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Faculty Newsmakers

Faculty Newsmakers

Each year, 大学传播与营销(UCM)庆祝newbb电子平台的教师通过媒体报道他们的研究和主题专业知识,为提升大学的国家和全球形象所做的模范工作.

Every year since 2015, newbb电子平台社区成员表彰了数百名促进他们研究的俄亥俄教师, 通过他们与新闻界的互动,我们大学的专业知识和整体卓越.

被认可的个人永远被称为“newbb电子平台教员新闻人物”.” They are consummate faculty who, 不管他们的头衔或分类如何, 目前在newbb电子平台任教,并被Cision提供的媒体报道, UCM用来跟踪大学新闻的媒体监控平台.

2022 Faculty Newsmakers

In the calendar year 2022, 来自各学院和地区校区的174名教职员工入选,来自世界各地的媒体报道. 《newbb电子》(The New York Times)等媒体提到了一些教员, Associated Press, Science Magazine and more. 他们谈论的话题从第一夫人为丈夫助选, 在NCAA的名字形象和相似性(NIL), politics in Ohio, 恐龙化石和高胰岛素剂量与癌症之间的关系.

newbb电子平台的教师新闻人物推动了我们学校在校内外的影响和影响力, 执行副校长兼教务长伊丽莎白·塞尔斯说. "Their expertise, insights, 对学术卓越的奉献不仅丰富了我们的学术社区,而且远远超出了我们的校园塑造对话, 提供专家见解和分享创新研究,可以改善我们的世界."


1. David Ridpath

Dave Ridpath, 商学院体育商业教授, 在2022年被媒体提到了537次. 自2015年成立以来,Ridpath每年都是顶级新闻人物, 在2020年和2016年获得第一名. 他的许多提及来自于在NCAA中被引用的名字,形象和相似性(NIL). Ridpath是校际运动的专家, intercollegiate athletic governance, sports law, sports administration, and governance reform, among others. 他提到的一些媒体包括美联社、ESPN和Sportico.

David Ridpath – OHIO Expert

2. Katherine Jellison

Katherine Jellison, 文理学院的历史教授, 在公历2022年被媒体提到291次. 自创立以来,她每年都是新闻人物, 被评为2021年最重要的新闻人物之一, 2020, 2019 and 2015, 在2018年和2017年蝉联第一. 杰利森是研究第一夫人、政界女性、美国总统候选人的专家.S. 婚姻、婚礼习俗、选举等等. 她在媒体上的许多提及都来自于引用她的故事. 在中期选举期间,吉尔·拜登正在为丈夫乔·拜登总统助选. 她被引用的一些主要媒体包括CNN和史密森尼杂志.

Katherine Jellison – OHIO Expert

3. Lawrence Witmer

Lawrence Witmer, 张应谦传统骨科医学院古生物学教授、解剖学教授, 在2022年被提到了140次. 他每年都被评为新闻人物,并在2020年被评为最佳新闻人物, 2016, and 2015, claiming the top newsmaker spot in 2019. 他是古生物学、解剖学、恐龙、进化和化石方面的专家. 他的研究实验室是最早在古生物学研究中使用计算机断层扫描(CT)和计算机可视化的实验室之一. 关于一块6700万年前的化石如何颠覆了鸟类进化理论,Witmer被广泛引用, as well as on dinosaurs’ evolution. 《newbb电子平台》(Smithsonian Magazine)和《newbb电子》(New Scientist)等媒体都引用了他的话.

Lawrence Witmer – OHIO Expert

4. Yuanjie Mao

Yuanjie Mao, 传统骨科医学院专业医学系临床助理教授, 在2022年被提到了130次. Although Mao has been named a newsmaker before, this is his first time being named a top newsmaker. As a member of the Diabetes Institute, Mao的研究重点是糖尿病,他在《newbb电子平台》上发表的关于高胰岛素剂量与癌症之间关系的研究被媒体特别提到. 这项研究发表在《newbb电子》和《newbb电子平台》等多家与健康相关的媒体上

Yuanjie Mao – OHIO Expert

5. Thomas Suddes

Thomas Suddes, 斯克里普斯传媒学院助理讲师, 在2022年被提到了73次. Suddes自成立以来每年都被评为新闻人物,并在2019年被评为最佳新闻人物, 2018, 2017 and 2016. 作为一名资深记者,多年来一直为各种媒体撰稿, 他决定在newbb电子平台开始他的工作后继续写专栏, 经常为《newbb电子》和《newbb电子平台》撰写每周专栏,谈论俄亥俄州的政治. He also serves as coordinator for the E.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院州议会新闻局奖学金.

