



成立于1923年, the newbb电子平台 Bands continue a nearly century-long tradition of excellence in concert halls and stadiums. The program consists of four concert bands including the 风交响曲, 交响乐团, 大学音乐会乐队, 及社区大学乐队, 还有三个运动乐队, 包括游行110, 大学篮球队, 及校友排球乐队. Over 500 undergraduate and graduate students as well as community members perform in one or more of these ensembles each year. 风的交响曲, 音乐会节目的首要合奏团, was the first collegiate wind band to perform in the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and in 2017 debuted at New York City’s famed Carnegie Hall, 与著名作曲家合作, 导体, 和独奏者, 目前正在进行一项商业录音项目.

自1967年以来, the 110年游行 has been coined as “The Most Exciting Band in the Land,” entertaining enthusiastic audiences at on- and off-campus university athletic events, 国家橄榄球联盟比赛, 法国国际场馆, 爱尔兰, 和意大利, 在梅西百货的感恩节期间,还有数千万人, 玫瑰争霸赛, 总统就职游行以及网络视频, and in 1976 was the first collegiate marching band to perform in New York City’s famed Carnegie Hall. Alumni of the newbb电子平台 Bands hold prominent positions as 导体, 表演者, 以及国家军乐队的教师, 主要的大学, 以及各级公立和私立教育机构. 

All newbb电子平台音乐会乐队 are open to students of all majors across campus. 试镜 and placement are required for 风交响曲 and 交响乐团, while University Band and the Communiversity Band are open to any interested students and community members. Below is a brief description of each ensemble, followed by each 导体's contact information.




The newbb电子平台 风交响曲 is one of four concert bands in the 音乐学院. This auditioned ensemble’s membership is selected from among the finest wind and percussion 表演者 in the university. Dedicated to the performance of outstanding repertoire from the Renaissance to the present, 《newbb电子》采用了一种灵活的方法来使用乐器, allowing for stylistic accuracy in the performance of wind music by the world’s greatest composers.

作为音乐学院首屈一指的音乐会乐队, the 风交响曲 performs approximately six campus concerts each year, and has performed for conferences of the College Band Directors National Association (1977, 2004, 2012), 俄亥俄州音乐教育协会(1996), 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2019), 作曲家协会, 公司., 世界项目乐团音乐节(2008), the Women 在音乐中 Conference with guest composers Joan Tower and 南希·加尔布雷斯 (1999), a subscription concert performance on the 南部 Ohio 表演艺术系列 (2012), 在华盛顿肯尼迪表演艺术中心演出, D.C. (1973, 2008), and in Dublin, 爱尔兰 and Rome, Italy as part of a European Tour in May 2013. In February 2017 the 风交响曲 commemorated the newbb电子平台 音乐学院 centennial by making its debut performance at New York City’s famed Carnegie Hall.

风交响乐已经发行了两张商业专辑: 母舰, 梅森·贝茨的世界首张唱片 母舰 在2013年和 颜色+光线 in 2016, both on the Mark Masters Label and with multiple appearances on the Grammy Entry List. Members of the 风交响曲 have enjoyed opportunities to collaborate with a variety of distinguished artists including 导体 Eugene Migliaro Corporon, 杰克德莱尼, 托马斯Fraschillo, 加里·希尔, Thomas Lee, 唐纳德·施莱歇尔, 和作曲家Donald Erb, 南希·加尔布雷斯, 杰克·加拉格尔, Jere Hutcheson, 詹妮弗•乔利, 戴夫·马洛伊, 詹姆斯Mobberley, 马克•菲利普斯, 罗伯特·塞拉, 埃里克·惠塔克. 风的交响曲 has also performed with an array of outstanding international 独奏者 including Denée Benton, 百老汇的女高音和明星 娜塔莎,皮埃尔 & 一八一二年的大彗星; the Canadian Brass; Allen Vizzutti, trumpet; and Larry Zalkind, trombone; as well as the outstanding faculty and accomplished alumni of the newbb电子平台 音乐学院.

为了支持管乐队创作新的作品, 风交响乐团经常赞助委托项目. Composers whose works have been premiered or jointly commissioned by the newbb电子平台 风交响曲 include Mason Bates, 盖Broege, 史蒂文科比, 伊莱钱伯斯, 理查德Danielpour, 迈克尔·多尔蒂, 安迪·弗朗西斯, 南希·加尔布雷斯, 哈根达, 哈克霍奇, 利比拉森, 克里斯托弗·李, 洛厄尔利伯曼, 大卫·T. 小, 戴夫·马洛伊, 迈克尔Markowski, 马修斯特纳, 沃尔特·梅斯, 罗伯·麦克卢尔, 辛迪McTee, 罗伯特·莫兰, 肖恩·帕森斯, 马克•菲利普斯, 安东尼·帕洛格, 比尔赖兴巴赫, 罗伯特·泽维尔·罗德里格斯, 迈克尔Schelle, 罗伯特·塞拉, 周田, 杰西·兰斯顿·特纳, 达纳·威尔逊, 陈毅, 还有格雷戈里·尤茨. 风的交响曲 also serves as the core of the annual Ampersand Festival, which celebrates interdisciplinary collaboration across the arts and disciplines to create innovative and authentic performances. 


Dr. 威廉Talley



由70名成员组成, the 交响乐团 is committed to the highest level of performance of standard and contemporary band repertoire. 对所有newbb电子平台的学生开放试镜, this ensemble provides an opportunity to study and perform outstanding literature at the highest standards and to collaborate with guest composers, 导体, 和独奏者. The 交响乐团 performs an average of six on-campus performances each year.


Dr. 理查德·苏克人



The 大学音乐会乐队 is open to all students in the university regardless of major, 以及大雅典社区的成员, who wish to continue to perform on their instruments in a large ensemble setting. This group rehearses once a week in preparation for two concerts each semester. The goal of the 大学音乐会乐队 is to provide an outlet for musical creativity, 以适当的表演要求提供最大的享受. 参加这个团体不需要试镜.


贾斯汀G. McCrary





Dr. 威廉·塔利,主任

6月6日星期四: 音乐会最爱乐队

6月13日星期四: 贾斯汀 McCrory指挥的《newbb电子平台》

6月20日星期四: 谢尔顿·弗雷泽的乐队盛宴, 导体, with the 俄亥俄州 Summer 音乐 Academy and the Columbus Youth Jazz Orchestra

7月4日星期四: 《newbb电子平台》,罗德·米勒饰演J.P. 苏萨


这是newbb电子平台的悠久传统, the Communiversity Band serves as the core ensemble for the "榆树下" 夏季音乐会系列. This popular event takes place over the course of five weeks during June and early July on the College Green, located just outside of Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium. 该组织由newbb电子平台的在校学生和校友组成, 现任和退休教师, 以及来自雅典和其他地方的社区成员. 这个乐团接待了许多客座指挥, 独奏者, 以及每季的服装组合, including past guests such as Eugene Migliaro Corporon (University of North Texas), 约翰·林奇(佐治亚大学), 乔恩·伍兹(俄亥俄州立大学), 丹尼斯·费舍尔(北德克萨斯大学), Shelley Jagow(莱特州立大学), Robert Meunier(德雷克大学), 约翰·科迪·伯德威尔(肯塔基大学)和其他许多人.

The Communiversity Band also performs a Holiday Concert every December in Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium with special guests the 雅典社区音乐学校 Children's Chorus. 


The band performs Thursdays during the concert season (typically June through early July) beginning at 7:00 pm on the College Green (Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium if inclement weather).






贾斯汀G. McCrary