


  • 助理教授
  • 副教授
  • 教授

促销活动 Salary Increases for 终身教职

  • 促销活动 to 副教授: $6,670 (starting in July 2024)
  • 促销活动 to 教授: $9,670 (starting in July 2024)
  • (pro-rated based on part-time / full-time appointment status)


的 total period of probationary service prior to the acquisition of continuous tenure shall not exceed seven years except under certain circumstances. Please refer to the 教师手册 for details.

Chart to determine probationary period end dates and tenure decision dates for faculty on a seven-year clock [PDF]

Nonrenewal of Probationary Appointments

  • 2月1日或之前
    Nonrenewal notifications during the first year of service for contracts expiring at the end of the academic year or no later than 3 months before date of expiration for other contracts.
  • 11月15日或之前
    Nonrenewal notification during the second year of service for contracts expiring at the end of the academic year or no later than 6 months before expiration for other contracts.
  • 5月30日或之前
    Nonrenewal notification after two or more years of service for contracts expiring at the end of the academic year or no later than 12 months before expiration for other contracts.

Progress Toward 促销活动 / 任期内 - Prior to 任期内 Decision Deadline

  • 2月1日或之前
    这把椅子, 导演, or program/division coordinator provides probationary faculty with annual letter of evaluation regarding progress toward tenure. No request by these faculty is required.
  • 3月15日或之前
    教师 member receives formal notice of reappointment for next year. 持续的教师, excluding those undergoing active consideration for 促销活动/tenure are sent contracts, 如果可行的.
  • 7月15日
    Contracts sent to all continuing faculty members unless deadline extended by 教师参议院.

Second Year Probationary 教师 - Information Verification

每年, the Office of the Executive Vice 总统 and 教务长 sends information, retrieved from Human 资源 records, for verification to tenure-track faculty members in the second year of their probationary period. Information includes their probationary period end dates, 任期的最后期限, 以及其他相关信息.


A faculty member's probationary period can be extended beyond the maximum time only in the event of a procedural error, as the result of a period of leave of six months or longer, or of significantly reduced capacity for six months or longer, and subject to approval by the 促销活动 and 任期内 Committee of the 教师参议院.

In case of sick leave or other cause of significantly reduced capacity lasting six months or longer, a probationary faculty member may request that the probationary period be extended by one year. This written request goes first to the departmental 椅子, 然后是教务长, and finally to the 教务长 with the understanding that normally it will be granted. 的 request should be made ahead of time if the sick leave or reduced capacity can be anticipated; but, 无论如何, the request must be made within one year of the beginning of the period of sick leave or reduced capacity and before August 15 of the individual's penultimate probationary year. It is possible to have a second one-year extension during the probationary period, but the approval is much less automatic.

在休假的情况下, 非终身教职员工, periods of leave for longer than six months will extend the probationary period by one year, unless there is a written agreement to the contrary approved by the faculty member, 部门主席, 教务长, 和教务长.

注意: 2020年3月, newbb电子平台 granted an automatic, one-year extension to the tenure clock of all tenure-track faculty employed at that time. 除了, if a mid-term (three-year) review is required by a college or department, the automatic extension also applied to mid-term reviews. 然而, tenure-track faculty may also opt to forgo the automatic, one-year extension and apply for tenure and have their mid-term review (if required) according to the schedule in their original letter of appointment. 


终身教职评审表 (effective 7/1/24) accompanies the dossier throughout the review process.

Requirements for tenure and 促销活动 in specific disciplines are developed within the departments/schools and the colleges or regional campuses where those disciplines are housed. 任期内 is granted by the president upon recommendation of the department, 学院院长, and the executive vice president and provost. For detailed information regarding faculty tenure, 促销活动, 拒绝租住权, and other matters at newbb电子平台 consult the 教师手册.

Documents for review by the executive vice president and provost should be submitted electronically in a single file.


External review is expected for all cases of 促销活动 or 促销活动 and tenure.

Both the faculty candidate and the department/school 促销活动 and tenure committee should be involved in the process of selecting external reviewers. 的 committee should not select only reviewers proposed by the faculty candidate. Reviewers should not be the faculty candidates' thesis/dissertation advisor(s); former teachers, 合著者, and collaborators; friends, relatives or other persons closely aligned with the faculty candidate. 的 external reviewers should have appropriate academic accomplishments, rank (in the case of 促销活动 to 教授 should be similarly ranked) and be from appropriate institutions. 