Thomas Suddes – OHIO Expert

2022 Faculty NewsMakers

Faculty MembersCollegeMentions
Emilia Alonso-SamenoArts and Sciences2
Aaron ButlerFine Arts1
Adam HepworthBusiness7
Adam RappBusiness1
Alison HughesHeritage1
Allan ShoewalterArts and Sciences1
Alison SincoffFine Arts1
Allyson HughesHeritage2
Amy Taylor-BiancoBusiness2
Amy WhiteArts and Sciences1
Amy WolfeChillicothe1
Ana Rosado-FegerBusiness2
Andie WallaScripps11
Andrew AlexanderScripps2
Andrew HolbrookFine Arts1
Andrew PueschelBusiness1
Angela SprungerFine Arts1
Ani RuhilVoinovich1
Ben BatesScripps3
Berkeley FranzHeritage12
Bob LeithSouthern1
Bob WilliamsRuss6
Bradley NaylorFine Arts1
Brendan KendhammerArts and Sciences1
Brent FrederickFine Arts4
Brent LaneVoinovich1
Brian ClarkHeritage3
Brian SchoenArts and Sciences1
Caroline KingoriHealth Sciences and Professions3
Cassidy JarrahiFine Arts1
Charles LesterHonors Tutorial College1
Cheryl PrusinskiHealth Sciences and Professions1
Chester PachArts and Sciences3
Chris ThompsonArts and Sciences1
Christina Wright MehlonBusiness3
Corrine NielsenArts and Sciences1
Cort RodetArts and Sciences3
Cory CroninHealth Sciences and Professions2
Craig NunemakerHeritage7
Dami DaramolaRuss2
Dane SalabakHealth Sciences and Professions2
Daniel CheRuss1
Daniel KarneyArts and Sciences3
Dan SkinnerHeritage29
Daniel TorresArts and Sciences1
Darin RidgewayRuss2
Darlene BerrymanHeritage10
David BellArts and Sciences1
David CurpArts and Sciences1
David DraboldArts and Sciences28
David KoonceRuss1
David NguyenPatton1
David RidpathBusiness537
Deb HendersonArts and Sciences1
Donald MilesArts and Sciences7
Dustin GroomHealth Sciences and Professions1
Eddith DashiellScripps2
Edmond ChangArts and Sciences14
Edward ListHeritage7
Elizabeth BeverlyHeritage28
Ellison McNuttHeritage21
Emely PhelpsFine Arts1
Eric StinaffArts and Sciences1
Eric WilliamsScripps1
Erin SchlumpfFine Arts1
Eve NgScripps28
Frederick LewisScripps2
Garrett FieldFine Arts2
Geoff BuckleyArts and Sciences1
Geoff DabelkoVoinovich16
George EbertsArts and Sciences1
Gillian IceHeritage2
Guy RieflerRuss12
Haley DuschinskiArts and Sciences6
Hao LouBusiness1
Hayley HaugenSouthern1
Ian KleinArts and Sciences4
Ingo TrauschweizerArts and Sciences1
Jacqueline WolfHeritage11
James MosherArts and Sciences1
Janelle MitchellHealth Sciences and Professions1
Janet SimonHealth Sciences and Professions1
Jason JolleyVoinovich5
Jason TremblyRuss19
Jatin Srivastava Scripps1
Jay WilhelmRuss1
Jeesun JungPatton3
Jeff KuhnScripps1
Jeff RussellHealth Sciences and Professions10
Jen NewtonPatton37
Jennifer GwilymHeritage1
Jennifer StevensBusiness1
Jerry MillerScripps2
Jessica ArquetteHeritage1
Jim MahoneyVoinovich1
Jixin ChenArts and Sciences10
John BornVoinovich3
John BowditchScripps1
John KopchickHeritage16
John McCarthyHealth Sciences and Professions3
John SabrawFine Arts16
Joseph GingerichArts and Sciences1
Jose RochaFine Arts1
Josh AntonuccioScripps10
Julie Barnhart-FrancisPatton3
K. Jean ForneyArts and Sciences27
Katherine JellisonArts and Sciences291
Ken JohnsonHeritage14
Kerri ShawHealth Sciences and Professions1
Kevin LeeHeritage7
Kevin CordiPatton2
Kevin MattsonArts and Sciences1
Kevin SpikerEastern4
Kyle ButlerArts and Sciences1
Larry WitmerHeritage140
Leanne Chrisman-KhawamHeritage1
Lisa WallaceChillicothe1
Loren LybargerArts and Sciences1
Luke PittawayBusiness1
Marilyn AtlasArts and Sciences2
Mashawna HamiltonSouthern2
Matthew TalbertFine Arts1
Michele CourtneyHealth Sciences and Professions1
Mirna ZakicArts and Sciences1
Molly MorrisonArts and Sciences1
Mustafa ShraimRuss1
Natalie Kruse DanielsVoinovich1
Nate SzewczykHeritage6
Nukhet SandalArts and Sciences10
Pascha lYao YoungeFine Arts1
Patrick O'ConnorHeritage68
Perry LinHeritage5
Peter MatherPatton1
Randall LongeneckerHeritage1
Rebecca SnellArts and Sciences1
Rebecca VerNooyFine Arts1
Rick HodgesVoinovich2
Robert FoehlBusiness4
Robert McClureFine Arts1
Ryan FogtArts and Sciences24
Sabrina CurranArts and Sciences16
Sam GirtonScripps1
Sara HartmanPatton1
Sarah DavisVoinovich1
Sara HelfrichPatton5
Sarah WyattArts and Sciences3
Saw Wai HlaArts and Sciences22
Scott MillerRuss3
Shelley DelaneyFine Arts1
Shouan ZhuHeritage25
Stan AlostScripps3
Stephen ScanlanArts and Sciences4
Steven EvansArts and Sciences2
Steven MinerArts and Sciences3
Susan BurgessArts and Sciences11
Teresa FranklinPatton1
Theresa MoranArts and Sciences2
Thomas SuddesScripps73
Tim AndersonArts and Sciences2
Tim GoheenScripps4
Tingyue GuRuss1
Todd EisworthArts and Sciences2
Todd FredricksHeritage3
Victoria LeeArts and Sciences2
Victor JonesLancaster1
Vincent JungkunzArts and Sciences1
Wendy BlackwoodFine Arts1
William FrederikArts and Sciences1
William TalleyFine Arts1
Xiaozhuo ChenHeritage1
Yuanjie MaoHeritage131
Zakes MdaArts and Sciences1
Zelalem HaileHeritage1
Zelma Badu-YoungeFine Arts1

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