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Clinical Faculty

Clinical faculty ranks:

  • Assistant Clinical Professor
  • Associate Clinical Professor
  • Clinical Professor

Promotion salary increases for Clinical Faculty:

  • 晋升临床副教授:$4,670(2024年7月开始)
  • 晋升临床教授:6670美元(2024年7月开始)
  • (按兼职/全职聘用情况按比例分摊)

Timeline for Clinical Faculty Promotion

  • On or before the last day of fall semester exams
    • 系主任/主任以书面形式通知教员有关晋升的部门决定.
  • On or before the first day of spring semester
    • 主席/主任向收到积极晋升建议的教员转发档案, along with the own written letter of support, to the college.
  • On or before March 1
    • 院长以书面形式通知系主任/主任/其他人员和候选人拒绝部门的晋升建议.
    • College dean sends select portions of dossiers, 对于获得积极晋升推荐的教员, along with his/her own written letters of support, 致负责教学与发展的副教务长Katie Hartman (hartmank@mediagate-egy.net注:各学院应同时提交全部档案.
  • March 1 - March 31
    • 执行副校长教务长和校长都在审阅档案.
  • April 1
    • Executive vice president and provost notifies dean, chair, 和候选人书面拒绝部门推荐的晋升.
  • First week of April
    • EVPP办公室向校长和执行副校长候选人发送通知,教务长批准部门的晋升建议.

Throughout the promotion review process, the Clinical Faculty Promotion Review Form [Word] must accompany the dossier.
(Effective July 1, 2024)

宣传册中只有部分材料会提交给常务副校长、教务长和校长进行审查. 要查看这些材料的列表,请向下滚动到页面底部.

关于临床教师的定义,雇用和晋升的信息可以在 Ohio University Faculty Handbook. 下面是关于临床教员晋升的手册摘录.

Clinical Faculty Promotion

Documents Submission Guidelines

只需要将以下文件提交给执行副总裁 & provost (EVPP) and the president for review. 这些文件应从促销包中取出,并按指定的顺序组装. Documents must be removed from binders, plastic sheet protectors, 或其他临时材料,然后扫描(双面)成PDF格式,然后由EVPP和总裁审查.

以电子方式(通过电子邮件或共享的OneDrive文件夹)提交所有考虑晋升的人员的文件, from each college at the time to Katie Hartman (

Materials are due on or before March 1.

Section One - Introductory Documents

  1. Review form for promotion (signature sheet)
  2. 学院院长关于晋升建议优劣的信
  3. College promotion committee letter (if applicable)
  4. Chair/Director letter
  5. Department/School promotion committee letter
  6. 主席/董事的年度评估信及任何晋升进度信
  7. 教员的临床教员聘书/聘书复印件(如果修改过,则是最近的)

Section Two - Promotion Summary Documents

Note对于第4-2小节(下文),教师应遵循版本1中描述的指导方针 or Version 2. 开始日期在2024年8月15日之前的教师可以选择版本1或版本2. 开始日期在2024年8月15日之后的教师必须使用版本2.

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Academic Preparation
  3. Professional Experience
  4. Instruction and Advising
    1. 教学负荷-过去3-5年的课程. Any changes in teaching assignments
    2. Teaching Effectiveness
      1.  (Version1)-课程组织,演示和要求的证明. Student evaluation information. Teaching awards and recognition. Selection for teaching in special programs. 作为学生参与教学强化项目. 其他证明教学效果的证据(例如:来自教员同行的支持信)
      2. (Version 2) - evidence (e.g., self-assessment narratives, sample course materials, teaching observations, student evaluations of teaching, peer reviews of teaching, student achievement of learning outcomes, participation in continuing education programs, participation in teaching enhancement programs, 和/或教学荣誉/奖项)必须包括在内,以支持至少一个以下标准来证明教学有效性:
        1. Preparation (i.e., planning for teaching)
        2. Engagement (i.e.,提供内容和管理学生的学习过程)
        3. Inclusion (i.e., serving the learning needs of all students)
        4. Subject Expertise (i.e., maintaining/developing expert subject knowledge)
        5. Pedagogical Competence (i.e., 维护/发展教学理论和实践方面的知识和技能)
        6. Outcome (i.e., achieving desired teaching results)
        7. Improvement (i.e., revising teaching practices over time)
        8. Adaptability & Innovation (i.e.,引导不断变化的教与学的本质)
    3. Interdisciplinary Teaching
    4. Advising and Supervision
  5. Research and Scholarly Accomplishments
    1. Articles in Professional Journals
    2. Other Publications and Presentations
    3. Books or Portions of Books
    4. Sponsored Research and Grants
    5. Proposals
    6. Other
  6. 临床实践-考虑推广的临床实践证据可能包括, but is not limited to:
    1. 扩大临床服务和/或在实践领域创建新服务线的证据
    2. Evidence of clinical quality outcomes; indicators selected and reported by the applicant
    3. 说明一段时间以来趋势的年度患者满意度数据/评级的证据.g. 3-5 years)
    4. 证明及时/充分地完成医疗记录和其他文件
    5. 获得委员会认证或重新认证
    6. 实施患者安全和持续质量改进措施
    7. 发展临床和社区项目,增加社区服务的机会
    8. 具备在医疗保健提供者的跨专业团队中工作和/或领导的能力
    9. 从临床专业知识和循证实践中开发患者教育材料
    10. Leadership position within the practice, such as medical director, or clinical practices consultant; sustained track record of exemplary clinical leadership
    11. 学院/系外的同行认为该活动具有示范性,并促进了实践的改进
    12. 雇主出具的证明候选人在行业中信誉良好的信函
  7. Committees, Professional Associations and Service
    1. 学部、系或学院、学院、大学委员会服务
    2. State and national professional service
      1. 专业协会委员会、专责小组、工作小组等成员.
      2. Elected office, board of directors, etc.
      3. 为提高临床实践标准作出贡献
      4. 临床实践或临床产品开发顾问
      5. Editorial consultant/reviewer
      6. Member of accreditation organization
  8. Interdisciplinary Contributions
  9. Other Factors 


  1. Attach a current, comprehensive, curriculum vitae
  2. Department/School/Campus promotion guidelines
  3. College promotion guidelines