
M.F.A. 生产技术


The 生产技术 program prepares students for careers as technicians in the professional theater and related fields. Our training provides employable skills which result in excellent job opportunities upon graduation.


生产技术 areas include technical direction, 服装技术与工艺, 道具技术(工艺). The program is structured to allow specialization and to encourage dual area interests. With a graduate population of 25-30 design and technology students, classes tend to be small and intense, so students get a lot of individual attention and mentoring.

Each semester ends with a review by all of the faculty of recent student work. 在三年的时间里, emphasis is placed on professional portfolio development which synthesizes classes, production and resume building employment. Classes in 表演 Photography and Portfolio support this emphasis.

Summer work in the field is required, as is yearly national conference attendance.


They initial year includes fundamentals in technology, the director-designer collaboration, and developing relevant skills in specific areas. Realized production assignments generally begin with an assistantship and follow with a technical assignment in the second semester


The second year is focused on synthesis of skill and practical experiences. Students take advanced courses in technology and design as well as a business class, theater history and criticism and electives to complete the first two years. Realized production will continue with at least one assignment per semester as well as production work related practicum credits or graduate stipends.


Students lead a fully supported main stage thesis project in their area of expertise and intern at substantial professional theater or an equivalent producing organization. The final requirement of the program is the presentation of a digital and traditional "exit portfolio" and website that meets prevailing professional standards.



The majority of our productions are designed by students and all are produced by our students. With two main staged and four lab spaces, all production technicians get at least two main stage and several lab theater design experiences. All technicians will work with professional directors, designers and actors as part of the 发脾气剧院 professional component of the School. Production technician students are widely sought after for student films and dance productions.


We regularly place students in theaters over the summer or during academic breaks. Typical placements include Santa Fe Opera, 科罗拉多莎士比亚节, 犹他州莎士比亚戏剧节, Glimmerglass歌剧, 华盛顿莎士比亚剧院, 中心舞台, 巴尔的摩中心舞台, 伯克希尔哈撒韦剧院, 威廉斯敦戏剧节, 路易斯维尔演员剧院, 以及匹兹堡公共剧院.


It is our expectation that students will attend at least one national conference such as USITT, LDI, 国家经贸委, or ACTF each year to participate in competitions, 组合评价, 还有工作面试. Outstanding students are invited to participate in the USITT Young Technician's Forum. The 2017 World Stage Design and the 2011 rogue Quadrennial featured several 俄亥俄州 students' work and in 2007 we produced a Tobin Prize winner at the Quadrennial.


Because a requirement for graduation is an internship, we regularly place our students at theaters across the country or in professional shops. Recent placements include Santa Fe Opera, 生产资源组, 公共剧场, 雅各布的枕头, 芝加哥莎士比亚, 发脾气剧院, and Oregon Shakespeare Festival to name a few.


The faculty maintains active professional careers and provide students with the opportunities through our wide professional network.

入学 to the program is by interview at the annual U/RTA sits and at scheduled interviews and 组合评价 on campus. 不需要GRE. We strongly encourage an on-campus visit for a more in depth look at the program to visit classes and see a production.
