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Political Science M.A.

Please note对于2022-23学年及以后入学的学生,M.A. 政治学学士是一个32学时的一年制课程,要求列在这里. Students admitted prior to that date should see graduation requirements in the Graduate Catalog.

Program Overview

  • Internships
  • Thesis Option
  • Preparation for law school and doctoral programs
  • 准备在公共和非营利部门的职业生涯

The Master of Arts (M.A.(政治学)为不同目标和背景的学生提供严格而灵活的学习课程, 具有不同兴趣和经验的平易近人的教师队伍, and excellent facilities for research and study.


该系为研究生提供各种各样的课程, 包括政治科学范围和理论的研讨会, research methods in the discipline, and seminars in five areas of concentration:

  • American Government
  • Comparative Politics
  • International Relations
  • Political Theory
  • Politics and Law

This breadth allows graduate students, in consultation with an adviser, 建立一个适合他们特殊需求的项目,为学生提供探索各种研究生职业选择的机会,同时加强他们的分析能力, research, and writing skills.

通过这种结合严谨的学术训练, 灵活地在他们感兴趣的领域专攻和发展专业知识, 并有机会与以卓越的研究和教学而闻名的教师密切合作, the M.A. in Political Science prepares students for entry to law schools and doctoral programs in political science; for working for political campaigns, interest groups, non-profits, and policy think tanks; and for entry-level local, state, and federal legislative and bureaucratic positions.

Concentrations (optional): Students can concentrate in American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory, and Politics and Law.

Electives and Internships: 剩余的学分可以通过政治学选修课和学生专业课程的结合来获得, including approved internships. 该项目还为学生提供论文或非论文的选择,作为完成学位的替代途径.

Capstone projects学生必须完成一篇文章长度的学术研究论文(重要研究论文), 需要研究和分析的更具政策性的项目(newbb电子政治项目), or in exceptional cases a thesis. 所有这些顶点项目都将由教师导师监督.

Career and Professional Opportunities

The M.A. program prepares students for entry to law schools and doctoral programs in political science; for working with political campaigns, interest groups, non-profit organizations and policy think tanks; and for positions in local, state, and federal legislative and bureaucratic offices.

许多政治学毕业生进入了一流的法学院和政治学研究生课程, 还有一些人在政府公共事务和私营部门获得了专业职位.

Degree Requirements

The M.A. 政治科学课程要求至少32个学期的5000和6000级研究生学分. 最多8小时的学分可以在相关学科或从其他研究生课程与研究生主任的批准转移.

Required Courses

(16 credits, including seminars)

  • POLS 6000 Scope and Theory in Political Science: All M.A. 学生必须选修POLS 6000政治学范围与理论. 这门课程通常在春季学期开设,并作为一个顶点研讨会. (4 credits)
  • 方法,研究设计和/或数据分析课程: Select from POLS 6010, POLS 5830 (Introduction to Research Design), 或同等课程,但须经研究生院院长批准. (4 credits)
  • Two additional 6000-level subfield seminars: Select from POLS 6100, 6300, 6500, 6600, or 6700. (8 credits)

Additional Coursework (Electives)

  • POLS Electives (16 credits)

Beyond the 16 hours of required coursework, 学生可以自由选择他们感兴趣的课程,并在他们的学习计划方面有意义. Relevant "POLS-adjacent" courses (i.e.(其他院系的)可在研究生院院长批准的情况下选修. 不超过四个非课堂学分可以计算到M的实现.A. degree. 这包括研究、论文、实习和独立学习时间.

An M.A. Capstone Project

  • 重要研究论文、newbb电子政治计画或论文

学生必须完成一篇文章长度的学术研究论文(重要研究论文)。, 需要研究和分析的更具政策性的项目(newbb电子政治项目), or in exceptional cases a thesis. 所有这些顶点项目都将由教师导师监督.

对于在校学生,但在他们承担任何毕业要求的学期中没有注册正规课程的学生, 这所大学要求学生注册至少一个学分. 一般要求的研究生院,如维护一个3.0 average, are outlined in the graduate catalog.

Program requirements are subject to change. 请咨询研究生主任,了解当前的课程要求.

Program Mission

The M.A. 政治科学课程旨在灌输终身学习的承诺, to advance diversity and human understanding, 让学生有能力履行他们作为公民的责任, leaders, 以及民主社会和相互依存世界中的专业政治分析家. 学生接受评估和开展基础研究所需的理论和方法方面的培训, theoretical, and applied.

Program Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Explain how a variety of political systems operate.
  • Identify honest and ethical research practices.
  • Identify, 运用和解释适当的研究方法和理论来调查各种政治和社会现象.
  • Identify an area of concentration for in-depth study, 并分析所选地区的各种政治和社会现象.
  • 评估、批判和综合他们所选择的专注领域的学术成果.
  • 运用适当的方法和理论进行原创性研究,调查其专业领域内的政治或社会现象.
  • 将他们的原创研究成果有效地传达给学术界.