
校友 新闻: Army 上校. 带来过度艾琳负载 focuses her passion for learning on trauma, mental health

Topics like prison systems, 性创伤, 多样性, 和连环谋杀案的社会学模式点燃了艾琳·穆里对学习的热情,当时她还是newbb电子平台社会学专业的本科生.

Now she's a captain in the U.S. Army at Fort Carson in Colorado, where she's found a special interest in mental health and trauma, especially trauma that she encounters among fellow soldiers.

Muri’s experiences in the Army in the Middle East, 尤其是作为装甲师军官,她是第一批参加地面战斗的女性之一, have made her acutely aware of the impact of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder.

“我一直渴望帮助别人,并以此为基础选择了自己的职业和未来的职业道路. 我加入美国陆军是因为我想帮助别人,为更大的前景做出贡献,穆里说。, 谁获得了 B.A. in Sociology-Criminology 与一个 political science minor from the College of Arts and Sciences in 2017.

"When I was deployed in 2019, 我注意到我所在部队的士兵是如何管理压力、处理创伤或挑战性经历的. I saw that their responses were incredibly different, which had me asking myself, 'Why?这一观察激发了我的兴趣,我想学习一切关于心理健康的知识."

带来过度艾琳负载's shirt proclaims her passion: It's cool to talk about mental health

穆里最近在利伯缇大学(Liberty University)获得了人类服务咨询硕士学位,主修创伤和危机应对,并希望攻读临床心理学博士学位.D. 在不久的将来.

Muri's success in graduate school comes as no surprise to Dr. 妮可•考夫曼, associate professor of 社会学 in the College of Arts and Sciences.

"Erin is a tremendously impactful OHIO alum. 她致力于公共服务和她的战友和他们的家人的福祉, and she is among the first women to serve in ground combat roles. In her OHIO days, her academic performance was exemplary. She was on the dean’s list for five semesters, all while balancing her leadership role in ROTC and two part-time jobs. She graduated cum laude and was a Distinguished Military Graduate. Her class participation was outstanding."

During Muri's senior year, 考夫曼根据她在ROTC的服务(包括学员营指挥官)和她的领导能力提名了她三次校园领导奖. "Having now earned a master's degree, Erin continues to be interested in social science research on prison systems, 性创伤, 和多样性, 她说, 'These areas of study ignite a fire inside of me, and I can’t seem to learn enough when researching these topics.“她对如何在从战斗到性侵犯的各种危机中提供适当的心理健康反应特别感兴趣."


Q: Who were your favorite 教授 and how did they make an impact on your life?

A: All of the 教授 that I had the pleasure of learning from were incredible; however, newbb电子平台的两位女性在教育上塑造了我,使我成为今天的我.

Dr. 在我的社会学学位和newbb电子平台的教育生涯中,考夫曼是一个不可替代的人物. Dr. Kaufman was never afraid to entertain any and all questions throughout her class, demonstrating her immense level of 知识 and confidence in all subjects taught. Dr. 考夫曼对她的工作表现出了强烈的兴趣,她对社会学和学习的热情是有感染力的. I continue to have a strong desire to learn about sociological issues because Dr. Kaufman created that desire and drive inside of me through her teaching. Sociology students will move forward 与一个n advantage with Dr. Kaufman as their professor.

Dr. Nukhet凉鞋 是我年轻时的教育生涯和生活中最有影响力的教授之一吗. Dr. 凉鞋的成功, 知识, and ease with which she taught made me incredibly proud to have been one of her students. Dr. 桑达尔对她的每一个学生都提出了很大的挑战,但确保他们在学生时期做好了充分的准备. Dr. 桑达尔帮助我建立了获得学士学位所需的教育基础,我需要在我的生活和未来的教育努力中发扬光大. Dr. Sandal instilled in me a passion to always keep learning. 她的成功, 方法, 教导, and personality made her one of the most impactful role models in my life.


Q: Do you still keep in touch 与一个ny of your faculty?

A:是的,我喜欢! Dr. 考夫曼继续在她繁忙的日程中挤出时间来指导我未来的教育决策. 我也和Dr. 时而穿凉鞋,时而从远处欣赏她持续的努力和成功(并评论她在Facebook上关于土耳其食物的帖子,以及它看起来有多美味)。.


A:嗯……真的,当我加入后备军官训练队时,我终于意识到,如果我有足够的动力,我是可以成功的. 我真的需要结构和动力来学习如何成为一名优秀的学生和后备军官训练队,我在后备军官训练队结识的朋友在这方面给了我很大的帮助. 我想,当我意识到时间管理和优先排序(以及如何正确学习)的重要性时,我似乎“点击”了. 对我来说, academics didn’t come easily, and I really had to work at it, but once I put the effort into learning skills for academic success it became easier, which made me more passionate about my work.

Q:  What was the hardest hill you had to climb (not counting Jeff Hill) at OHIO? And how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

答:大一绝对是最难爬的山(然而杰夫·希尔紧随其后)。. I came into college incredibly unprepared in the academic sense. I wasn’t sure what it meant to achieve academic success, and I definitely didn’t come into college with the skills on how to get there. I enrolled in ROTC the spring of my freshmen year, 在那里,我被扔进了一群努力工作、关心成功、互相推动成功的人当中. 这对我来说是一个重要的时刻,因为我有意识地决定让身边的人推动我在各个领域都做到最好——学业上, 身体上的, 在情感上, 和社会. 为自己设定一个可以在特定时间内实现的目标,让自己与人相处, 教授, ROTC教官让我负起责任,这让我在newbb电子平台的职业生涯大不相同.

Q: What are your favorite OHIO memories?

A:所有的. I miss walking down Court Street at any point in the year during the day. That street always brought a sense of calm to me because I really felt at home. 我将永远珍惜我在Court Street Coffee或Donkey Coffee度过的学习或课后减压的日日夜夜. 我将永远珍惜俄亥俄州举办的活动——比如音乐会和秋季节日. I will always be fortunate for the football games, the events I participated in and ran as an newbb电子平台 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 cadet, the opportunities to form a community through your residence hall. The front 4 went to D.C. while I was a student, and it was my first time to D.C. and one of the BEST trips I have ever been on.

话虽如此, 我刚刚列出的那些乱七八糟的事件,甚至还没有触及我对俄亥俄州的怀念和我将永远记住的事情的表面. OHIO changed my life for the better, 知道成千上万的未来学生的生活也将被改变,我感到非常高兴!

Q: What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO student not to miss?


Events hosted by OHIO, 加入俱乐部, 结交新朋友, 通过辅导或学习社区来推动自己的学业只是其中的几个例子. When you leave OHIO, 你会回顾你能做的所有事情,以及你作为一个人在个人和学术上成长了多少. 充分利用俄亥俄州所提供的一切,这样你就不会有一天回想起来,即使你的朋友不想去,也希望你去了大学绿地上的免费音乐会. You will not regret it, and you will absolutely be better for it!
