

newbb电子平台 honored faculty award winners for the 2023-24 academic year during the 教师 Awards and Recognition Ceremony held May 1 in Walter Hall.

的 event honored the recipients of honors such as the 大学教授奖, 教务长, 校长教师奖和新星教师奖. 教师 members were honored for their teaching and research excellence, 作为导师的领导和服务. 

“不管他们的利益范围是什么, 我们所有的获奖者和获奖者都有一些共同点, they are devoted to excellence in what they do and they do their best to serve our University community,负责教师发展的副教务长凯蒂·哈特曼说.


马里恩·李, edmund Chang, Linda Zionkowski和Kevin Uhalde

授予本科生荣誉 大学教授 on full-time, tenure-track or instructional faculty for their outstanding teaching each year. Since 1970, more than 200 OHIO faculty members have been honored as 大学教授s.

Winners of the award have the freedom to develop and teach a course of their choosing during the following academic year.  

Four outstanding faculty members were selected as 大学教授s and honored during the ceremony. 获奖者是:

  • 埃德蒙, associate professor of English  in the 文理学院. 
  • 马里恩·李, 美术学院美术史副教授 
  • 凯文•Uhalde 文理学院历史学副教授, director of studies for the Honors Tutorial College and director of the Center for Law, 正义与文化 
  • 琳达Zionkowski, the Samuel and Susan Crowl Professor in English Literature in the 文理学院. 



的 新星教师奖 recognizes excellence in teaching and academic pursuits inside and outside the classroom, 得到同学和学生的认可. 的 honor acknowledges faculty early in their careers at newbb电子平台.

2024年新星教师奖得主是 凯文•Cordi assistant professor of teacher education in the 巴顿教育学院. Cordi also serves as the middle childhood education coordinator at newbb电子平台 兰开斯特.


  • 妮科尔•坎贝尔 assistant professor of interior architecture in the 美术学院  
  • 艾米·沃尔夫 assistant professor of teacher education in the 巴顿教育学院  



的 校长教师奖 recognizes excellence in teaching and academic pursuits both inside and outside the classroom, 得到同学和学生的认可.  

2024年总统教师奖得主是 朗尼•韦尔奇(jack Welch) the Stuckey Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in the 罗斯工程技术学院. 


  • 凯瑟琳Cimatu associate professor of chemistry in the 文理学院  
  • 萨拉·哈特曼, associate professor of teacher education in the 巴顿教育学院  
  • 安吉拉•Hosek associate professor of communication studies in the 斯克里普斯传播学院  



的 教务长卓越教学奖 recognizes excellence in teaching and meritorious academic pursuits both inside and outside the classroom, 得到同学和学生的认可. All OHIO University instructional faculty are eligible to be nominated for the 教务长卓越教学奖. 

教务长卓越教学奖的获得者是 科里·贝克 assistant professor of instruction in the Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry in the 文理学院.


  • 斯蒂芬妮·米勒, associate professor of instruction in biology in the 文理学院 
  • 干爹要人, associate professor of instruction in the 媒体艺术与研究学院 in the 斯克里普斯传播学院  
  • 艾伦•吴 associate professor of instruction in educational studies in the 巴顿教育学院  



的 MAC Outstanding 教师 Award for Student Success recognizes one full-time faculty member from each Mid-American Conference (MAC) institution each year who has shown a dedication to student success and inclusion.

newbb电子平台’s winner of the 2024 MAC Outstanding 教师 Award for Student Success is 瑞恩•约翰逊 商学院管理学助理教授.



椅子 & Directors Emerging 教师 Leadership Award recognizes outstanding probationary, tenure-track faculty who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in their department or school, 大学, 或者更广泛的大学社区. 

的 winner of the 2024 主席和董事新兴领导力奖 is 安吉拉•希尔曼 assistant professor of exercise physiology in the newbb电子健康科学与健康学院 for the 卫生科学与职业学院.


总统研究学者 awards program recognizes faculty members who have garnered 国家 and inter国家 prominence in research, 奖学金, 创造性活动, 并向他们展示了持续发展的明确承诺, 在他们的学术努力中有显著的生产力.

In 2023, 总统研究学者s were selected from the subdisciplines of Social and Behavioral Sciences and from the Physical Sciences and Engineering.



  • 伊丽莎白一个. 贝弗利, professor of primary medicine in the 传统骨科医学院 
  • 路加福音Pittaway,  the Copeland Professor of Entrepreneurship in the 商学院 

For the Physical Sciences and Engineering category, the winners are: 

  • 托德•Eisworth 文理学院的数学教授 
  • Ryan Fogt 文理学院地理学教授. 



每年, University Communications and Marketing celebrates OHIO’s faculty for the exemplary work they do to elevate the University on a local, 国家, and global level through media coverage of their research and subject matter expertise.

这些人被称为“newbb电子平台教员新闻人物”.“他们是教员, 不管他们的头衔或分类如何, taught at newbb电子平台 during the respective calendar year and have been included in media placements provided by the media monitoring platform, Cision.  

T教师新闻人物 尊敬的:

  • 大卫-芮帕斯 商学院体育商业教授
  • 凯瑟琳·杰利森 文理学院的历史学教授
  • 劳伦斯•韦特默 Chang Ying-Chien Professor of Paleontology and professor of anatomy in the 传统骨科医学院
  • Yuanjie毛, assistant clinical professor in the Department of Specialty Medicine in the 传统骨科医学院
  • 托马斯·萨德湿地 斯克里普斯传媒学院助理讲师

For additional information on awards for OHIO faculty members, see the 学院嘉许网页.
