
Global Experiences Transfer Credit Approval Process

你是否正在开始一个 交换 程序newbb电子或探索 Non-俄亥俄州 options, this page is your guide to transfer credit for international 全球 experiences. Each step of the process below will need to be completed in the 全球机遇办公室 Student Portal 对于你的个人体验.  

注意:以下步骤仅适用于学生参加学分经验的国际全球经验. If you are looking for information regarding transferring credit from a U.S. institution, please consult your Success Advisor.

Why do I need to complete the Transfer Credit Approval Process before studying abroad? 

转学学分批准程序是维持你作为newbb电子平台学生的注册所必需的. Additionally, this process allows you to:  

  • Ensure that you receive academic credit.
  • Verify that your expectations regarding credits earned are realistic.
  • 了解你的经济援助计划(奖学金和贷款)是否以及如何适用于你的项目费用.  
  • Ensure that you understand the appropriate guidelines and policies 

Still narrowing your program decision? 没问题. 

如果你已经将你的专业选择缩小到最后的两到三个选项,但想看看学分和经济援助是如何适用于每个项目的,那么在OGO学生门户网站上创建一个申请,其中包含每个项目的详细信息.  When you've decided on your final choice, email 全球.opportunities@俄亥俄州.edu to let us know that you'd like to cancel the other applications.  


The credit approval process consists of four steps, which you will complete in the 全球机遇办公室 Student Portal

  1. Admissions Approval -确认颁发成绩单的机构是由国家教育部认可的,并且获得的学分可以被newbb电子平台接受.  
  2. Academic Approval -评估哪些课程可以利用你的全球经验,以及如何将这些课程转回newbb电子平台. 
  3. 预算和财政援助批准 -了解项目的总成本,以及经济援助是否以及如何适用于你的项目成本. 
  4. 核实入学情况 到达现场后, you will submit a verification of enrollment form, which allows 俄亥俄州 to confirm your enrollment and disburse any applicable financial aid. 

Admissions Approval 

这部分是由全球机会办公室(OGO)顾问在与本科招生部门协商后完成的,当你的项目在美国联邦政府批准时 OGO学生入门网站.  You will know that your program is approved by OGO when your program name in the OGO学生入门网站 从“非俄亥俄州占位符项目”切换到您所选项目的实际名称,并且您已收到“接受”电子邮件.  Note: This process can take up to one week after your application has been received.  

After OGO has approved your program, you will see your transcripting institution listed on the "Admissions Approval" tab of the OGO学生入门网站.  如果您对上面列出的内容有任何疑问或担忧,请查看此信息并尽快联系Global Opportunities. 


转学学分的最终确定将取决于完成经验后收到的成绩单. Courses and grades must meet the guidelines found on http://www.目录.俄亥俄州.edu/content.php?catoid = 39&navoid=2333#Transf_Other_Col_Univ. 在大多数情况下,在此过程中预先批准的留学课程学分符合这些指导方针. 
本科学生必须获得相当于“C”或更高的成绩才能获得转到newbb电子平台的学分. Graduate students are required to receive the equivalent of a “B" or better. 在newbb电子平台招生办公室收到并评估了被认可或认可的大学的正式成绩单后,转学分将被记入你的DARS. The transfer credit will appear as a “T” signifying that it is transfer credit, followed by the appropriate letter grade that you received, e.g.,“ta”,“tb”. 
您有责任确保接收机构或提供者将提供成绩单, 译成英文, 如果有必要的话, to the 全球机遇办公室. If secure digital transcripts are offered, request these be sent to admissions@俄亥俄州.edu,如果可能的话,复制 全球.opportunities@俄亥俄州.edu 

It can take 2 to 4 months for the host institution to provide your transcript. Upon receipt, OGO forwards the transcript to the Office of Undergraduate 入学s. It is then sent to your college/department, as they add the course equivalencies. 

