

As a graduate student in the 历史 Department, 你是一个多元化和有才华的学生群体中的一员,他们在M .工作在不同的领域.A. 和Ph值.D. 水平. 你的导师和课程将以有助于你专业发展的方式挑战你. 我们项目的应届毕业生在大学、学院和非学术环境中都取得了非常好的就业机会,并获得了优秀大学学位课程的录取. We hope and expect that you will achieve similar success.

The 历史 Department’s graduate office oversees the department’s M.A. 和Ph值.D. 项目和学生. It consists of Director of 研究生 Studies (DGS) Professor 保罗Milazzo、行政专员 布伦达·尼尔森.

The graduate office can help with matters related to your program of graduate study, 请提出你们的问题, 问题, 或者引起我们注意的问题. The graduate secretary is usually available during regular business hours; the DGS will hold office hours that he will post at the beginning of each semester. 您可以随时通过电子邮件联系到他,他很乐意在双方方便的时间与您会面,而不是预定的办公时间. The graduate secretary has a wealth of knowledge about administrative issues. The DGS can provide information or advice about degree requirements, 学习课程, 以及其他学术问题. Please contact them as appropriate, and they will do whatever they can to help.

研究生 Students have their own organization, the 历史 Department 研究生 Association (HGSA), which can provide information and assistance on many important matters. Each year, HGSA elects two graduate 学生, one in the M.A. 另一个在攻读博士学位.D. program, to serve with faculty members on the 历史 Department’s 研究生 Committee. 学生会员不得参加讨论学生事务的任何会议或部分会议.

The pages that follow contain some basic information about graduate study in history. To supplement it, please rely on other sources of information. 其中最有价值的是:

M.A. 学生计划指南和提醒

历史系有两个M.A. 跟踪, 要求写论文的人, and a second that requires a comprehensive exam rather than a thesis. 全职米.A. 学生, whether they select the thesis or non-thesis option, should plan to complete their degrees in two academic years. 那些希望进入博士学位的学生.D. program in history should select the thesis option.

Ph.D. 学生计划指南和提醒

历史系提供博士学位.D. 学习许多地理和主题领域. Because of a requirement of the Ohio Board of Regents, the dissertation field must be in―contemporary history, which is defined as the period since the end of World War I.


由他们自行决定, 历史系课程的讲师可能会给研究生一个PR(或进步)等级。, if that grade is permissible in the relevant course. 这个分数是给在学期结束前没有完成所有课程要求的学生. PR的成绩是一个临时的成绩,一旦学生完成了这门课程的优秀工作,就会被一个字母成绩所取代.

Students should avoid taking PRs in the courses they need for graduation. (Exceptions are dissertation or thesis hours, 在哪里, 再一次。, the grade of PR is automatic until the submission of the thesis or dissertation.)学生应在提交出色的作业并满足导师在分配PR成绩时所规定的任何其他条件后,尽快从其记录中删除PR. 修读过多pr课程的学生将收到DGS的警告,说明他们在完成学位的过程中没有取得令人满意的进展. Failure to remove the PRs could result in the termination of university financial aid, such as a 减免学费 or a teaching assistantship.

The 历史 Department discourages 学生 from taking PRs in their courses. 该部门还担心,一些学生花了很长时间,有时是几年的时间来完成他们已经获得pr的课程的出色工作. 相应的, the department adopted a policy on the grade of PR, effective with the beginning of academic year 2007-8. 政策是这样的:

Any grade of PR assigned in a history course that an M.A. 或Ph值.D. 学生毕业需求, 除了论文或论文时间, 如果学生在获得PR的学期结束后至少一年内,在入学的第一学期开始时没有完成该课程的突出工作,则该学生的成绩将改为F. (例如, 在秋季学期的课程中获得PR的学生将在下一个学年的秋季学期开始之前完成必要的突出工作,从他/她的成绩单中删除PR.)

