Online Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Curriculum

Curriculum Details

36 total credits required

在线电气工程硕士课程为您提供了空间,不仅关注您所在领域所需的硬技能, but also on the communication skills and concepts required to advance. 

除了教授工程师沟通和计算技能的核心课程之外, 这个36学分的课程有六个不同的集中,使你能够定制你的教育,以最适合你的职业目标. With opportunities to explore electrical navigation, autonomous unmanned vehicles, communications and digital signal processing, computer engineering and micro nano devices and systems, you can graduate equipped to immediately excel in your chosen field.

Core Courses

EMGT 6010 Communication Skills for Engineers (3 Credit Hours)

旨在帮助学生培养批判性思维的能力,通过提出适当的问题,使他们能够理解, develop, 并使用以下思想要素进行有效的沟通:目的, basic concepts, information sources and needs, underlying assumptions, inferences/conclusions, implications/consequences, points of view, and questions raised and addressed.

EE 5003 Computational Tools for Engineers (3 Credit Hours)

介绍在工程研究生学习中广泛使用的计算工具. 主题包括数组操作、矩阵计算、计算机图形学和符号操作. Also covered are programming language constructs and advanced data types. In addition, the course introduces computer-based modeling, simulation, and analysis of dynamic systems. Course concepts are applied to graduate-level engineering problem solving.

General Electrical Engineering Concentrations

EE 5143 Design of Digital Circuits (3 Credit Hours)

微电子电路的数字设计、仿真、验证和规范. Structural design concepts, design tools. VHDL language, data types, objects, operators, control statements, concurrent statements, functions, and procedures. VHDL modeling techniques, algorithmic, RTL, and gate level designs. 介绍超大规模集成电路(VLSI)技术和CMOS集成电路的设计. VLSI fabrication process, design rules, logic design, performance estimation, chip engineering, and computer aids to VLSI design. 强调虚拟样机,电路设计,优化,验证和测试. Design synthesis.

EE 5183 Micro and Nano Fabrication (3 Credit Hours)

用于制造微和纳米级电子器件的基本制造步骤. Si BiCMOS technology to be relevant to industry applications, 而在纳米工程中使用的新型制造工具和工艺也包括在内. Nanotechnology materials, devices and technologies that serve computing, communication and medical applications. Example applications chosen from CMOS chips, novel nanomaterials, MEMS/NEMS, photonics, and biomedical engineering.

EE 5403 Microwave Theory and Devices (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to radiating systems, including descriptive parameters, radiation integrals, current distributions and their effect on antenna patterns, and how antenna arrays function. 此外,还讨论了微波和光学频率的波导系统.

EE 5673 Embedded Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction and history of embedded systems; defining embedded system using requirements; embedded system processors including microcontrollers, low-power microprocessors, digital signal processors and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA); distributed embedded systems; timing aspects of embedded systems; real-time operation and real-time operating systems as applied to embedded systems; the economy of embedded systems; fault tolerance; communication protocols overview and more detailed description of the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) as well as some wireless networks used in wireless sensor networks; defining interfaces and the use of mixed-signal systems (digital and analog); design methodologies and tools.

EE 5713 Communication Engineering (3 Credit Hours)

Fundamentals of communication system engineering, at the physical layer. Resources available for communication system design. 通信系统的概率和随机过程,包括噪声. Analog communication systems and their performance. Baseband digital communications, carrier modulated digital communications. Basic link budget analysis.

EE 6283 State-Space Methods in Control (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to state-space methods for control system analysis and design. Topics include basic state-space concepts, writing state equations, solution of the state equation and the matrix exponential, relations to transfer functions, controllability and observability, stability, state-space methods of design including state feedback, state estimation, servomechanisms and an introduction to optimal control.

EE 6713 Digital Signal Processing (3 Credit Hours)

Familiarity with probability and stochastic signals; linear system analysis; basic DSP expected. Review of discrete time signals and systems, the z-transform and sampling. Transform domain analysis. Design of IIR and FIR filters; DFT, FFT, and Fourier analysis, spectrum and eigenanalysis, parametric signal modeling.

