


Most individuals have coworker and key vendor phone numbers readily available (typically stored in their cell phone) so that contact can be made quickly if needed. However, what if another individual (upper administration/temporary replacement staff/3rdparty contractor) needs this information during an emergency and you/your staff are not available?

Why does somebody have to know how to check messages or record a greeting on a phone?

If you have a main telephone line that is normally answered during business hours by a staff person, 如果那个人在紧急情况下不在办公室怎么办? What is the plan for retrieving voice mail messages that are left on that line? If this same staff member normally takes care of changing the main line voice recording, what is the plan to record an “emergency” greeting that redirects callers to another office or provides them instructions on how to obtain the information they are requesting if that staff member is not available?

We normally rely on someone outside of the department to post information on our web page. 为什么这些信息是必要的?

在紧急情况下, it is often necessary to put temporary instructions on a web page to direct/redirect individuals to needed service locations, 呼叫中心, 分发/取货点, 等.  Having this contact person's information handy may be helpful during a time of crisis.

什么是“组密码”? 我们都有个人密码.

There are some applications/systems that provide only one password per institution/department. Often this password is kept very secure and only shared by a very limited number of staff. If the individuals who hold this password are not available, how will business continuity continue? 有关保护此密码的方法,请参阅OIT部分.


Leadership succession might be better worded as “designated back-up” for critical positions.

Do we have to know how to remote into the Ohio network in order to work from home?

It depends on what you will be working on from home and where it is stored. 参阅资讯科技常见问题解答.


在这个区域, please list teams/groups/committees that the department normally meets with regularly in support of business functions/  These groups could potentially assist/advise/guide the restoration of your primary business duties should the normal staff be unavailable.


If a department needed to find temporary assistance in order to restart their office responsibilities, 这需要什么技能啊? Keep in mind that sometimes there are staff within the institution that can be temporarily reassigned and sometimes it might be necessary to hire from an outside agency. Think of this page as a “tear out” sheet that you could quickly remove from your plan and hand it to whoever is going to seek out temporary staffing.

Please provide advice on how to complete the “工作人员ing Requirements” section.

The goal of this particular set of questions is to inform institutional/departmental leadership of offices/units that MAY have staff who could be temporarily reassigned to another unit during a crisis.


Outside of your immediate office, who do you work with within the institution on a regular basis? Most offices regularly interact with particular people or offices for collaborative efforts, 解决问题, 或计划协调的业务活动. List these individuals and make a comment as to why this person would be resourced/or what expertise they provide in relationship to your business practice.  Be sure to include their email address as well as their office and cell phone number.


Who are the EXTERNAL partners who have a vested interest in your department/office’s success or who you might need to resource during an emergency? Another way of thinking about it is who you might need to call on a Saturday afternoon, 你所在地区是否会发生紧急情况. 这个列表将包括供应商, 捐助者, 服务提供商, 授权机构联系方式, 国家机构, 与其他机构的联系, 当地卫生保健机构, 等.

Documents: What type of documents do you recommend being attached to the plan?

The best way to decide the answer to this question is what vital records or databases (either paper or electronic format) are essential to continuing operations during and after an emergency? Would you need prompt access to these documents order to take immediate action or to make contingency plans. 如果是这样的话, attach a PDF of the document to the plan because office space may not be accessible or campus network may not be available for a period of time.  示例包括:紧急联系人列表, a list of vendors that you would need to call to deliver emergency supplies or stakeholders who might need notified. 不要附上大而冗长的文件. 而不是, simply identify what the document is and where this information is stored so that it can be accessed later. Consider OneDrive or another cloud based storage as an alternative/back up location for large documents (see IT section).

Utilities: What if the department does not know the answer to this question?

This particular question is directed to those units (research, facilities management, 等.) who have specific utility needs that fall outside the standard electric, 水, 我们通常喜欢的加热和冷却.