




Most medical students begin their journey toward becoming a physician long before they apply to medical school. That’s why the Heritage College offers a wide range of premedical education opportunities that can start you down your own path. 无论你是一个梦想成为医生的高中生, 或者一个大学生想知道医学院是什么样的, 我们为你准备了一个项目.


Outstanding Ohio high school seniors are invited to apply to the newbb电子平台传统骨科医学院 早期保证计划. 在短短七年内, students can earn their undergraduate degree from newbb电子平台 or another one of our EAP partner schools and their Doctor of 整骨疗法的医学 degree from the Heritage College.



夏天的学者 is a program designed for aspiring physicians from communities experiencing health care disparities or medical provider shortages.  40多年了, participants hailing from those communities have been selected to participate in the rigorous 5-week program, which offers an immersive experience designed to give participants a realistic introduction to the first-year curriculum at Heritage College and to foster academic, 事业和个人成功. College faculty and medical students teach courses in medical morphology, 组织学, 免疫学与生物化学. 还有关于录取过程的研讨会, 学习策略, time management and other areas relevant to medical school experience. 每年, the program accepts 24 applicants who have encountered barriers that have impeded their path to medical school but who are passionate about practicing medicine with populations and in communities where there are limited medical resources and access to health care. 



Participants in the 暑期本科生研究奖学金 program work in an active research laboratory under the guidance of a faculty mentor. This six-week program is designed to expose pre-medical students to the challenges, 生物医学和基础科学研究的兴奋和满足. 除了获得研究经验, program participants will also earn six semester hours of newbb电子平台 biological science credit, 哪些可以转回你原来的机构.



It has been widely shown that medical students often go back to the communities they come from, especially those who once lived in rural or urban communities that lacked adequate health care. 我们认识到,许多未来的提供者都对医学充满热情, but their journey to medical school may have been challenged by their communities' limited educational and financial resources.

The 学士学位阶段后的 程序 aims to address these gaps in health care and foster academic, 事业和个人成功 in aspiring physicians by giving a select number of high-potential students on our medical school admissions waiting list an opportunity to gain admission to Heritage College. 

这个项目 consists of one academic year of prescribed upper-level science coursework at newbb电子平台, 再加上参加我们为期四周的预科课程. Students who complete all program requirements and finish the post-bac program with a 3.2 overall GPA will be guaranteed admission to that fall's entering class.  

对这个项目的考虑从申请遗产学院开始, 完成面试流程, and receiving a waitlist decision from the Student Selection Advisory Committee. 不需要其他newbb电子程序. Student Selection Advisory Committee members will convene at the end of the interview cycle in May to select participants. 



这是一个全面的, three-year pipeline program to foster participants' interest in pursuing careers in science and health. Students in the program visit the Heritage College's Cleveland campus each year starting in 10th grade to learn more about osteopathic medicine and other health care careers through participation in academic enrichment and hands-on learning activities.



Focused on reimagining educational approaches to careers in health care, 医学学院 is coordinated through the Heritage College's Dublin campus and fosters learning across the educational continuum. 这个项目 enables career exploration and professional growth and it provides opportunities for leadership through service learning.




PreMatriculation is a four-week accelerated introduction to the medical school experience for HCOM 学士学位后 participants and other mission-aligned entering medical students. 这个项目, 在雅典举行, mirrors the content and rigor of the first semester of the 健康与健康之路课程 and provides opportunities for participants to become familiar with the health disparities and social determinants of health endemic to rural southeastern Ohio. 

Students who have completed our 学士学位后 program are required to participate in PreMatriculation. Other entering students may be invited to participate based on their academic needs or alignment with our college mission. 该项目通常招收24名学生.

该计划旨在促进学术, 事业和个人成功 by helping to reinforce strategies that promote life-long learning. The curriculum uses a case-based learning approach that allows program participants to explore basic science concepts (e.g., anatomy, physiology, biochemistry) that form the foundation for clinical concepts. 
