




Requests for catering services from 俄亥俄州 餐饮 should be made online by using our 门户网站.

俄亥俄州餐饮办公室, 位于贝克大学中心125开放接受订单周一至周五从上午8点到下午5点, 不包括假期.  可以拨打740联系该办公室.593.4035或发邮件 catering@俄亥俄州.edu.

When planning for catered services, we ask that you plan as far in advance as possible. 我们希望您在活动前至少两(2)周与我们的餐饮办公室联系, 和 in no case fewer than five (5) business days. Two weeks gives us enough time to plan the best event for you, 安排我们的员工并点餐, 饮料和亚麻制品. 对于在活动日期前五(5)个工作日内预订的活动,俄亥俄州 餐饮将尽一切努力满足您的要求. 滞纳金将为放置添加, or changing an order with fewer than 5 business days lead time: 25% Late Fee for 4 days; 35% Late Fee for 2-3 days; 45% Late Fee for 1 day or same day.

Important Information for Planning Your Event

  • 部门或组名.
  • Account Number if charging to a Department, Billing Authorization, or Credit Card.
  • 联系 information with cell phone number preferred.
  • 需要素食或纯素餐.
  • 特殊饮食注意事项.
  • Special layout needs (reserved seating, head tables, skirting).
  • 如果计划户外活动,雨地点.
  • 中国或一次性服务.
  • Style of service: 自助餐; 服务; Delivery/Setup; Delivery/Drop-off; Carryout.
  • Program details – awards ceremonies, speakers, etc.
  • 插花和中心装饰品.
  • 预算参数.
  • 服务 – All courses are served to each person, at the dining table. 根据活动的时间限制,沙拉和/或甜点可以提前准备好. 定价 is based on a single-menu entrée selection, plus a gluten-free/vegan option.
  • 自助餐 – This style of service offers a variety of menu choices. Quantities of food will be prepared to adequately to serve the number of guaranteed guests. This, however, does not imply the buffet will be all-you-can-eat. A buffet is suggested when the following may occur: guests arriving at different times; physical layout of the room; mixed crowd requiring a varied menu; lack of facilities to serve formally; or a more informal style of event.
  • 交付设置/皮卡 – Deliveries made on campus with a setup required. 请 be sure to order adequate tables from 事件服务 对于 贝克大学中心, 沃尔特圆形大厅, Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium室外空间,或from 流动及盈余 预订餐饮服务,并在活动开始前至少三(3)小时安排好. 除非另有说明,我们将在您的活动开始前大约15分钟进行准备. If you need the event 捡起 promptly at the ending time, please be sure to indicate that when you arrange for catering service. A delivery fee will be added to any order outside of 贝克大学中心. Delivery times are available from 7 AM to 10 PM. 在教学楼对公众开放之前或之后安排送货,请与教学楼进行安排. Any delivery before or after these times may incur an additional charge dependent on time, 客人数量和地点. 定价 includes the pickup of all equipment. 所有设备是俄亥俄餐饮的唯一财产,必须由客户保护,直到我们的工作人员拿起. Any equipment not returned or returned damaged will be charged full replacement cost.
  • 交付下降 – Deliveries made on campus with no setup required, as well as no return pickup/cleanup. A delivery fee will be added to any order outside of 贝克大学中心. A drop-off cannot occur if the menu requires reusable equipment. Delivery times are available between 7 AM 和 10 PM. Any delivery before or after these times may incur an additional charge dependent on time, 客人数量和地点.
  • 皮卡服务 – Carryout service can be arranged for items you may wish to pick up from 贝克大学中心室 125     星期一- - - - - - 星期五上午8点至下午4:30. 您有责任及时归还在您的活动中使用过的任何设备. 如果您的设备在活动开始后的两(2)个工作日内损坏或未归还,您的帐户将被收取费用.


  • 所有由非营地组织安排的活动都需要支付活动总费用的50%的押金. That deposit is 100% refundable at least thirty (30) days before the event, 并在活动取消前至少十一(11)个工作日退还高达50%的费用. 如果在预定活动的十(10)个工作日内取消,押金将不予退还. Full-service dinners include the cost of appropriate wait staff. Breakfast/Lunch buffets 和 receptions do not include the cost of wait staff. Following are the costs of additional staffing:
    • Server/Attendant – $17 per hour for 4 hours minimum
    • 酒保——每小时17美元,至少4小时. 酒吧服务至少2小时.)
  • 送货费用
    • 送货上门:25美元
    • 送货/上门服务$60
    • Linen fee: A charge for table skirt(s) will be added to orders below $100.
    • A $3.00 per person fee to move 中国 outside 贝克大学中心.
    • Mileage at the IRS St和ard Mileage Rate (currently $.545 per mile) 校外活动 will be added 校外活动 除了标准送货费.
  • Off-site events require a 15% service charge for labor 和 staffing.


