
我们的计算实验室包含40多个连接到高速服务器的最先进的工作站. These workstations run the latest software design and development tools. We also offer other resources like Android tablets for senior design, high-speed graphics cards from NVIDIA for parallel computing, core internet technologies such as routers and switches, and a fully equipped microprocessor and microcontrollers lab.

Man sitting in front of a Sun Microsystems computer


每个计算机科学实验室都包含20个计算机站和一台大型联网打印机. They are also available to students of the electrical engineering program. Select a lab below to find out more detail about available equipment and usage.

Senior Workstation CS Laboratory - 装料工中心 Room 307

This laboratory is available to 工程 students only. It contains 20 state-of-the-art Ultra 40 Sparc Stations. It supports all CS 3000 and 4000 level courses.

Internet Teaching Laboratory - 装料工中心, Room 301

本实验室支持CS 4750互联网工程课程,可供学生选修. The course is offered every spring quarter while the lab contains five Linux boxes, 五台mac电脑和五台Windows工作站, 6台高端思科路由器, 20个交换机和集线器, 和一个完整的网络配线板. The rest of the year this lab is used for research activities.

Freshman CS Laboratory - 装料工中心 107

This laboratory is available to all students. It contains 20 Sun Sparc based Workstations. It supports the following courses: ET 2100 (Introduction to C), cs2300 (Java入门), 和cs2400 (c++入门) , Unix系统和GNU环境). All three courses have scheduled laboratories.

Student works with electrical engineering equipment

Undergraduate Electrical 工程 Labs

我们为电气工程专业的学生提供的实验室设施包括特定课程的实验室以及一般调查课程的实验室. Select a lab below to find out more detail about available equipment and usage.

Sophomore Laboratory - 装料工中心 Room 315

The Sophomore laboratory is used for three of the required courses for the Electrical 工程 major; EE 1014 Introduction to Electrical 工程, 仪器仪表实验室, 和EE 2114电路. EE 1014 develops knowledge of key technical concepts of electricity to include: voltage, 当前的, 电阻, 和权力. EE 2213 places emphasis on electrical characteristics and limitations, and proper use of electrical laboratory equipment. EE 2114 is a continuation of EE 2104 Circuits I; which places emphasis on A.C. 动力分析, 三相电路, magnetically coupled circuits and transformers, 频率响应, 无源滤波器和有源滤波器, and circuit analysis using the Laplace transform. 大二学生可以在预定的实验课程或事先与教师或工作人员安排的情况下使用实验室.

二年级的实验室包含12个工作站,每个工作站可容纳两名学生. 每个工作站都配备了一般的实验室设备,包括:一个数字四通道示波器, 函数生成器, 三个D.C. 电力供应, 两个手持式数字万用表, 一台台式数字万用表, 一个焊锡站, 还有一台个人电脑. 另外, there is an LRC meter used for demonstration and extra laboratory instruction.

Each personal computer contains Parallax Inx: Basic Stamp Editor v2.5.3 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with supporting material. 学生利用个人计算机和软件对计算机体系结构和机器语言有基本的了解. 他们还使用计算机编程基于微型计算机的机器人(Bo-Bots®),以帮助他们设计和测试基本机器人和计算机newbb电子程序.

初级 Laboratory - 装料工中心 Room 314

The 初级 laboratory is used for five courses total and three are required courses for the Electrical 工程 major; EE 1024 Introduction to Computer 工程, EE 3223 Electromagnetics and Materials II, 和EE 3343电子1. EE 1024 develops the fundamentals of Boolean algebra and Sequential and Combinational logic. EE 3223 is a continuation of EE 3214 Electromagnetics and Materials I; which places emphasis on the application of field theory with respect to various branches of electrical engineering and with emphasis upon physical interpretation. EE 3343 develops an understanding of electronic devices including diodes, 双极晶体管, 和场效应晶体管. The course also includes computer-aided analysis and design. 初级实验室可以在预定的实验课程中提供给学生,也可以事先与教师或工作人员安排.

