

请注意: For students admitted to the 2022-23 academic year and onward, M.A. in 政治科学 is a 32-credit hour one-year program, and requirements are listed here. 在此日期之前被录取的学生应该看到 毕业生目录中的毕业要求.


  • 实习
  • 论文选择
  • 为法学院和博士课程做准备
  • Preparation for careers in public and non-profit sectors

文学硕士(M.A.) in 政治科学 provides students of a variety of goals and backgrounds with a rigorous and flexible course of study, an accessible faculty with diverse interests and experiences, 以及优良的研究和学习设施.

Expected time to 学位 with full-time enrollment is two semesters.

The department offers a variety of courses at the graduate level, including seminars in the scope and theory of political science, 本学科的研究方法, 以及五个重点领域的研讨会:

  • 美国政府
  • 比较政治学
  • 国际关系
  • 政治理论
  • 政治与法律

这个范围允许研究生, 与顾问协商, to construct a program that fits their particular needs and provides students the opportunity to explore various post-graduate career options while strengthening their analytical, 研究, 写作技巧.

Through this combination of rigorous academic training, the flexibility to specialize and develop expertise in their areas of interest, and the opportunity to work closely with faculty known for the 研究 and teaching excellence, M.A. in 政治科学 prepares students for entry to law schools and doctoral programs in political science; for working for political campaigns, 利益集团, 非营利组织, and policy think tanks; and for entry-level local, 状态, 以及联邦立法和官僚职位.

浓度(可选): 学生可以集中学习美国政治, 比较政治学, 国际关系, 政治理论, 政治与法律.

选修课及实习: Remaining credit hours can be acquired through a combination of 政治科学 electives and courses in a student's specialization, 包括批准的实习. The program also offers students either a thesis or non-thesis option as alternative routes to completing their 学位s.

Capstone项目: Students are required to complete either an article-length academic 研究 paper (the Significant 研究 Paper), a more policy-oriented project requiring 研究 and analysis (Applied Politics Project), 或者在特殊情况下写论文. All of these Capstone项目 would be overseen by faculty mentors.


M.A. program prepares students for entry to law schools and doctoral programs in political science; for working with political campaigns, 利益集团, non-profit organizations and policy think tanks; and for positions in local, 状态, 以及联邦立法机构和官僚机构.

A number of 政治科学 graduates have gone on to attend leading law schools and graduate programs in political science, and others have secured professional positions in government public affairs and the private sector.


M.A. in 政治科学 program requires a minimum of 32 semester hours of graduate-level credit at the 5000 and 6000 level. Up to 8 hours of credit may be taken in a related discipline or transferred from another graduate program with the approval of the graduate director.



  • 政治学的范围和理论:全是M.A. students must take 政治学的范围和理论. This course is generally offered each Spring semester and is taken as a capstone seminar. (4学分)
  • Methods, 研究 design and/or data analysis course:从pols6010中选择, POLS 5830(研究设计导论), or an equivalent course subject to approval by the Director of 研究生 Studies. (4学分)
  • 另外两次6000人级别的讨论会:从POLS 6100、6300、6500、6600、6700中选择. (8学分)


  • 选修科目(16学分)

超过16小时的必修课程, students are free to choose courses that interest them and make sense in terms of their program of study. 有关的“邻近《newbb电子》”课程(i.e., from other departments) may be taken with approval from the Director of 研究生 Studies. No more than four non-classroom credits may be counted toward fulfillment of M.A. 学位. This includes 研究, 论文, Internship, and Independent Study hours.

一个M.A. 顶石项目

  • Significant 研究 Paper, Applied Politics Project, or 论文

Students are required to complete either an article-length academic 研究 paper (the Significant 研究 Paper), a more policy-oriented project requiring 研究 and analysis (Applied Politics Project), 或者在特殊情况下写论文. All of these Capstone项目 would be overseen by faculty mentors.

For students who are on a campus but not enrolled in a regular course during the semester in which they undertake any graduation requirement, the university requires that a student enroll for at least one credit hour. General requirements of the 研究生 College, such as the maintenance of a 3.平均为0,在研究生目录中列出.

课程要求可能会有变化. Please consult the 研究生 Director for current program requirements.


M.A. program in 政治科学 seeks to instill a lifelong commitment to learning, 促进多样性和人类理解, and empower students to meet their responsibilities as citizens, 领导人, and professional political analysts in a democratic society and interdependent world. Students are trained in the theories and methodologies needed to evaluate and conduct 研究 that is fundamental, 理论, 和newbb电子.



  • 解释各种政治制度是如何运作的.
  • 确定诚实和道德的研究实践.
  • 识别, apply and interpret appropriate 研究 methods and theories to investigate a variety of political and social phenomena.
  • 确定一个集中精力进行深入研究的领域, and analyze a variety of political and social phenomena in their selected area.
  • Evaluate, critique, and synthesize scholarship in their selected area of concentration.
  • Conduct original 研究 that investigates political or social phenomena in their area of concentration using appropriate methodologies and theories.
  • Communicate their original 研究 effectively to the scholarly community.