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Students at the Center for Law Justice & Culture
Sociology Bachelor's Degrees
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Dive into Human Social Behavior with OHIO’s Sociology Majors

Sociology is the study of human behavior in the context of populations, newbb电子平台(Ohio University)的社会学课程为学生解决贫困等复杂的社会问题做好了准备, inequality, crime, law and justice.

OHIO’s sociology degrees, including criminology and pre-law, provide a unique lens for understanding and analyzing social issues, social relationships, and institutions. Students learn about diverse cultures, social norms and values, and historical and contemporary social trends, which can deepen their empathy, appreciation, and understanding of the world around them. 这些知识和观点对有兴趣从事公共服务事业的学生很有价值, education, advocacy, social work, law, or any field where understanding people and society is essential. Explore how a sociology degree can help you shape the future:

Choose What You Want to Learn

  • Sociology B.A.

    社会学文学学士课程为你的研究生院或商业生涯做准备, government, social service and advocacy organizations, education and more.

  • Sociology-Criminology B.A.


  • Sociology Pre-Law B.A.

    法学预科课程的社会学文学学士学位可以帮助你培养分析能力, 法律学校和法律相关专业所需的写作和口头表达能力.​ Students may also optionally pursue a Law, Justice & Culture Certificate.

Choose Where You Want to Learn

  • Athens, OH Residential Campus




    Sociology Pre-Law

  • OHIO Online


    Online Sociology-Criminology & Pre-law 

  • On a Regional Campus

    在你工作和生活的地方附近上课,采用适合你时间表的混合形式, 有一些是你所在地区的学校开设的课程,还有一些是社会学-犯罪学和社会学法律预科课程的在线课程.






All students in our Athens, regional, 在线课程也可以接触到同样的全国公认的社会学教授学者, sociology-criminology, and law in society.


Develop Skills for a Range of Sociology Careers

Since sociology graduates emerge with skills in data analysis, research, and how institutions function, they find themselves suited for work around the world and in almost any industry. No matter what sociology degree you choose, you'll have a diverse, valuable skillset to leverage in your career.

Sociology isn’t a major that funnels graduates toward a single outcome. It’s a diversifying major that facilitates exploration, self-discovery, and professional freedom – making it one of the most engaging majors at Ohio UniversityWith a bachelor’s degree in sociology, 毕业生有能力在社会工作机构开始应对重大挑战, law offices and research firms, law enforcement agencies, prisoner reentry programs, court and probation offices, victim advocate agencies, and much more.

Where Do Sociology Degree Graduates Advance after OHIO?

In some cases, they don’t leave! Many students head straight to graduate school after earning their bachelor’s degrees in sociology. Some choose to acquire a Master of Arts degree in Sociology 更好地研究和解决不平等、犯罪等问题. Others pursue an M.A. in Law, Justice & Culture.

How to Prepare for Graduate School

Get Hands-on Experience with your Sociology Degree

我们的社会学课程为学生提供重要的体验式学习机会. What you learn in the class is also valuable and applicable in the field, so you’ll get the chance to participate in research projects, collect data, and give back.

  • Intern for Experience and Credit

    Take an internship class for credit (SOC 4910) to get valuable, 当你运用课堂教学中的知识和技术使世界变得更美好时,可newbb电子的工作经验.

  • Conduct Research for your Capstone


  • Volunteer in an Appalachian Community

    在阿巴拉契亚教学计划中,为俄亥俄州东南部的一个社区完成一个社区项目, 这是一个致力于整个阿巴拉契亚地区经济发展的多州研究培训项目.

  • Join a Sociology Student Club

    抓住机会参加社会犯罪学俱乐部或法律学生协会等组织, Justice & Culture. 

  • Take Advantage of a Global Opportunity

    Search our global menu by where or when you want to go. Find sociology-related opportunities under Academic Focus and Humanities & Social Sciences.

Imagine the Impact You Can Make…with Tools to Solve 21st Century Problems

拿个社会学的学位吧,因为这个世界不需要你只是在变化中摸索, it needs you to lead it.

想象一下,研究获得司法救助的途径,并获得知识和技能,以解决服务不足和代表性不足的社区的司法不平等问题. Or untangling the values, norms, institutions, and social forces that shape society and people's lives. 或者致力于解决社会问题,如犯罪、歧视、贫困和不平等.

许多学生在newbb电子平台选择社会学是因为他们想有所作为. That’s why our sociology program gives you the experience you need to do just that.

Franchesca Rife and two fellow students

Alumni Changemaker Feature

At OHIO's College of Arts & Sciences, 我们不只是为专业人士的职业生涯提供装备:我们正在打造全能的变革推动者.


校友Bryttani Debro是一名围产期支持助产师,为怀孕期间有需要的家庭提供帮助. Previously she worked as an Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator, helping to provide supportive client-centered services to men, women and children who have been victims of sex and labor trafficking.


See more alumni Thinkers. Leaders. And Changemakers.

Bryttani Debro standing in front of a fence

How do Sociology Degrees Focus on Inequality and Empathy?

Though our three distinct sociology programs have their unique focuses, each incorporates fundamental sociology courses and topics, and all students must complete a class on inequality to graduate. 在每个学位课程中,学生都要接受伦理学、数据分析和社会学理论方面的培训. Other topics covered in the sociology major degree programs include:

  • Sociology of Appalachia
  • Poverty & its relation to race
  • Violence against women
  • Sociological research methods
  • Mental health

Above all else, newbb电子平台的社会学专业教授学生对法律体系的深刻理解,并为学生提供在职业发展过程中处理正义和不公正问题所需的工具. Through OHIO’s sociology offerings, 你将有能力解决当地乃至更大的社会问题. 

How OHIO Offers a Powerful Experience for Sociology Majors

In sociology, we learn that empathy is everything – which is why students will find capable, qualified educators ready to help guide them on the path to success. 许多学生与他们的教授建立了长期的职业关系和友谊 hallmark of the overall Ohio experience.

许多教师还邀请社会学专业的学生加入他们的研究项目, 为未来的研究生和研究人员提供宝贵的学习机会. 所有的社会学学生都可以与教师导师一起进行职业规划和进一步的帮助-在每一步, learners find professors ready to help them succeed.

在newbb电子平台,教职员工进一步致力于欢迎第一代学生. In fact, many sociology teachers are first-generation faculty themselves. They intimately understand the challenges many new students face, 因此,他们更愿意指导学生,并在需要时伸出援助之手. 支持和团结是社会学专业学生在俄亥俄学习的首要体验.