
俄亥俄州的影响 Southeast Regional Conference gathers state, 大学, community leaders


最近的 俄亥俄州的影响 Southeast Regional Conference brought together state 和 community leaders with key stakeholders to talk about the current 和 future state of Ohio’s infrastructure, 经济发展和公共卫生. 

事件, held at the newbb电子平台 Inn 和 Conference Center on November 7, 特朗普中将在午餐会上发表讲话. 政府. Jon hust.

“如果你看看俄亥俄州的经济, we’re outpacing growth in terms of wages 和 overall net growth of most midwestern states right now,赫斯特德说. 

He also discussed Ohio’s changing industrial l和scape, 创新技术, 协作的重要性, 以及我们如何继续变得更好. 雅典, he noted, continues to improve through its abundance of talent. 

“All these are important in how you collaborate to get things done to achieve the goal on the horizon,赫斯特德说.

Attendees also heard updates from Ohio Secretary of State Frank 的女子, 和 Treasurer Robert 斯普拉格.

的女子 discussed ways to overcome low voter turnout. One tactic, he suggested, is making new voters comfortable with technology. 的女子 said his office arranged for several high schools to hold their homecoming court votes on real electoral voting machines to show future voters how easy the process can be. 在完成投票后, students received an “I voted” sticker along with a voter registration form. 

的女子’s office also approves articles of incorporation for new 业务es in Ohio, 和 he noted that the Buckeye State had a record-setting number of 业务 started for the month of September.

“My vision for Ohio is a prosperous economy 和 a thriving democracy,” 的女子 said.

斯普拉格 briefly spoke about the Family Forward Project, which will alleviate some of the financial burdens that accompany the adoption process by offering low-interest loans to first-time adopters.

斯普拉格 also singled out newbb电子平台’s contributions to the state’s progress on several fronts. 

“A lot of the innovation that we are talking about statewide is coming out of newbb电子平台,他说. 

俄亥俄州’s innovations stem from programs such as TechGROWTH俄亥俄州, newbb电子平台 Procurement Technical Assistance Center, 创新中心, along with University’s supported start-ups such as 全球变冷newbb电子平台校长M. 杜安内尔尼斯. 

“I firmly believe that here at newbb电子平台, we want to be a partner with all of you to collaborate relative to economic growth 和 development 和 improvements in the quality of life for our citizens of this region,内利斯告诉与会者. 

In addition to high-level speakers, event featured several panel discussions. 杰森·乔利, professor at the 沃伊诺维奇学校 of Leadership 和 Public Affairs, moderated the panel “Exploring Infrastructure Needs in Southeast Ohio.”小组成员说 Bret Allphin, development director of Buckeye Hills Regional Council; 杰伊·班尼特, public service director of the City of 赞斯维尔; 克雷格·巴特勒, district chief of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Southeast District; 和 斯蒂芬妮·吉尔伯特, transportation planning coordinator of the Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission. 

Conversations largely surrounded the need to integrate technology into Ohio’s infrastructure, relying on partnerships to make it possible. 

Bret Allphin

“好的一面是, partnership 和 collaboration is how rural Appalachia 和 our heritage has survived as a culture,阿尔芬说. 

玛莎·刘易斯, senior associate dean of the 沃伊诺维奇学校, moderated a panel on “Economic Opportunity 和 Elevating the Regional Economy.” 

专家是 马修·哈蒙德, executive vice president of the Ohio Oil 和 Gas Association; 莎朗·霍普金斯, director of the newbb电子平台 Procurement Technical Assistance Center; 迈克·雅各比, president of the Appalachian 合作伙伴hip for Economic Growth; 和 丽迪雅Mihalik, director of the Ohio Development Services Agency. 

“The center of entrepreneurial development 和 success is in 雅典 County in the great work the 沃伊诺维奇学校 is doing,雅各比说. 

自1984年以来, 俄亥俄州的影响 has organized bipartisan conferences where representatives of government, 媒体, 学术界, 业务, 和 non-government organizations can discuss the effect of policy, politics 和 elections on communities 和 the state.