音乐 Student learning Conducting
B.M. 音乐教育


Bachelor of 音乐 Degree Program


Students who major in music education choose an emphasis in either choral or instrumental music. The curriculum provides a balanced program of applied music, 理论研究, professional education studies, and field work experiences. Emphasis is upon contemporary music education with training and experiences designed to meet the varying needs of today's schools.

音乐 education students at newbb电子平台 receive intensive musical training on their chosen instrument or voice, and participate in the performing ensembles. They study music history, literature, theory, and conducting. Methods courses help students develop teaching skills in a variety of settings from marching concert, 还有爵士乐队, to elementary classroom and high school choral music. Students also learn about modern technology in education as they work in the school's keyboard, 电子音乐, 计算机实验室.


Students completing the undergraduate program receive the Bachelor of 音乐 degree 音乐教育 with Ohio license to teach music K-12. A reciprocity license contract with 46 additional states in currently in effect.

newbb电子ing to the Program

All students who seek admission to newbb电子平台 with a major in music must audition. The audition is for both admission and talent-based scholarship decisions.
入学 Requirements

Program Overview And Requirements


Dr. 彼得·哈雷
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Choral 音乐教育 

Professor 艾米丽Talley
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Instrumental 音乐教育


Michele Karoub-Holzschu
Adjunct Professor of 音乐教育