学生可向研究生指导申请延期一学期,PR成绩改为F. The extension shall be for reasons of illness, 情有可原的个人情况, 或者其他特殊情况. If the director of graduate studies denies the extension, the student may appeal to the 研究生 Committee, 通过多数投票(研究生主任不投票),哪一个可以延长一个学期.


This policy took effect at the beginning of Fall Quarter 2007-8. It will not apply retroactively to grades of PR earned in previous years.

Enrollment during the Semester in Which You 研究生

大学要求你必须在毕业的那个学期注册. Current rules require you to take at least one credit hour if you are an M.A. 或博士学位. 学生. 如果你有助教资格的话, 减免学费, or fellowship that carries a 减免学费 during the semester in which you graduate, that financial award will cover your tuition. 否则, 在大学注册的最后一个学期,你将负责支付你的学费.

If you complete all requirements for your degree, 申请毕业, 为你的论文或论文辩护, 在任何学期的截止日期之后,但在下一学期开始上课前不久,提交你的论文或论文的最终版本, you will not have to enroll during that subsequent semester, 前提是你在前一个学期注册了所需的最低学时数. 你将需要支付象征性的费用来续签下一学期的毕业申请, which will be the semester during which you receive your degree. TAD对提前申报有一个截止日期-那些错过了预期毕业学期的截止日期,但能够在下个学期开始之前满足较晚截止日期的人. Please consult the DGS and/or TAD office for further guidance.


The main office of the 历史 Department is on the fourth floor of Bentley Annex (BA). 邮箱在ba452. 部门管理员为 雪莉往往,宾利附件460,740-597-1853. 系主任是副教授 布莱恩Schoen.


TAs have offices in the basement of Bentley Annex. 该系没有足够的办公空间供不教学的研究生使用. 大多数办公室都有电脑. 该部门的计算机供应有限,并优先分配给博士办公室.D. 学生.

The key to your office will also open the doors to the main office, 宾利附件452, 哪个包含邮箱, 然后去会议室, 宾利附件402和宾利附件462. Please lock the doors to these rooms if you use them after regular business hours. Be sure to lock your office door, too, when you leave. 不要把你的钥匙给别人. 如果你把钥匙丢了,你就得花钱换新钥匙,也许还得花钱换锁. 在学年结束或助教任期结束时归还钥匙也很重要. Failure to do so may mean that you will have to pay for a change to the lock.

助教办公室没有电话. Please do not give out the department’s number as a work telephone, 如果这样做意味着办公室的工作人员会收到关于你的医疗预约的提醒,或者从信用卡公司询问你的就业情况.

Because of space limitations, most offices have two occupants. 请体谅你的同事.


All full-time, resident graduate 学生 have a mailbox in 宾利附件452. 请经常检查你的邮箱. We will send you as many communications as possible by email. But some information will come the old-fashioned way. Even if you have a mailbox in Sing Tao, you should check your Bentley Annex mailbox often. Some communications from the 历史 Department will go 只有 to your Bentley Annex mailbox, not your Sing Tao mailbox. 没有检查你的电子邮件或邮箱不是不知道历史系官方通知的合法借口.

If you use an email account other than the one the University has provided you, 请确保您设置了您的大学帐户,以便将您的邮件转发到您的主帐户(例如.g. Gmail, yahoo, hotmail). University communications will be sent to your university email address.


如果你需要复印的话, 请向研究生秘书索取允许你使用复印机的密码. The machine will automatically log the number of copies you make. 如果你是助教,系里会为你所做的课程支付副本费用. It will also pay for some professional copies, such as submitting a proposal for a conference paper or an article for publication. 你不应该复印供个人使用. Abuses of this honor system could result in the loss of copying privileges.


The department will provide supplies–pens, folders, etc.–that you need to meet your responsibilities as a TA. Please talk to one of department administrators about getting those supplies. 如果你需要发送专业传真或信函,请与研究生秘书联系.