Electrical Navigation Concentrations (eNAV)

EE 5403 Microwave Theory and Devices (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to radiating systems, including descriptive parameters, radiation integrals, current distributions and their effect on antenna patterns, and how antenna arrays function. 此外,还讨论了微波和光学频率的波导系统.

EE 5673 Embedded Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction and history of embedded systems; defining embedded system using requirements; embedded system processors including microcontrollers, low-power microprocessors, digital signal processors and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA); distributed embedded systems; timing aspects of embedded systems; real-time operation and real-time operating systems as applied to embedded systems; the economy of embedded systems; fault tolerance; communication protocols overview and more detailed description of the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) as well as some wireless networks used in wireless sensor networks; defining interfaces and the use of mixed-signal systems (digital and analog); design methodologies and tools.

EE 5853 Electronic Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Principles and theory of operation of electronic navigation systems with emphasis on avionics; aircraft instrumentation, VOR, DME, Inertial, ILS, MLS, GPS, and air traffic control.

EE 6033 Inertial Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Principles of operation of inertial navigation systems. Topics include rigid body kinematics, observation equations, attitude update, earth rate and transport rate, position and velocity updates, initialization, orientation, sensor technology, error sources and propagation, Schuler period, vertical instability. Heavy emphasis on simulation in MATLAB.

EE 6053 Satellite-Based Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

一些GPS、导航、数学和计算机科学的知识是有用的. Computer programming experience in MATLAB®. Theoretical development of spread spectrum ranging and positioning with space-based transmitters; ephemerides, broadcast signal structure; ranging observables; absolute and relative positioning methodologies; simple error source characterization and mitigation.

EE 6063 Integrated Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Theoretical development of positioning and navigation with multiple sensors; basics of estimation theory; complementary filters, least squares estimators, Kalman filters used for navigation purposes; GPS/INS integration.

EE 6083航空标准,软件设计与认证(3学时)

Overview of aviation standards including Federal Aviation Regulations, Technical Standard Orders, Advisory Circulars, RTCA documents and ARINC standards; systems engineering; safety-critical systems and the safety assessment of these systems; certification of aircraft systems; software design using military and civilian standards, IEEE software standards, software life cycle processes, program design language, documentation, testing, independent test verification and case studies.

Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles Concentrations

EE 5673 Embedded Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction and history of embedded systems; defining embedded system using requirements; embedded system processors including microcontrollers, low-power microprocessors, digital signal processors and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA); distributed embedded systems; timing aspects of embedded systems; real-time operation and real-time operating systems as applied to embedded systems; the economy of embedded systems; fault tolerance; communication protocols overview and more detailed description of the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) as well as some wireless networks used in wireless sensor networks; defining interfaces and the use of mixed-signal systems (digital and analog); design methodologies and tools.

EE 5713 Communication Engineering (3 Credit Hours)

Fundamentals of communication system engineering, at the physical layer. Resources available for communication system design. 通信系统的概率和随机过程,包括噪声. Analog communication systems and their performance. Baseband digital communications, carrier modulated digital communications. Basic link budget analysis.

EE 5853 Electronic Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Principles and theory of operation of electronic navigation systems with emphasis on avionics; aircraft instrumentation, VOR, DME, Inertial, ILS, MLS, GPS, and air traffic control.

EE 6033 Inertial Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Principles of operation of inertial navigation systems. Topics include rigid body kinematics, observation equations, attitude update, earth rate and transport rate, position and velocity updates, initialization, orientation, sensor technology, error sources and propagation, Schuler period, vertical instability. Heavy emphasis on simulation in MATLAB.

EE 6053 Satellite-Based Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Some knowledge of GPS, navigation, mathematics, and computer science useful. Computer programming experience in MATLAB®. Theoretical development of spread spectrum ranging and positioning with space-based transmitters; ephemerides, broadcast signal structure; ranging observables; absolute and relative positioning methodologies; simple error source characterization and mitigation.

EE 6103 Vehicle Control (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to vehicle motion control theory and design. Mathematical modeling of aerospace, 将介绍使用(非线性微分)状态方程的六自由度地面和海上车辆运动. 提出了简化车辆模型的假设和技术,便于有效地设计运动控制器. 基于闭环动力学分配的稳定和轨迹跟踪控制器设计方法,并结合计算机仿真进行了讲解. 将提供更高级主题的概述,为学生继续学习做准备.

