

有效的周一, 4月1日, 2019, 克里斯托弗森商务旅行公司 (CBT) is newbb电子平台’s new Preferred 供应商 for all 旅行 related business (Individual 旅行, 随团旅游, 和事件).


  • 随团旅游 is defined as any travel with 10 airline tickets or 10 酒店 rooms on the same itinerary.  The expectation is that there will be a single source of payment for the entire group. 
  • An 事件 is defined as a planned business occurrence happening at a determinable time and place, 这将需要酒店房间的任意组合, 运输, 餐饮, 会议室, 设备和/或场地. 虽然 强烈推荐,不需要透过CBT预约活动. 
  • 俄亥俄州的客户 is any person from newbb电子平台 that is requesting group travel or event assistance.
  • 供应商 这家公司提供旅游服务吗, 可能是一家航空公司, 酒店, 会议地点, 乘公共汽车去公司, 承办酒席的人, 等.
  • CTA is the Central 旅行 Account virtual card to be used to pay for group travel and event purchases. 获得这张卡的唯一方式是通过CBT预订. 
  • newbb电子平台 (BCB) is the electronic purchasing system that will be used for suppliers of group travel and events that do not accept credit cards.



The following procedures must be followed by any 俄亥俄州的客户 that needs to book group travel.

  1. 俄亥俄州的客户将填写 newbb电子平台团体旅行申请表,可在旅游网站或直接致电CBT 866查询.266.8806并选择选项二(2)来请求表单. The form requires the following information in order to provide sufficient details to CBT to engage with 供应商s and make the necessary arrangements:
    1. 旅行日期
    2. 旅行目的地
    3. 你感兴趣的酒店和酒店区域
    4. 地面交通,汽车租赁或其他交通需求
    5. 餐饮或会议室
    6. 需要的饭菜,e.g. 酒店免费早餐
    7. 其他特别需要的便利设施(例如.G、视听设备、会议室等.)
    8. 旅行/活动的主要联系人. 应该只有一个接触点.
  2. 将填妥的newbb电子平台团体旅行申请表寄至 俄亥俄州@cbtravel.com. 表单发送后, a travel planner from CBT will contact the 俄亥俄州的客户 within one business day to begin the process.
  3. After initial contact the CBT travel planner will review the requirements on the form and determine if additional information is required from the 俄亥俄州的客户.
  4. 一旦完全定义了请求的范围, CBT旅行计划将提供总成本的估计, by supplier and determine if the university competitive bidding requirements have been met. If a single supplier is expected to exceed the bid limit of $50,000, an 俄亥俄州 RFP will be required. CBT旅行计划员将与俄亥俄州采购商品经理接洽 purchasing@俄亥俄州.edu or 740.597-6446,完成必要的招标程序. CBT is a preferred supplier but the 俄亥俄州的客户 must still abide by the university competitive bidding requirements for any vendor that will exceed the $50,000英镑限价.
    1. Commodity Manager will work with 俄亥俄州的客户 to conduct Request for Proposal (RFP). 看到 RFP的指导方针 过程.
    2. 完成RFP并选择供应商后,跳到步骤6.
  5. 俄亥俄州客户将通过电子邮件收到, 从CBT旅行规划师那里得到他们旅行请求的建议选项. 提案将至少包括;
    1. 定价
    2. 位置
    3. 设施
    4. 额外的优惠


  • 如果提供9个月或更长时间- 3周交付提案
  • 如果提供4-9个月- 2周交付提案
  • 如果少于3个月- 1周交付提案
  • 为了更快的周转,总是可以请求一个例外.

CBT needs ten (10) business days to provide the best service for the entire planned trip or event within the 10 business day timeline is not guaranteed to be delivered. 

