





安德鲁·D. 权力|警察局长


David Descutner | Interim Executive Vice President and Provost


M. 杜安·内利斯|总裁

  1. 目的

    本政策规定了在newbb电子平台newbb电子公共和半公共区域安装和使用视频监控系统的安全和安保目的. 这一政策并不意味着也不保证监控摄像头将被实时监控.

    To ensure the protection of individual privacy rights in accordance with the law, 以及维护学术自由,避免阻碍第一修正案权利的行使, 采用这项政策是为了使安装监视设备和处理的程序正规化, 查看, 保留, 传播, 以及销毁监控录像

    Video surveillance will be conducted in a professional, ethical, and legal manner. Any diversion of surveillance records for other purposes (e.g., surveillance of political or religious activities) is prohibited. 在任何情况下,不得以营利或商业出版为目的利用任何录像内容, nor will such recordings be publicly distributed except as may be required by law.

  2. 范围

    1. 公共和半公共区域

      This policy applies to video surveillance in areas that are public or semi-public, in which there is not a reasonable expectation of privacy. It is important to note that just because an area may have restricted access, that alone does not create an expectation of privacy (e.g. 宿舍休息室, 计算机实验室, 教室 limited to students of a particular college or class, 等.)

    2. 私人领域

      Areas on campus that have a reasonable expectation of privacy, 包括教室, are prohibited from being subject to video surveillance under this policy. 一般, 校园里的私人区域包括, 但不限于, 教室, 私人生活区, 住宅走廊, 卫生间, 单人办公室, 等. Normally, video cameras in areas that could potentially capture both private areas (e.g. 应该安装一扇通往宿舍(房间)和公共或半公共区域的窗户,这样摄像头的视野就不会包括私人区域. If reasonable measures cannot be taken to exclude private areas from a camera’s view, the private areas will be digitally blocked from view on both live and recorded images.

    3. 异常

      The following uses of video surveillance are exempt from this policy:

      1. 由newbb电子平台警察局或与之合作进行的刑事调查;

      2. Academic instruction or feedback, as long as the video is not set to continuously record;

      3. 在没有“合理的隐私预期”和不被记录的地区的公共网络流媒体视频.g.,在newbb电子平台网站上);

      4. Recording of public performance events for public entertainment (e.g.体育赛事、戏剧、讲座等.).

  3. 程序

    1. OUPD has the exclusive authority to administer this policy.

    2. 该政策涵盖的所有视频监控系统的安装将仅使用大学选择的企业视频监控解决方案.

    3. OUPD, 在设计和建造的协助下,信息技术办公室将监督核准的视频监控设备的安装.

    4. Video surveillance footage will only be recorded to the university's centralized server.

    5. Appropriate signage will be placed at all locations under video surveillance. 标牌上写着:This Area is Subject to Video Surveillance." Signage will also include contact information for the Ohio university police department.

    6. 负责提议安装视频监控系统的单位将:

      1. Draft a written request to 警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, which includes:

        1. Draft drawings which show the proposed location and direction of each camera;

        2. An employee who will be the unit's point of contact for the system; and

        3. Approval from the appropriate administrative head of the unit seeking the installation.

      2. 警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, will review the request for conformity to this policy and approve or deny the request.

        1. 如果是警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, intends to approve a request for video surveillance installation, he or she shall notify the chairs of the administrative, 分类, 教师, and student senates and provide them with a copy of the approved request.

          1. 参议院主席从收到待批准通知之日起,有14个日历日的时间对安装提出反对.

          2. Objections will be filed with the vice president, 或者他们指定的人, 拟建设施所属分区的文件,并抄送警察局长或其指定人员.

          3. 适当的副总统应有最终权力解决异议并通知警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, and the chair of the objecting senate of their decision.

          4. 一旦收到最终批准, 或者在通知参议院主席后的十四个日历日内没有人提出异议, 警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, shall notify the proposing unit of the installation's approval and the project may proceed.

        2. If disapproved (either by 警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, or as a result of an objection sustained by a vice president), 警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, 会否通知提出建议的单位,并可能包括建议,以使建议符合政策. The unit may elect to make those changes and resubmit the proposal to 警察局长, 或者他们指定的人.

  4. 使用视频监控系统

    1. 公共和半公共区域的视频监控将以符合学校所有政策的方式进行. 任何被认为违反大学政策的行为都应按照大学政策中其他地方列出的适用的争议解决程序进行解决.

    2. OUPD将单独监督大学视频监控系统和所有摄像机的访问权限. Real-time and historical video access will be restricted. 在任何时候,都不允许为了寻找不当行为的非提示证据而访问系统.

    3. No video recordings will be duplicated without permission from OUPD.

    4. 实时视频接入

      1. 任何需要实时观看视频的个人或部门都将向警察局长提交“实时视频访问请求”表格, 或者他们指定的人.

      2. 警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, 是否会审核合法的操作需求请求,并批准或拒绝该请求. 如果得到批准, OUPD will ensure access is granted.

    5. 历史记录

      1. Agencies outside of Ohio university may need to obtain a subpoena for video recordings, as determined by the office of legal affairs.

      2. 历史记录将提供给newbb电子平台官员进行真诚的调查. 调查官将向警察厅长提交“历史录像访问请求书”, 或者他们指定的人.

      3. 警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, 是否会审核要求是否符合本政策,并在适当情况下批准或拒绝该要求. 如果得到批准, 警察局长, 或者他们指定的人, will ensure the investigating official obtains access to the recordings.

        1. 经确定没有管理价值的录音副本将退还给开发计划署销毁.

        2. 经确定具有行政价值的录音副本将由调查部门保留, subject to their 保留 schedule policy.

      4. 所有newbb电子平台的警察和通讯人员将可以永久访问所有的视频监控系统, 无论是实时的还是历史的.

    6. Any person who has been granted access to the video surveillance system will: (1) not allow their access to be used by another person; and (2) use their access only for the purpose of their job duties.

  5. 记录的处理

    1. No attempt will be made to alter any part of any video recording. Access to video surveillance systems will be configured to prevent tampering with records.

    2. Ohio university police department will determine the minimum standards for video recording.

    3. Video surveillance records on the central server, 以最低标准记录时, will be stored for a period not less than thirty days and will then promptly be deleted.

    4. If an operational need arises for a camera(s) to record above the minimum standard, 该单位的联络人或调查官员应向警察局长提出书面请求, 或者他们指定的人, explaining the need and duration for the change. Such requests will be approved or denied by 警察局长 or designee. 由于数据存储的限制, 在30天的保留期内,可能无法获得批准摄像机的视频记录. 警察局长或指定人员将确保受影响的相机尽快恢复到最低标准.

  6. Transition of legacy video surveillance systems

    1. 遗留视频监控系统是指受本政策约束的视频监控系统, 但在此政策生效之前安装,并且在此政策生效之日未连接到学校使用的企业视频监控系统解决方案.

    2. 传统视频监控系统将在12月31日之前过渡到该大学的企业视频监控系统, 2018. 12月31日前未过渡为企业视频监控系统的视频监控系统, 2018年将停用.

    3. 一旦转换, all video surveillance systems will be administrated, 维护, and operated in accordance with this policy.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Vice President for Finance and Administration

  2. Chief of Police, newbb电子平台 Police Department

  3. 首席信息官

  4. Associate Vice President of University Planning

  5. 行政参议院主席

  6. 教职员评议会主席