Sustainability, Security and Resilience Curriculum and 证书

Sustainability, Security and Resilience Curriculum and 证书

This innovative program is designed to teach both the theory of effective climate change adaptation as well as the technical skills to implement it.  The certificates can be earned individually or stacked to culminate with the capstone class and into a degree. Please note that only select classes from the program are offered each semester.

View the Graduate Catalog for Full Program Details

Learn Based on Industry Best Practices

Degree and certificate outcomes meet the core competencies developed by the American Society of Adaptation Professionals including risk and vulnerability management, climate related hazards and impacts, adaptation 和弹性 to climate change, 系统思考, 变更管理, 正义与公平, 和沟通.

Master of Sustainability, Security and Resilience (30 credit hours)

Community Risk and Resilience Certificate (9学时)

ES 5610: Resilience Theory and Practice

Resiliency has emerged as a central concept across a wide variety of fields including city planning, 政策分析, 人类安全, 经济学, natural resource and 环境 management, 公共服务, 基础设施 planning, 工程, technology innovation, 事实上, any field dealing with rapidly changing systems. Students unpack and apply ideas in resiliency theory to a broad range of fields of practice, link new theory with application, and gain real world experience in applying these concepts. Students examine resiliency as a general concept, critique the concept as a management approach, and focus on concrete applications.

ES 5640: Risk, Climate Security, and Community Engagement

Climate change and other rapid 环境 changes create risk to communities, 基础设施, and 人类安全; managing these climate-related risks requires understanding of the community, its risk perception, and collaborative communication and management planning. Students characterize risk to communities from climate change and explore risk perception theory and methods to manage threats to 人类安全. Students discuss concepts of 正义与公平 in risks to 人类安全, 风险管理, 和沟通. Students explore these particular climate change and 环境 challenges through the multidimensional and interdisciplinary lens of 人类安全.

ES 5630: Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Policy

This course introduces students to the study of climate policy and planning. Students examine the range of mitigation, adaptation 和弹性 approaches for managing greenhouse gas emissions and the impacts of climate change to improve human and 环境 security. Students gain an understanding of the implications of climate change science for public policy making and hands-on experience in using climate information for preparing a climate change plan. Students explore a basic overview of public policy theory, discuss various policy options for mitigation and adaptation policy, and gain the skills necessary for incorporating climate into a diverse area of public policy issues. Students are presented with the general theory, analytic frameworks, and specific techniques necessary to 分析 climate change policy alternatives within a larger 人类安全 framework. The skills learned in this class are applicable to a variety of levels of government planning (当地的, 状态 and 国家) as well as across the private, nonprofit and public sectors.

ES 5620: Environmental Science and Public Policy

Public administrators face a wide range of 环境 science 和政策 challenges. This course develops skills in science literacy and 环境 policy management. Students are empowered with tools for addressing 环境 issues integral to economic development, 基础设施, and broader regulatory frameworks. This class explores the interaction between scientific analysis 和政策making through case 研究 at multiple levels of government.

ES 5831: Environmental Sustainability Assessment

This course covers the conceptual foundations and applied techniques of 可持续性 assessment. Sustainability assessment is a suite of approaches designed to evaluate the 环境 impacts of activities in an integrated, future-oriented and comprehensive manner in order to influence decision making. It provides a framework through which alternatives can be weighed, 流程分析, and tradeoffs made explicit. This course provides both the theoretical background and applied skills for 可持续性 professionals.

ES 6840 Environmental Leadership

Environmental leadership takes many forms on a wide variety of scales, issue areas, and sectors. The strategies, tactics, and skills deployed are just as diverse. Studying these different models and experiences is a critical component to understanding 环境 science, 研究, 和政策, and is a necessary step for preparing students to work as 环境 leaders in those worlds. This class explores these many 环境 leadership models, engages with leaders in public, 为了利益, and nonprofit sectors, and applies insights to developing the students’ 环境 leadership skills.

ES 5740 Strategies for Resilient Agriculture

Agricultural production systems comprise a fundamental sector of the economy, of which many policy makers have only specialized knowledge based on single commodities. Students gain an overview of the diverse portfolio of agricultural products that drive essential systems in the United States, and the major challenges that exist for achieving resiliency in the agricultural sector. Students explore food, 牲畜, 纤维, and fuel crop management and associate supply chains that are complex systems influencing social, 环境, and economic resilience.

ES 5730: Environmental Entrepreneurship

Students gain an understanding of key problems, 根本原因, and potential entrepreneurial solutions relevant to selected contemporary 环境 challenges. Students apply interdisciplinary perspectives to identify, 分析, and evaluate 环境 issues, 测量的影响, and establish criteria for effective remedies. The course reviews key 环境 challenges within selected areas, with themes chosen from contemporary issues in environment, health and wellbeing, 教育, economic development, and other timely topics. Fundamentals of social entrepreneurship enables students to design and present enterprise development models for market-based social ventures seeking to deliver such remedies. Students learn how to pitch venture proposals to address criteria evaluating efficacy, 可行性, 可持续性, and potential "return on investment" for both financial and social/环境 impacts.

ES 5720: Energy Systems and Policy

Energy systems are undergoing rapid change due to resource constraints, 市场的力量, 当地的, 状态, 国家, and inter国家 policy, and 环境 impacts. Public administrators have a need to understand the implications of energy systems and the policies that govern them. This course presents traditional and emerging energy systems and how policy affects these systems.

Master’s Degree Capstone

ES 6850: Capstone: Resilient Infrastructure and Communities

Resilience theory has emerged as an approach for understanding how systems are able to thrive through rapid, often unexpected change. Managing for resilience is key in preparing for some of the greatest challenges that society faces including climate change, 全球化, and rapid urbanization. 在这个顶点, students 分析 the risk and vulnerability of a community, 组织, or infrastructural system to unexpected change and develop strategies to improve the community or 组织's resilience. Students critically evaluate the resilience preparation at a 当地的, 状态, 区域, and 国家 level to highlight both best practices and lessons learned. They then select a system in which they are most interested including 基础设施, 城市中心, 社区计划, 生态系统, 组织, 和其他人. Students engage with 组织s and communities to develop a resilience plan for that system with a focus on improving 可持续性, 人类安全, 和弹性.