Academic Approval 

在本节中, 您将 评估您的全球经验中有哪些课程可用,以及如何将它们转移回俄亥俄州. 您将与入学学院的成功顾问合作,为您考虑参加全球项目的任何课程获得学术 预批准.  

If your program provider also has a course approval form, once you have completed the "Academic Approval" tab in the portal, 将表格电邮至 全球.opportunities@俄亥俄州.edu and an OGO advisor will sign the form.

How to complete the Study Abroad Course Pre-Approval Form

  • Meet with your Success Advisor(s) to review your DARS and plan what courses may fit in your Graduation Plan. 
    • 文理学院 students should meet with Randy Price or Grace Jones.
  • Select courses and find course descriptions and/or course syllabi 由您的全球计划提供. In case some courses become unavailable, identify at least twice the number of courses than your intended course load. 重要提示: 如果没有课程大纲,你可能无法正确地将你的课程等同于俄亥俄的课程. 联系您的全球课程提供商或大学合作伙伴,索取课程描述和/或教学大纲.
  • 完成 Study Abroad Course Pre-Approval Form with program and course information. 填写本表格须知: 
    • Find the Transcript Issuing Institution identified in the Admissions Approval tab. 注意:成绩单机构的国内/国际地位可能与国际项目网站不同. 
    • Provide as much information as possible for each course in Course Information. 
    • Add course descriptions to Additional Information (optional). The form only accepts Word or PDF file types.
    • Look for a notification email from the Online, Transfer, and Credit Services Center upon successful submission of your request.

您将在5-7个工作日内收到一封确认邮件,其中包含您预先批准的课程的结果. OGO鼓励您咨询您的成功顾问,了解预批准的结果和任何潜在的DARS替代,以确定它们如何影响您完成学位的时间. 

  • 上传pdf结果 “留学课程预批准表格”填写到“学术批准”页签,并勾选下面的复选框. 

现场提示: 你应该保留所有更新的教学大纲和完成的课程,以防在返回时需要额外的批准或检查. 如果你想申请DARS例外,你可以在完成留学经历后申请. 在课程完成并添加到DARS之后,DARS例外才能完成.


For this section, the process varies for 交换 and Non-俄亥俄州 experiences. 对交换项目感兴趣的学生将使用与他们感兴趣的交换经验相关的学生预算工作表. The student budget worksheet can be found on the program website.  


Creating a budget (Non-俄亥俄州 项目): 

  1. 下载 备选预算表. 使用本指南来确定您的全球体验的总估计“出席成本”. Be sure to include any program fees your provider has, 150美元的海外教育管理费以及往返机票等自付费用, 食物(如不包括膳食), 额外差旅费, 护照和签证费, 其他杂项费用. 
  2. 与OGO顾问会面.  OGO顾问将审查您的预算,以确保您已考虑到所有估计的项目成本. You will need an OGO advisor to sign off to complete your registration. 

Once you have either a student budget worksheet or an OGO-approved alternative budget form, you are ready to meet with Financial Aid to discuss your hat about their financial situation.  

When going to Financial Aid, students must bring: 

  • A copy of their completed Study Abroad Course Pre-Approval form (see the Academic Approval 欲知详情). 
  • A copy of the student budget worksheet or the completed 备选预算表, 由OGO顾问签署 
  • Any questions about your financial situation. 

Verification of Oversees Enrollment (VOE) 


After you have arrived in your host country: 

  1. 的副本下载 小海湾形式 
  2. 完成 top portion of the form. 
  3. 联系适当的海外机构主管(国内项目主管或注册主任),让他们完成第二部分. 他们必须签名、注明日期,如果可以的话,还要加盖学校的公章. 
  4. 将表格的副本上传到 OGO学生入门网站.  

在提交了VOE之后, any financial aid and scholarships that are applicable to your experience can be released. 在OGO收到完成的VOE后,大约需要两周的时间才能发放经济援助.