


theta is the national honorary collegiate society for students of Latin and/or Greek. Established by a group of 经典 students in 1914 at the University of Chicago (now the Alpha Chapter) and later merged with a similar group (now the Beta Chapter) from Northwestern University, theta (or ΗΣΦ) became a national society in 1924. In 1925, the Gamma Chapter was founded here at Ohio University, making ours one of the oldest chapters in theta's history.


At the national level, theta holds as its purpose the development and promotion of interest in classical studies at the collegiate level, and we in the Gamma Chapter are committed to such. 结果是, we hold weekly meetings and plan events throughout the academic term dedicated to celebrating and promoting our classical heritage, whether through events simple as 经典-based movie nights or as involved as our annual Taste of 经典 event. 此外, through the benevolent powers that run the national organization, our members have the opportunity to apply for a number of highly desirable scholarships and contests designed to assist students in their efforts to further their studies.

Di Immortales, how amazing! (or: 我如何加入?)

Although three kinds of membership are available at a national level, the most common kind of membership is active membership. In order to become an active member of theta, one must have at least a semester of Latin or Greek with a minimum grade of at least a B.

But Greek is killing me! Eheu, aorist passives!

不要害怕, young discipuli discipulaeque. We offer free walk-in tutoring every week during the semester. Can't make it to our evening sessions? 没问题. We're also tutors through the Academic Advancement Center as well, so that even if you can't come to our meetings, you can still defeat whichever villainous verb form happens to give you grief.

Having trouble with Latin? 不要 这家伙. 得到帮助.

另外, one need not be a member of theta to enjoy the myriad events sponsored by our chapter. 所有事件?weekly meetings, tutoring sessions, movie nights, and others?are open to non-members. This means that even if it really is "all Greek" to you, you can still take part in our events, listen to our speakers, and eat our pizza.

Tutoring Opportunities

Need help with learning Latin or Greek? Want an extra set of eyes on that paper you need to turn in for your 经典 or World Religions course? 不要害怕! theta offers free, private tutoring for Greek and Latin. We tutor students in all levels of study and are available for private or group tutoring. Just send us an email at EtaSigmaPhiOUtutoring@gmail.com 用你的名字, 课程级别, and the kind of tutoring you'd like, and a qualified master of the ancient arts (read: tutor) will get back to you.