EE 6283 State-Space Methods in Control (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to state-space methods for control system analysis and design. Topics include basic state-space concepts, writing state equations, solution of the state equation and the matrix exponential, relations to transfer functions, controllability and observability, stability, state-space methods of design including state feedback, state estimation, servomechanisms and an introduction to optimal control.

Communications and Digital Signal Processing Concentrations

EE 5403 Microwave Theory and Devices (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to radiating systems, including descriptive parameters, radiation integrals, current distributions and their effect on antenna patterns, and how antenna arrays function. 此外,还讨论了微波和光学频率的波导系统.

EE 5673 Embedded Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction and history of embedded systems; defining embedded system using requirements; embedded system processors including microcontrollers, low-power microprocessors, digital signal processors and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA); distributed embedded systems; timing aspects of embedded systems; real-time operation and real-time operating systems as applied to embedded systems; the economy of embedded systems; fault tolerance; communication protocols overview and more detailed description of the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) as well as some wireless networks used in wireless sensor networks; defining interfaces and the use of mixed-signal systems (digital and analog); design methodologies and tools.

EE 5713 Communication Engineering (3 Credit Hours)

Fundamentals of communication system engineering, at the physical layer. Resources available for communication system design. 通信系统的概率和随机过程,包括噪声. Analog communication systems and their performance. Baseband digital communications, carrier modulated digital communications. Basic link budget analysis.

EE 5753 Computer Network Communication (3 Credit Hours)

计算机网络,重点是因特网的设计和工作. Protocol layers, service models, HTTP, FTP, electronic mail, UDP, TCP, congestion control, hierarchical routing, internet protocol (IP), IPv4, IPv6, data link layer, error correction and detection, multiple access protocols, Ethernet, bridges, hubs, wireless links, PPP, ATM, multimedia over IP, 4G wireless, bluetooth. Basic queueing theory and delay analysis. Basic security mechanisms, such as encryption, authentication and firewalls.

EE 6283 State-Space Methods in Control (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to state-space methods for control system analysis and design. Topics include basic state-space concepts, writing state equations, solution of the state equation and the matrix exponential, relations to transfer functions, controllability and observability, stability, state-space methods of design including state feedback, state estimation, servomechanisms and an introduction to optimal control.

EE 6713 Digital Signal Processing (3 Credit Hours)

Familiarity with probability and stochastic signals; linear system analysis; basic DSP expected. Review of discrete time signals and systems, the z-transform, sampling. Transform domain analysis. Design of IIR and FIR filters; DFT, FFT, and Fourier analysis, spectrum and eigenanalysis, parametric signal modeling.

EE 6743 Information Theory (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to information theory. Overview of field, entropy as a measure of uncertainty. Relative entropy, mutual information. Characteristics of sequences and entropy rate. Lossless data compression and source coding. 信道容量的界限和关系,微分熵,高斯信道. Rate distortion theory, and selected topics of current interest.

Computer Engineering Concentrations

EE 5143 Design of Digital Circuits (3 Credit Hours)

微电子电路的数字设计、仿真、验证和规范. Structural design concepts, design tools. VHDL language, data types, objects, operators, control statements, concurrent statements, functions, and procedures. VHDL modeling techniques, algorithmic, RTL, and gate level designs. 介绍超大规模集成电路(VLSI)技术和CMOS集成电路的设计. VLSI fabrication process, design rules, logic design, performance estimation, chip engineering, and computer aids to VLSI design. 强调虚拟样机,电路设计,优化,验证和测试. Design synthesis.

EE 5183 Micro and Nano Fabrication (3 Credit Hours)

用于制造微和纳米级电子器件的基本制造步骤. Si BiCMOS technology to be relevant to industry applications, 而在纳米工程中使用的新型制造工具和工艺也包括在内. Nanotechnology materials, devices and technologies that serve computing, communication and medical applications. Example applications chosen from CMOS chips, novel nanomaterials, MEMS/NEMS, photonics, and biomedical engineering.