  1. 俄亥俄客户将通过电子邮件与CBT旅行策划人确认, 他们从提出的选项中做出选择. CBT travel planner will draft the contract (Contract will be a CBT contract with 俄亥俄州 language) and confirm the details are correct with the 俄亥俄州的客户. 俄亥俄州的客户 will approve the travel/event details within the draft contract with CBT travel planner.
  2. CBT travel planner will present the contract to the 供应商 and request additional information as follows:
    1. CBT travel planner will provide 供应商 with the appropriate state tax exemption certificate.
    2. CBT旅行规划师将为非全国性连锁酒店购买保险, 宪章, 公共汽车, 豪华轿车, 和航天飞机, 餐厅, 酒店老板, 非传统住房的定义在 合同及保险矩阵 并将保险证明书寄至 contracts@俄亥俄州.edu.
    3. CBT will obtain the food license (if needed for non-national chain 餐饮/餐厅) and send the license to contracts@俄亥俄州.edu.
    4. CBT将发送合同给 contracts@俄亥俄州.edu 由俄亥俄采购公司审核
  3. 俄亥俄采购公司将审查该合同, redline (edit contract) and return to CBT travel planner if the terms and conditions are not acceptable to 俄亥俄州. CBT travel planner will work with 供应商 to negotiate the terms and conditions to get into compliance with 俄亥俄州 requirements.
  4. Once terms and conditions are finalized, 俄亥俄州 采购 will sign the and return it to CBT. CBT旅行计划员将签署的合同退还给供应商.
  5. 一旦合同由供应商会签, CBT旅行规划师将提供完整执行的合同给 contracts@俄亥俄州.edu 以及俄亥俄州客户的参考副本.
  6. CBT旅行计划人员将与供应商确认可接受的付款方式.
    1. 如果供应商接受信用卡,则使用CTA. 直接跳到步骤12.
    2. If 供应商 does not accept credit card payment, a PO must be issued through BCB
    3. CBT将通知俄亥俄州客户必须由BCB签发PO
    4. 俄亥俄客户将确认供应商是否存在于BCB数据库中
      1. 如果供应商是BCB的新成员, 俄亥俄州客户将要求CBT旅行计划员获得, a fully executed supplier W9/W8 and the 俄亥俄州 供应商/Payee Information Form (SPIF).
      2. CBT will provide the completed W9/W8 and SPIF back to the 俄亥俄州的客户 for entry in a BCB services agreement requisition.
      3. 俄亥俄客户将在BCB提交服务协议申请, 附加新的供应商信息并执行合同. If 俄亥俄州的客户 needs instructions for entering a services agreement requisition in BCB, 请参阅 服务协议快速参考指南
      4. 订单在BCB中创建,并自动发送给供应商
      5. 俄亥俄州的客户 will request 采购 to provide CBT travel planner with the PO.
  7. CBT travel planner will secure and confirm the reservations by providing the 供应商 either the CTA card with a credit card authorization form or confirm that the 供应商 received the BCB PO.
  8. CBT travel planner will provide the 俄亥俄州 Customer with the official confirmation that travel/event is booked and confirmed with 供应商. 确认将包括;
    1. 旅游详情,行程,地点,价格等.
    2. 存款日期
    3. 最后付款期限
    4. 提供最终住宿名单的日期
    5. Air manifest (list must include names as listed on passport and government issued identification).
    6. 其他关键交付成果(如签证、护照、免疫接种等).)
  9. CBT will ensure all payments are made according to schedule and will work with 俄亥俄州的客户 to ensure all essential deliverables are met.
  10. CBT travel planner will provide the 俄亥俄州的旅行 Manager and 俄亥俄州的客户 with the final trip documents 72 hours prior to the trip (includes charter #, 公共汽车时间, 供应商联系方式, 等.).
  11. CBT将向供应商提供俄亥俄州的主要联系人. 
  12. 如需任何旅行援助, 变化, 或者旅行/活动期间的中断, 俄亥俄州的客户应致电866-266-8806联系CBT,并选择选项一(1)。, 请求协助.  If traveling internationally and the previous number does not work,  contact CBT at 682.233.1914. For faster service after hours, reference code 6LV to identify yourself as an 俄亥俄州的客户.
  13. 如果旅行期间有任何变化, please contact the CBT travel planner assigned to the request to keep them apprised of the 变化. 这将确保旅行后所有最终账单的准确性.
  14. CBT travel planner will receive the final invoice from 供应商 and review for accuracy before sending to the 俄亥俄州的客户.
  15. 俄亥俄州 Customer will substantiate the expense in 同意 within 15 days of the event.  If a BCB PO is the method of payment, the 俄亥俄州的客户 will forward the invoice to 账户.payable@俄亥俄州.edu 进行处理.
  16. 任何旅行或活动的取消, 或先前提交请求的状态查询, 是否应直接向CBT指定的旅行计划员提出原始请求.