The 初级 laboratory is also used for the laboratory course EE 3051 Basic Electrical Laboratory, 非电气工程专业学生选修的电子服务课程EE 3143基础电气工程II. EE 3051 serves as an introduction into the operation of semiconductor devices, 放大器的设计, 振子, 数字电路设计. EE 3143 furthers the student’s knowledge gained in EE 3051 by investigating semiconductor devices, 放大器和振荡器电路, 脉冲和数字电路, 进行小信号分析.

初级实验室包含15个实验站,每个实验站可容纳两名学生. Each station is equipped with general lab equipment to include: a dual-channel oscilloscope, 三个D.C. 电力供应, 三个手持式数字万用表, 函数生成器, 精密均方根电压表, 还有一台个人电脑. 每个工作站都有一个数字实验室培训师,供学生在EE 1024课程中研究数字电路. 另外, 有两个曲线跟踪器, 两个频谱分析仪, and an LRC meter in the laboratory used for demonstration and extra laboratory instruction.

每台个人电脑都包含电路仿真软件(NI Multisim)和配套材料, 单片机开发系统软件(MPLABX - PIC单片机IDE)与配套材料, 数据采集软件, and MATLAB software with supporting material.

Microprocessor Laboratory - 装料工中心 Room 306

微处理器和微控制器实验室主要用于学习EE 3954微处理器和微控制器的学生. EE 3954 is a microcontroller architecture and applications course. 本实验的目的是提供微控制器开发系统和相关软件,以便学生可以设计和执行实验,以帮助理解微处理器架构,并获得使用数字和微处理器系统的信心. 微处理器和微控制器实验室在预定的实验课程或事先与教师或工作人员安排时可供学生使用.

微处理器和微控制器实验室包含12个实验站,每个实验站设计容纳两名学生. Each station consists of a Microchip PIC™ based development system 还有一台个人电脑. 另外, 实验室中有两个逻辑分析仪和一个混合模式模拟/数字示波器,用于演示和额外的实验室指导.

每台个人计算机包含微控制器开发系统软件(MPLABX - PIC微控制器IDE)与配套材料, 数据采集软件, and MATLAB software with supporting material.

Industrial Digital Control Laboratory - 装料工中心 Room 310

工业数字控制实验室主要用于学习EE 4913可编程逻辑控制器的学生. EE4913培养学生熟练使用可编程逻辑控制器(PLC). Topics covered include programming, control architecture, and applications for PLC systems. 工业数字控制实验室可在预定的实验课程或事先与教师或工作人员安排.

The Industrial Digital Controls laboratory contains twelve lab stations, each consisting of a CLICK PLC Test Rig 还有一台个人电脑 with supporting material. 另外, there is a Fluid Process Rig in which students use as a final laboratory experiment.

Each personal computer contains Parallax: Basic Stamp Editor v2.5.3 with supporting material, CLICK Programming Software v2.00带配套材料, and online access to CLICK Controllers technical and support information.

Senior Projects Laboratory - 装料工中心 Room 312

高级实验室用于EE 4953电气与计算机工程顶点设计ⅰ和EE 4963电气与计算机工程顶点设计ⅱ的学生. EE 4953为学生提供了完善和展示他们在工程设计方面能力的机会. 形成项目团队,开发主要的设计团队项目,强调问题的定义和规范. 初步的设计审查进行,课程检查系统的方法来解决问题, 经济分析, and the elements of scheduling and planning.

EE 4963是团队设计项目的延续,该项目始于EE 4953,重点是结构, 检测前, and redesign; then ultimately final design assembly, 测试, 并对测试结果进行分析. Critical design and formal design reviews are conducted. EE 4963还提供了各种职业选择,并考察了成功的工程职业所需的技能.

The Senior laboratory contains a variety of electronic test equipment, 电力供应, 函数生成器. There are also various specialized pieces of equipment such as logic analyzers, 频谱分析仪, and precision sources and meters that are available to students working in the Senior laboratory. Projects are of a wide variety in the EE 4953 and EE 4963 courses, so the laboratory must be supplied with the most varied and versatile equipment possible. Most of the equipment in this facility comes as used equipment from the Sophomore, 初级, and Microprocessors and Microcontrollers laboratories. As new equipment is purchased to update and equip these laboratories, the older equipment is handed down to the Senior laboratory.