EE 5673 Embedded Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction and history of embedded systems; defining embedded system using requirements; embedded system processors including microcontrollers, low-power microprocessors, digital signal processors and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA); distributed embedded systems; timing aspects of embedded systems; real-time operation and real-time operating systems as applied to embedded systems; the economy of embedded systems; fault tolerance; communication protocols overview and more detailed description of the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) as well as some wireless networks used in wireless sensor networks; defining interfaces and the use of mixed-signal systems (digital and analog); design methodologies and tools.

EE 5683 Computer Architecture (3 Credit Hours)

Emphasis on the design of advanced architectural concepts for multicores; performance trade-offs for multicores, advanced pipelining, superscalar and dynamic scheduling, limits of instruction level parallelism, multithreading and multicores, multi-level caching, virtual memory, I/O fundamentals and techniques, classification of parallel machines, shared memory multiprocessors, cache coherence, interconnection networks and clusters. 涉及计算机硬件设计和系统仿真的学期论文/项目.

EE 5753 Computer Network Communication (3 Credit Hours)

计算机网络,重点是因特网的设计和工作. Protocol layers, service models, HTTP, FTP, electronic mail, UDP, TCP, congestion control, hierarchical routing, internet protocol (IP), IPv4, IPv6, data link layer, error correction and detection, multiple access protocols, Ethernet, bridges, hubs, wireless links, PPP, ATM, multimedia over IP, 4G wireless, bluetooth. Basic queueing theory and delay analysis. Basic security mechanisms, such as encryption, authentication and firewalls.

EE 6183 Nanoelectronic Devices and Applications (3 Credit Hours)

介绍基本和先进的概念,需要在微和纳米级设备的电子和离子传输的理解. Reviews theory elements such as effective mass, band structure, electrostatics, screening, low and high-field transport, and scattering. 探索用于模拟实际设备的新颖设计工具和数值技术. Examines more closely the structure, operation, design principles, advantages and disadvantages, applications and future prospects for a wide range of traditional (diodes, MOSFETs, bipolar transistors etc.) and advanced (MODFETs, HBTs, nanowire and nanotube transistors, single-electron transistors, memristors, graphene devices, plasmonic devices, bio-molecular devices). On an orthogonal direction, 调查了许多设备可能发挥重要作用的关键技术前沿(超低或高功率newbb电子), high-performance solar devices, flexible electronics, THz devices and bio-nano sensors).

EE 6743 Information Theory (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to information theory. Overview of field, entropy as a measure of uncertainty. Relative entropy, mutual information. Characteristics of sequences and entropy rate. Lossless data compression and source coding. 信道容量的界限和关系,微分熵,高斯信道. Rate distortion theory, and selected topics of current interest.

Micro Nano Systems and Devices Concentrations

EE 5143 Design of Digital Circuits (3 Credit Hours)

微电子电路的数字设计、仿真、验证和规范. Structural design concepts, design tools. VHDL language, data types, objects, operators, control statements, concurrent statements, functions, and procedures. VHDL modeling techniques, algorithmic, RTL, and gate level designs. 介绍超大规模集成电路(VLSI)技术和CMOS集成电路的设计. VLSI fabrication process, design rules, logic design, performance estimation, chip engineering, and computer aids to VLSI design. 强调虚拟样机,电路设计,优化,验证和测试. Design synthesis.

EE 5183 Micro and Nano Fabrication (3 Credit Hours)

用于制造微和纳米级电子器件的基本制造步骤. Si BiCMOS technology to be relevant to industry applications, 而在纳米工程中使用的新型制造工具和工艺也包括在内. Nanotechnology materials, devices and technologies that serve computing, communication and medical applications. Example applications chosen from CMOS chips, novel nanomaterials, MEMS/NEMS, photonics, and biomedical engineering.

EE 5313 Optoelectronics and Photonics (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to fundamentals of the light propagation in solid media, passive devices like waveguides and optical fiber. Introduction to important modern active optoelectronic devices. Emphasizes basic physical theory needed to understand LEDs, laser diodes, photodetectors, photovoltaics and their construction and applications.

EE 5403 Microwave Theory and Devices (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to radiating systems, including descriptive parameters, radiation integrals, current distributions and their effect on antenna patterns, and how antenna arrays function. 此外,还讨论了微波和光学频率的波导系统.

