Mail Services FAQ

General FAQ:

What is the proper address format to use when addressing mail?


  • First & Last name
  • Department
  • 1 Ohio University
  • Athens, OH 45701



  • First & Last name
  • Dorm number & address
  • Room number
  • Athens, OH 45701
What types of items can be accommodated (perishables, etc)?

我们接受来自USPS, UPS, FedEx(地面和快递)和DHL等运营商的所有交付.  这包括所有亚马逊快递,以及护理包裹和易腐物品.  蒲团、自行车、书桌等大件物品也可以接受.  邮件服务不会将物品运送回宿舍. 

How will I receive my mail?

Student Residential Mail: 学生邮件可在宿舍指定的收发室领取, either directly from the mailroom during our operating hours, or through our Smart Lockers.

Faculty/Staff Mail: 商业邮件通过校园邮件路线送到部门邮件收发室或商业智能寄存柜. 

My package was lost, what do I do next?

Faculty/Staff: Contact Mail Services with your tracking number at 740.593.1850. 

Students: Contact 与您的跟踪号码或联系您的住宅邮件中心直接寻求帮助 
East Green Mail Center, Jefferson Hall: 740.597.6973
South Green Mail Center, Mackinnon Hall: 740.597.7037
West Green Mail Center, Ryors Hall: 740.593.4013

What if I am expecting a package that requires a signature?

Mail Services take care of any signature that is required.

What if I am expecting an oversized package?

Mail Services can accommodate just about any size package, however we do not typically accept packages arriving on skids. 如果需要滑送,请直接与邮件服务协调. 

What if I have to send out or return a package?

我们可以从位于37号楼的邮政服务中心接收任何东西, The Ridges, through USPS, UPS, FEDEX AND DHL. 预付包裹可在邮件服务或任何学生邮件中心投递.

What happens if I have an address change?

Faculty/Staff Mail: make sure you change your address in my personal information.

Student Residential Mail: 如果是宿舍变更,应由宿舍变更, 如果您搬离宿舍,请通知您指定的学生邮件中心,并提供您的转发地址.

How soon can I pick up my mail/package after notification?

有时,美国邮政服务将向您发送优先级或快递包裹递送通知. Keep in mind, however, that this notification does not mean that the Mail Center has received your package from the Post Office; only that the Post Office is in receipt of your package.  请等到收到邮件中心的通知后再来领取包裹. 这是学生邮件,学术/商业邮件交付.

Are stamps available for purchase?

邮票可在岭区37号楼的邮政服务中央收集处购买,教职工可按卷购(100枚)或按册购(20枚)购买, staff, and students. 学生也可以到贝克大学中心四楼的邮局购买邮票. 目前,学生邮件中心不出售邮票.


个人在完全远程的能力或那些没有专门的工作场所可以联系邮件服务740.593.1850 or

Student Mail FAQ:

I am no longer living in the dorms. Can I still have my mail sent to the student mailrooms?

Unfortunately, 由于空间和技术限制,这不是我们能够提供的服务.

Are the Student Mailrooms closed during breaks?

我们的学生收发室在暑假和寒假期间都有开放时间限制. 学生收发室只在星期日和大学放假期间关闭.

Can I have my groceries delivered to the Student Mailrooms?

我们的学生收发室不接受来自Door dash等公司的送货, UberEats, Instacart, etc. 这些货物应该在你和司机之间进行协调. 如果你在亚马逊上购买了食品,它们会像往常一样被送到收发室.


我们的学生收发室不接受来自私人团体的递送. 我们只接受包裹通过邮件运营商,如USPS, UPS,联邦快递,或DHL.

I received a notification that my package has been delivered. Why have I not received an email yet?

请务必检查您的垃圾邮件文件夹,因为电子邮件可能直接在那里. If there is still no email, 这可能是因为快递员已经把你的包裹标记为“已送达”,因为它已经到达邮件中心了, but our staff has not yet been able to process the delivery. In some cases, 当包裹到达城市邮局时,状态被标记为“已送达”,通常是第二天送到我们这里.

Are students assigned Mailboxes?

不,我们的收发室不再使用学生邮箱. For packages, we use a combination of shelf storage in our Mailrooms, as well as Smart Locker systems to store and deliver packages. 信件被分类到文件夹中,这些文件夹暂时分配给学生,直到他们拿起信件. In all cases, when mail is ready for pickup, 通知将发送到您的俄亥俄州电子邮件与指定的取件地点/方法确定.

Is there a fee to receive mail?


Do I need to register to receive my mail on campus?

No, 所有通过住宿和住宿生活安排任务的学生都会自动进入我们的数据库以接收邮件.

我不再住在校园里,寄了一个包裹到我原来的宿舍地址. What do I do?

If you have sent a package to your old residence hall address, we will typically hold the package and reach out to you. 如果你方注意到货物正运往我方,请与我方联系 向我们提供跟踪信息和良好的转发地址. After a length of time, if we have not received a response from you, 我们会把包裹寄到你在学校存档的地址.


前提是包裹上的地址仍然是校园地址, 我们将在我们的一个收发室收到包裹,并尝试处理它. 在许多情况下,我们可以使用我们的系统找出收件人是谁,并在当天处理它. 如果你的包裹已经送达,而你在几天后还没有收到邮件, 请带着学生证到收发室领取通行证, tracking number, 以及你所拥有的任何其他相关信息,以便我们最好地帮助你找到包裹.