及紧急救援人员在发生警报情况时的具体说明和安全预防措施. 除了, a twenty-four hour prioritized contact list with names and phone numbers of department or office personnel to be notified in case of an alarm condition or problem with the system must be provided to OUPD and kept current.

    3. 环境健康安全主任或其指定人员应批准或修改建议,并将其交回部门或办公室, 然后由谁与报警公司协调安装, 根据大学合同.

    4. The department or office installing a hazardous material alarm system will inform the alarm company that OUPD shall be the only point of notification for all alarm activations or trouble with the system. 在激活或故障通知情况下, OUPD将确定适当的响应, 如果激活需要,派遣适当的应急人员, 并将报警或故障通知相应的部门或办公室人员.

    5. Any department or office with a hazardous material alarm system that discontinues active use and monitoring of the system must notify the director of EHS and the chief of police, 或其指定人员, 以书面形式说明系统正在停用,以及停用的生效日期.

  6. 火警

    1. 火灾报警器包括监视潜在火灾情况的所有报警系统.

    2. A department or office seeking to install a fire alarm must submit a detailed request to the director of EHS or his or her designee.

    3. The director of EHS or his or her designee shall approve or modify the proposal and provide the department or office with an estimated cost.

    4. 该部门或办公室将向规划单位主管提交请求和估算费用以供批准. 如果资金被确定并且安装被批准, 在EHS的指导下,按照国家和国家所有适用的标准和法规完成.

    5. All fire alarm systems shall remotely report activations to a dedicated reporting terminal located in the emergency communications center responsible for dispatching emergency services to the location of the fire alarm system.

    6. 系统维护由EHS负责.

  7. 传统报警系统的过渡

    1. 遗留报警系统是指在本保单生效之日已安装并运行的报警系统.

    2. All departments or offices with a legacy alarm system will be notified in writing of the transition to the single-source vendor contract for continued 维护 and monitoring of alarm systems. The written notification shall include the estimated cost to the department or office to maintain their existing alarm system for the remainder of the current fiscal year and all of the following fiscal year.

    3. 将遗留系统转换为单一源供应商的成本将由OUPD承担, unless a legacy system is incompatible with the single-source vendor and would require the procurement and 安装 of a new system.

    4. 与延续遗留系统相关的监测费用应由部门或办公室承担.

    5. Included in the written notification will be a suspense date by which departments or offices shall decide to continue their alarm system with the single-source vendor, 或者关闭他们的警报系统.

    6. Departments or offices choosing to continue their alarm system shall coordinate the transition with OUPD and the single-source vendor. 除了, 他们应提供本政策其他地方要求的所有联系人名单和回应说明.

    7. 一旦过渡,所有报警系统将按照本政策进行维护.



  1. 财务和行政副总裁

  2. 负责风险管理和安全的副总裁

  3. 首席信息官

  4. 环境健康与安全主任

  5. 设施管理总监

  6. 策划组主管