EE 5673 Embedded Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction and history of embedded systems; defining embedded system using requirements; embedded system processors including microcontrollers, low-power microprocessors, digital signal processors and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA); distributed embedded systems; timing aspects of embedded systems; real-time operation and real-time operating systems as applied to embedded systems; the economy of embedded systems; fault tolerance; communication protocols overview and more detailed description of the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) as well as some wireless networks used in wireless sensor networks; defining interfaces and the use of mixed-signal systems (digital and analog); design methodologies and tools.

EE 5683 Computer Architecture (3 Credit Hours)

Emphasis on the design of advanced architectural concepts for multicores; performance trade-offs for multicores, advanced pipelining, superscalar and dynamic scheduling, limits of instruction level parallelism, multithreading and multicores, multi-level caching, virtual memory, I/O fundamentals and techniques, classification of parallel machines, shared memory multiprocessors, cache coherence, interconnection networks and clusters. 涉及计算机硬件设计和系统仿真的学期论文/项目.

EE 6183 Nanoelectronic Devices and Applications (3 Credit Hours)

介绍基本和先进的概念,需要在微和纳米级设备的电子和离子传输的理解. Reviews theory elements such as effective mass, band structure, electrostatics, screening, low and high-field transport, and scattering. 探索用于模拟实际设备的新颖设计工具和数值技术. Examines more closely the structure, operation, design principles, advantages and disadvantages, applications and future prospects for a wide range of traditional (diodes, MOSFETs, bipolar transistors etc.) and advanced (MODFETs, HBTs, nanowire and nanotube transistors, single-electron transistors, memristors, graphene devices, plasmonic devices, bio-molecular devices). On an orthogonal direction, 调查了许多设备可能发挥重要作用的关键技术前沿(超低或高功率newbb电子), high-performance solar devices, flexible electronics, THz devices and bio-nano sensors).

Elective Courses

(Complete three courses of your choice)

EE 5143 Design of Digital Circuits (3 Credit Hours)

微电子电路的数字设计、仿真、验证和规范. Structural design concepts, design tools. VHDL language, data types, objects, operators, control statements, concurrent statements, functions, and procedures. VHDL modeling techniques, algorithmic, RTL, and gate level designs. 介绍超大规模集成电路(VLSI)技术和CMOS集成电路的设计. VLSI fabrication process, design rules, logic design, performance estimation, chip engineering, and computer aids to VLSI design. 强调虚拟样机,电路设计,优化,验证和测试. Design synthesis.

EE 5183 Micro and Nano Fabrication (3 Credit Hours)

用于制造微和纳米级电子器件的基本制造步骤. Si BiCMOS technology to be relevant to industry applications, 而在纳米工程中使用的新型制造工具和工艺也包括在内. Nanotechnology materials, devices and technologies that serve computing, communication and medical applications. Example applications chosen from CMOS chips, novel nanomaterials, MEMS/NEMS, photonics, and biomedical engineering.

EE 5403 Microwave Theory and Devices (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to radiating systems, including descriptive parameters, radiation integrals, current distributions and their effect on antenna patterns, and how antenna arrays function. 此外,还讨论了微波和光学频率的波导系统.

EE 5673 Embedded Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction and history of embedded systems; defining embedded system using requirements; embedded system processors including microcontrollers, low-power microprocessors, digital signal processors and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA); distributed embedded systems; timing aspects of embedded systems; real-time operation and real-time operating systems as applied to embedded systems; the economy of embedded systems; fault tolerance; communication protocols overview and more detailed description of the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) as well as some wireless networks used in wireless sensor networks; defining interfaces and the use of mixed-signal systems (digital and analog); design methodologies and tools.

EE 5683 Computer Architecture (3 Credit Hours)

Emphasis on the design of advanced architectural concepts for multicores; performance trade-offs for multicores, advanced pipelining, superscalar and dynamic scheduling, limits of instruction level parallelism, multithreading and multicores, multi-level caching, virtual memory, I/O fundamentals and techniques, classification of parallel machines, shared memory multiprocessors, cache coherence, interconnection networks and clusters. 涉及计算机硬件设计和系统仿真的学期论文/项目.