We reserve the right to adjust or change our advertised pricing based on location, seasonal product availability 和 the current market price of products. Once your contract is signed, your prices are guaranteed. 除非提供免税证明,否则所有非newbb电子平台活动的账单将增加销售税.


These video tutorials will assist customers in placing an order through our CaterZen平台




Returning Customer Places an Order Tutorial


  • At the time of booking, we will send you a copy of the event sheet for your final approval. 我们要求您在活动单上签字,以确认您了解菜单费用,然后在24小时内将其退还给俄亥俄州餐饮办公室. An estimated count must be communicated at the time the event is scheduled. 在这一点上,俄亥俄餐饮将计划和安排所有客人,您表示将出席.
  •  保证计数必须在活动前不迟于五(5)个工作日的下午4点之前提供给俄亥俄州餐饮办公室(如果活动的截止日期为下星期一)。. 在事件发生前72小时内,数量可以增加,但数量不能减少. The 保证数 is the number that we will schedule, prepare 和 bill for (unless your actual attendance is higher than the guarantee). 如果提前不到五(5)个工作日通知,任何已下单或更改的订单将增加滞纳金.
  • If no final count is obtained, we will prepare 和 charge for the original number of guests. 在活动前十一(11)个工作日取消活动是免费的(校外实体押金除外), 这是50%的收费). 在活动后十(10)个工作日内取消的校内实体将被收取活动价格的50%. 在活动三(3)个工作日内取消的校园实体将承担整个活动的全部费用.


请联系newbb电子平台预订所有与食品无关的设备和安排 事件服务 at 740.593.4000. All non-food related equipment 和 arrangements include the room reservation, 设置和房间配置, 技术和视听需求, 以及其他设施相关信息.

请注意,任何亚麻布, 中国, 从俄亥俄州餐饮以外的实体租用的餐具和其他物品由订购它们的个人/团体/部门负责. 俄亥俄州 餐饮 can assist with these items on events, but will not be responsible for the receipt or return of these items to an outside vendor. 请 make arrangements to have these items, 交付, 捡起, 并且在你的活动之前安排好了.


newbb电子平台非常小心地遵循建议的适当的食品处理程序,以最大限度地保护我们的客户和客人的利益,以帮助减少食源性疾病的风险. 像这样, 我们有一定的服务准则,旨在帮助我们保持这种高水平的食品安全实践. These guidelines include not serving or making available for service any food or beverage that was not produced or supplied by 俄亥俄州 University 餐饮服务 or one of our approved vendors; adhering to time limits that food may be held safely for service; limiting the service of certain foods to certain locations 和 conditions under which food safety guidelines can be upheld; 和 keeping customers from removing perishable foods from functions for later consumption. 这些和其他指导方针已经到位,以帮助保护您和大学免受食源性疾病的风险. 请 discuss the service of alcoholic beverages with our Senior 餐饮 Manager at catering@俄亥俄州.edu or 740.593.确保符合 大学酒精政策.


  • 俄亥俄州 餐饮 reserves the right to substitute items based on product availability. We will make every attempt to inform you of this change as far in advance as possible.
  • 俄亥俄餐饮公司保留随时根据食品和劳动力成本的波动调整价格的权利.
  • 请 discuss any special dietary requirements with the Senior 餐饮 Manager at catering@俄亥俄州.edu or 740.593.4035.
  • 所有计划在户外举行的活动,必须有一个应急计划,以防恶劣天气.

If you feel your event should be exempt of 俄亥俄州 餐饮, 请联系Chuck Wagers, 零售营运助理总监, at 740.593.4036 or wagers@俄亥俄州.edu


俄亥俄州 餐饮's alcohol service options [PDF]



  • 餐饮 orders need to be placed at least 5 business days  在活动日期之前. If you experience time constraints or an unexpected event arises, please call the catering office for assistance.
  • 最终计票需要在活动日期前至少五个工作日致电或通过电子邮件发送给餐饮办公室.
  • We automatically prepare for 5% above your count. If your actual count is above your guaranteed count, you will be charged for the actual number of guests. If your actual count is lower than the guaranteed count, you will be charged for the guaranteed count given. 
  • 请 newbb电子平台 to make an appointment to discuss your event at 740.593.4035 or catering@俄亥俄州.edu.