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Africa@俄亥俄州介绍了非洲研究项目的事件和活动, 她的老师, staff and students, are involved on and off campus. 

Africa@俄亥俄州 Colloquium

October 7, 2022

Dr. Abdullahi Ahmed An-Naim, Emory University

Decolonizing Human Rights

Dr. Abdullahi Ahmed An-Naim is Charles Howard Candler Professor of Law, Associated Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences of Emory University, 名誉. An-Na‘im is the author of: Decolonizing Human Rights (2021); What is an American Muslim (2014); Muslims and Global Justice (2011); Islam and the Secular State (2008); African Constitutionalism and the Role of Islam (2006); and Toward an Islamic Reformation: Civil liberties, human rights and international law (1990). His edited books include Human Rights under African Constitutions (2003); Islamic Family Law in a Changing World: A Global Resource Book (2002); and Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Quest for consensus (1992).

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Africa@俄亥俄州 Colloquium

September 14, 2022

Dr. Margaret Keraka, Kenyatta University, Kenya

Reproductive Health and Health Promotion in Kenya 

Dr. Keraka's research focus includes Sexual and Reproductive Health, and HIV AIDS, Maternal and Child Health, and Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. 她是肯尼亚和非洲公共卫生领域的知名学者、教师和管理人员. 她致力于改变非洲的教育体系, 并支持学生在全球多元文化社会中追求自己的努力,成为最好的自己. Dr. Keraka发表了大量文章,并获得了各种合作项目的资助. Notably, she has co- authored a book on Burden of Childhood Diarrhea from Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 以肯尼亚内罗毕的低收入住区为重点,审查低收入社区的地方性儿童死亡率. 她的其他出版物侧重于肯尼亚患者的结核病治疗和孕妇使用杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐.

Dr. Keraka has also consulted for numerous organizations in Kenya and Africa. These include the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)和国家人口与发展委员会(肯尼亚人口与发展委员会). 除了, 她与肯尼亚的其他大学合作,开发了社区卫生和医学教育的本科学位课程. 她和她的合作者也获得了资金来研究非洲环境卫生项目中的性别平等. Together with eight universities in Africa, 她合作建立了一个非洲环境卫生学院,该学院在南部非洲发展共同体高等教育机构制定环境卫生课程和认可的环境卫生文凭学位课程方面取得了巨大进展.

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Africa@俄亥俄州 Colloquium

October 8, 2021

Dr. Assan Sarr, History Department 

Tijaniyaa Muslim clerics in 南部 Senegambia, c. 1803-1996 

Tijaniyya Muslim Clerics in 南部 Senegambia, c. 《newbb电子平台》是一个更大的书籍项目的一部分,该项目研究了属于同一个家族的富尔哈伊(Fula)穆斯林神职人员的三代以及他们创建的门徒网络如何将Tijaniyya苏菲派传播到政治和经济边缘地区Niumi和Jokadu(冈比亚的行政区域)。, 上卡萨芒斯(塞内加尔南部)和加布(特别是在几内亚比绍东北部). 

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October 15, 2021

Dr. Steve Howard, School of Media Arts & 研究


这次演讲源于人们对非洲穆斯林社会组织将其成员送往国外特别是美国这一历史和当代现象的兴趣日益浓厚.  I have interviewed more than 100 members of the Republican Brotherhood, 苏丹的一个进步社会运动,其领导人在20世纪80年代被处决, about their interest in sustaining the movement in their leader’s absence. 许多成员现在生活在美国,并试图在这里抚养他们的穆斯林家庭,并保持他们的社区精神.

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November 12, 2021

Dr. 吉莉安H. Ice,公共卫生行动总统特别助理,社会医学教授


非洲对COVID没有统一的应对措施,但由于在获得基本的COVID预防和治疗工具方面的全球不平等,非洲国家面临着共同的挑战. At the same time, 许多国家利用其以往在流行病和大流行病方面的经验,推出了成功的管理战略, even in absence of access to vaccines.  This presentation discusses local, 区域, 非洲国家的大陆和国际应对措施以及全球大流行对非洲大陆的长期影响.

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November 19, 2021

Dr. Lucky Wakantse Odirile, Glidden 访问ing Professor- Counseling & Higher Education


As the world continues to struggle with COVID-19 scourge, it is evident that the Education sector is one of those greatly affected. 在本次会议上,Odirile博士分享了博茨瓦纳大学如何应对COVID-19挑战.

Odirile博士是博茨瓦纳大学职业和咨询中心主任,她负责监督三个单位, 咨询, 职业生涯, and job placement /graduate employability. 她曾在博茨瓦纳大学理事会任职,该理事会负责监督大学的整体管理,并在博茨瓦纳的两个国家委员会任职,精通战略思想.  In 2020 after COVID-19 was announced an international crisis, odiile博士被选为博茨瓦纳大学社会心理和精神卫生小组的组长,该小组负责满足该国第一线的精神卫生需求. 在2015年和2020年被评为在教育领域有重大影响和贡献的杰出学者后,她回到newbb电子平台担任罗伯特和雷内客座教授. She has also received the George E Hill as well as trend setter awards.

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Africa@俄亥俄州 新闻


African 研究 导演, Dr. Ghirmai Negash在“电厂”组织的系列讲座中做了一个演讲.org。” . In the lecture he discussed (post)colonial modernity, conscription, 暴力, and the production of the contemporary 人类神灵的.  The lecture can be viewed at 这个链接.

For more information, please contact Dr. Negash在 negashg@俄亥俄州.edu.