EE 5753 Computer Network Communication (3 Credit Hours)

计算机网络,重点是因特网的设计和工作. Protocol layers, service models, HTTP, FTP, electronic mail, UDP, TCP, congestion control, hierarchical routing, internet protocol (IP), IPv4, IPv6, data link layer, error correction and detection, multiple access protocols, Ethernet, bridges, hubs, wireless links, PPP, ATM, multimedia over IP, 4G wireless, bluetooth. Basic queueing theory and delay analysis. Basic security mechanisms, such as encryption, authentication and firewalls.

EE 5853 Electronic Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Principles and theory of operation of electronic navigation systems with emphasis on avionics; aircraft instrumentation, VOR, DME, Inertial, ILS, MLS, GPS, and air traffic control.

EE 6033 Inertial Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Principles of operation of inertial navigation systems. Topics include rigid body kinematics, observation equations, attitude update, earth rate and transport rate, position and velocity updates, initialization, orientation, sensor technology, error sources and propagation, Schuler period, vertical instability. Heavy emphasis on simulation in MATLAB.

EE 6053 Satellite-Based Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Some knowledge of GPS, navigation, mathematics, and computer science useful. Computer programming experience in MATLAB®. Theoretical development of spread spectrum ranging and positioning with space-based transmitters; ephemerides, broadcast signal structure; ranging observables; absolute and relative positioning methodologies; simple error source characterization and mitigation.

EE 6063 Integrated Navigation Systems (3 Credit Hours)

Theoretical development of positioning and navigation with multiple sensors; basics of estimation theory; complementary filters, least squares estimators, Kalman filters used for navigation purposes; GPS/INS integration.

EE 6083航空标准,软件设计与认证(3学时)

Overview of aviation standards including Federal Aviation Regulations, Technical Standard Orders, Advisory Circulars, RTCA documents and ARINC standards; systems engineering; safety-critical systems and the safety assessment of these systems; certification of aircraft systems; software design using military and civilian standards, IEEE software standards, software life cycle processes, program design language, documentation, testing, independent test verification, case studies.

EE 6103 Vehicle Control (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to vehicle motion control theory and design. Mathematical modeling of aerospace, 将介绍使用(非线性微分)状态方程的六自由度地面和海上车辆运动. 提出了简化车辆模型的假设和技术,便于有效地设计运动控制器. 基于闭环动力学分配的稳定和轨迹跟踪控制器设计方法,并结合计算机仿真进行了讲解. 将提供更高级主题的概述,为学生继续学习做准备.

EE 6183 Nanoelectronic Devices and Applications (3 Credit Hours)

介绍基本和先进的概念,需要在微和纳米级设备的电子和离子传输的理解. Reviews theory elements such as effective mass, band structure, electrostatics, screening, low and high-field transport, and scattering. 探索用于模拟实际设备的新颖设计工具和数值技术. Examines more closely the structure, operation, design principles, advantages and disadvantages, applications and future prospects for a wide range of traditional (diodes, MOSFETs, bipolar transistors etc.) and advanced (MODFETs,] HBTs, nanowire and nanotube transistors, single-electron transistors, memristors, graphene devices, plasmonic devices, bio-molecular devices). On an orthogonal direction, 调查了许多设备可能发挥重要作用的关键技术前沿(超低或高功率newbb电子), high-performance solar devices, flexible electronics, THz devices and bio-nano sensors).

EE 6283 State-Space Methods in Control (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to state-space methods for control system analysis and design. Topics include basic state-space concepts, writing state equations, solution of the state equation and the matrix exponential, relations to transfer functions, controllability and observability, stability, state-space methods of design including state feedback, state estimation, servomechanisms and an introduction to optimal control.

EE 6713 Digital Signal Processing (3 Credit Hours)

Familiarity with probability and stochastic signals; linear system analysis; basic DSP expected. Review of discrete time signals and systems, the z-transform, sampling. Transform domain analysis. Design of IIR and FIR filters; DFT, FFT, and Fourier analysis, spectrum and eigenanalysis, parametric signal modeling.

EE 6743 Information Theory (3 Credit Hours)

Introduction to information theory. Overview of field, entropy as a measure of uncertainty. Relative entropy, mutual information. Characteristics of sequences and entropy rate. Lossless data compression and source coding. 信道容量的界限和关系,微分熵,高斯信道. Rate distortion theory, and selected topics of current interest.

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