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Jeffrey A. 芬克尔newbb电子平台经济发展实习现接受申请

January 22, 2021

The Jeffrey A. 芬克尔newbb电子平台经济发展实习为隶属于沃伊诺维奇领导与公共事务学院的本科生和研究生提供在国际经济发展理事会(IEDC)实习的机会,并获得实践经验, hands-on experience in local economic development issues and trends. 感谢给newbb电子平台基金会增加了一份为期三年的新礼物, the IEDC has funded $123,000 toward the internship since it was first created in 2011.

十多年前设立的这个实习项目认可了杰弗里·A·奥巴马25年来在经济发展方面的国家领导地位. Finkle毕业于newbb电子平台,并获得了大学荣誉勋章. 杰夫·芬克尔是公认的经济发展领域的领导者和国际权威. 作为国际经济发展理事会(IEDC)主席兼首席执行官, the world’s largest economic development membership organization, he contributes his expertise on community revitalization, business development and job creation to projects nationwide.

Since the establishment of the internship, 沃伊诺维奇学校的几名学生有机会参与其中, including Francis Anagbonu, Maggie ClarkKendra Green and Hannah Burke. 点击他们的名字,了解他们如何在实习期间运用所学知识,亲身体验经济发展.

ORGANIZATION PROFILE: 国际经济发展理事会(IEDC)是一个非营利性会员组织,致力于帮助经济开发人员更有效地开展工作,提高该行业的知名度. When we succeed, our members create more high-quality jobs, develop more vibrant communities, and generally improve the quality of life in their regions. 他们的使命是“为我们的社区提供领导和卓越的经济发展”, members, and partners.” They embrace the following core values. 它们反映和支持我们的使命,并指导我们的决策、行动和提供服务:

  • 社会责任和致力于建立健康,公正和有竞争力的社区
  • Creation of wealth for individuals, businesses, and communities
  • 经济发展专业和经济发展专业的发展
  • Cooperation and collaboration
  • Diversity, tolerance, and equity

POSITION DESCRIPTION: The Jeffrey A. 芬克尔newbb电子平台经济发展实习生将与IEDC的工作人员密切合作,作为团队的一员,在快节奏的环境中帮助推进IEDC的使命. 您将有机会通过实践研究了解更多关于社区如何恢复经济的主题. 您将与经济发展和相关行业的专家建立联系,并获得内部人士对经济发展职业机会的看法. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Conduct and compile research on latest trends in economic development. 这通常涉及对从业人员和研究机构进行大量的口头电话采访, in addition to internet and journal-based research.
  • 协助开展各种经济发展主题的最佳实践研究和案例研究
  • 协助筹备各种经济发展主题的论坛
  • 协助社区经济发展评估的实地考察准备和背景研究

IEDC的实习生在组织中发挥着不可或缺的作用,并受到这样的待遇, with content-based activities significantly outweighing administrative tasks. As such, 实习生应该是主动的,并且能够自如地完成任务和项目.

这个竞争激烈的实习是为希望学习新科目的学生准备的, expand current knowledge, and gain valuable work experience, particularly in the area of economic development. Interns often have the opportunity to attend local IEDC conferences, brown bag lunches and professional development webinars.


QUALIFICATIONS: The Jeffrey A. 芬克尔newbb电子平台经济发展实习适用于本科生(大三或大四)和曾在newbb电子平台沃伊诺维奇学院工作或与之有联系的研究生. In addition to MPA, MSES, and Voinovich Scholars, 那些通过申请中心和联盟在沃伊诺维奇学院有过当前或过去工作实习的学生有资格申请. 所有申请人在申请时必须是学术成绩良好的newbb电子平台学生.

Students must be pursuing a field related to economic development, city and regional planning, public administration or public policy.

Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

NOTE: If you are a graduating senior, your last eligible date for employment in this internship is July 3, 2021. 你仍然有资格考虑实习,但你在这个职位上的最后一天是7月3日.



LOCATION: Washington, DC

NOTE: This internship may take place virtually. 实习的性质将在接近夏季时确定.

SALARY: $13.00/hour (Housing and transportation is the responsibility of the intern)

STIPEND and TUITION ASSISTANCE: No (travel assistance is provided but is considered taxable income)

COLLEGE CREDITS: 该实习有资格获得大学学分,最多可获得六学分. 实习生需要向他们的教师赞助商提交一份周刊以及一篇期末论文.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 12, 2021, 5 p.m.

Submit the following materials via e-mail to Amista Lipot at :

  1. Cover letter
  2. Resume
  3. One writing sample (not to exceed 15 pages, typed and double spaced)
  4. Two letters of reference
  5. One faculty sponsor form (internship agreement form, linked here [PDF]) 

For questions contact Amista Lipot via email at or by phone at 740.597.1558.