Master of 美术 in Photography and 综合媒体

Photography + 综合媒体 — Master of 美术


The Photography + 综合媒体 Area offers an innovative M.F.A. curriculum that defines photographic practice in its most inclusive and experimental manifestations.

The strength of the Photography + 综合媒体 program lies in its leadership in innovative teaching, 最新的技术, 并提供现代化宽敞的设施. The curriculum encourages experimentation with a wide variety of processes and platforms ranging from black and white photography, 数码影像和视频, 跨学科的实践. 通过强大的技术和概念培训, the program stresses the development of the photographer as an artist and the use of lens-based technologies as vital tools of creative expression, preparing students for rewarding careers in the field.


  • 人物、表演和形象
  • 纪录片、种族 & 身份
  • 交互安装、技术、编码
  • Alternative processes such as video, 3-D printing, laser cutting, vinyl cutting
  • 美学,将 & 空间,生态
  • 政治、社会实践、创业
  • Pedagogy and professional practices in Photography & 综合媒体



探索沃尔特·本杰明, 苏珊·桑塔格, and Roland Barthes extensive writings about the nature of photography and the medium’s organic relationship to the subjects of memory, 忧郁的, 幻想, 历史, 和损失.


探索 the key issues and methodologies of feminist art practice. Discuss the continuity of feminist concerns and strategies through an examination of the 历史 and contemporary manifestations of feminist art.


从生物学的考虑开始, ontological and mechanical evolution of seeing and photography, 我们将探讨缺席等主题, 沉默, 黑暗, and blindness — a kind of antithesis of visual impression.


  • 超过11000平方英尺的空间
  • 4 . B&W的暗室
  • 多个私人暗房
  • 超过50台放大机,包括27台新的贝塞勒23c
  • Large lighting studio supporting analog and digital practice
  • Photo equipment cage with professional cameras, lighting, and equipment darkroom
  • Digital imaging facility with Apple iMac computers and large scale Epson color printers
  • 哈苏胶片和爱普生平板扫描仪
  • 摄影研究生办公室
  • 创造空间 数字化实验室


选择 is a biennial juried exhibition organized by the graduate students of newbb电子平台’s MFA Photography and 综合媒体 program in the School of 艺术与设计. 从1980年开始, 选择 has achieved national recognition for its leadership in forging new definitions in the medium by emphasizing the work of photographers in the conceptual forefront of the practice. The exhibition has hosted a distinguished roster of artist jurors including Carrie Mae Weems, 凯利康奈尔大学, 杰森·里德, 和朱迪·纳塔尔. 2019年的替代品展览 2、3、4:立体摄影布列塔尼·尼尔森(Brittany Nelson)对她进行了审判. 更多信息请访问我们的 程序Instagram帐户.


Our students regularly go on to receive Fulbright Awards, 国家她, 画廊表示, university teaching positions and other types of professional positions in the field as post-graduates.


  • Professional 画廊表示; professional studio
  • 大学教学岗位
  • 富布赖特获奖者
  • Arts administration/museum and/or non-profit positions
  • Creative director, merchandiser, commercial photography/ video/ film, web designer
  • 画廊经理,老板,馆长
  • 美术作家、图书管理员或顾问
  • 工作室助理


申请进入M.F.A. 摄影+综合媒体专业, both a 研究生学院 (online application) as well as School of 艺术与设计, Photography + 综合媒体 Area application must be received. Please adhere to the following checklist in preparing both of these areas of application. 申请必须在2月1日之前盖上邮戳.

  1. 在线申请 — within this application, you'll be required to submit the following:
    • Application Fee — $50 for US Citizens, $55 for International (credit card or electronic check only)

    • 正式成绩单寄送至:
      研究 & 科技大楼

    • 意向陈述:这通常是1-2页. 你为什么要申请研究生院? 为什么俄亥俄州? 你未来的目标是什么? Is there any information about your past experience/skills that is not reflected on your resume?

    • 艺术家声明:这通常是一页. Tell us about your current research interests, influences, and artwork.

    • 简历/简历

    • Three Letters of Reference: Submit the contact information for three references. Our system will automatically send these people a request via email for their submission. Their responses should be submitted by the February 1st deadline.

  2. School of 艺术与设计, Photography + 综合媒体 Area application

    • Submit 20 images or other documentation of recent, original artwork.

    • 所有上传必须符合Slideroom的参数. 在准备文件之前回顾一下这些内容.

    • Along with each artwork, add descriptive text where indicated.

    • 必要时可以使用详细的幻灯片.

    • Slideroom的服务需要支付10美元的费用.

    • This part of the application must also be completed by February 1st.

注意: Except for the official transcripts, NO materials should be sent through standard mail.


All faculty in the Photography + 综合媒体 area are working artists who exhibit actively and serve as visiting artists and lecturers at colleges and galleries across the country. newbb电子平台 and the Photography + 综合媒体 Department are committed to the creation of a diverse community of artist scholars. If you’d like more information about our program, please reach out to 卡西迪布劳恩.

and 访问ng Professor of Photography and 综合媒体