提示: newbb电子平台 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 年龄, 种族, 国家的起源, 国家的祖先, 性, status as a parent during pregnancy and immediately after the birth of a child, status as a parent of a young child, 作为养父母的身份, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达, 性取向, 服兵役, 资深地位, 精神或身体残疾, 或者遗传信息. 

Dossiers should include descriptions of the external review process, external reviewer letters (typically four to six letters), and a short biographical summary for each external reviewer.

晋升及任期检讨 Timeline

的 timeline below may vary by college, campus, department, school, or division. Dates determined by the 教师手册, indicated with an *, are unlikely to change.

  • 夏季和初秋学期
    • 教师 seeking 促销活动 / tenure finalize their dossiers.
  • 9月15日之前
    • 终身教职, 谁有资格升职, 通知系主任, 学校的主任, or division coordinator of the intent to seek 促销活动.
  • 9月15日*
    • 终身教职 eligible for 促销活动 may request letter of evaluation from the department 椅子, 学校的主任, 或者部门协调员. (All probationary faculty receive an evaluation letter annually, 没有要求, on or before February 1 each year.)
  • September 15 - Fall Semester Exam Week
    • Department, school, division committees (if applicable) 审查档案.
    • 椅子, 导演s, division coordinators, etc. 审查档案.
  • Last Day of Fall Semester Exams or Prior*
    • 椅子 or 导演 notifies candidates under review for tenure and/or 促销活动, 以书面形式, of departmental decisions regarding their 促销活动/tenure applications.
  • First Day of Spring Semester or Prior
    • 椅子, 导演, or division coordinator forwards approved dossiers, along with their own written recommendations, to the college / regional campus deans.
  • From First Day of Spring Semester through 3月 1
    • ​​​​​​​学院/校园P&T委员会(如适用) and dean reviews dossiers.
    • ​​​​​​​Dean's office prepares documents for review by the executive vice president and provost.
  • 3月1日或之前*
    • ​​​​​​​Deans sends written notification to candidates, 以及他们的主席或董事, regarding any rejections of recommendation for tenure and/or 促销活动.
    • Deans add their own written recommendation to each dossier.
    • Deans' offices submit the appropriate documents from dossiers electronically.
  • On or before 3月 1, as dossiers are received
    • 的 staff in the office of the associate provost for faculty development reviews dossiers and then submits them to the executive vice president and provost and then to the president for evaluation.
  • 3月
    • Executive vice president and provost and president reviews dossiers.
  • 4月1日*
    • Executive vice president and provost notifies dean, 椅子, and candidate 以书面形式 of rejection of department recommendation for 促销活动/tenure.
  • 四月的第一个星期
    • EVPP office sends notifications to candidates of president's and executive vice president and provost's approval of departmental recommendations for 促销活动/tenure.
  • 校董会
    • A list of faculty awarded tenure and/or 促销活动s is given to the 校董会, 作为信息项, 在下次会议上.

促销活动 / 任期内 Effective Dates

的 probationary period ends when tenure is awarded. 促销活动s and tenure are effective on the first day of the faculty contract for the next academic year, 除非特殊情况.

NOTE: This web p年龄 provides general 促销活动 and tenure information. 的 newbb电子平台教师手册 addresses these topics more fully and is the university's authority on these matters.

任期内 and 促销活动 Review Progression - Regional Campus 教师

  1. 部门/学校P&T委员会
  2. Department 椅子 or 学校的主任
  3. 大学P&T委员会(如适用)
  4. 学院院长
  5. 教务长
  6. 总统
  7. 校董会 (notification only)

注意: Advancement in rank or award of tenure of RHE-based faculty is the responsibility of the 雅典 home department and follow criteria presented at the time of hire (newbb电子平台教师手册, 第二节.O).

注意: Regional Campus Deans letters should be solicited and used in the same way as external review according to the department/school 促销活动 and tenure processes.

Detailed information can be found in the newbb电子平台教师手册.