newbb电子平台机场运营航空运输服务部门(“ATS”)运营飞机的使用流程. This policy is intended to ensure: Air travel safety during university business. 使用大学拥有的飞机,如果可以和成本效益. 所有的大学旅行需求都能及时有效地完成. Conformance to all applicable federal aviation regulations.' name="description"/> 47.030 | Ohio University-newbb电子平台

47.030: University Air Transportation




November 24, 2008

Initiated by:

Ken Carley | Airport Director

Endorsed by:

Kathy Krendl | Executive Vice President and Provost

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview


    This policy is intended to ensure:

    1. Air travel safety during university business.

    2. 使用大学拥有的飞机,如果可以和成本效益.

    3. 所有的大学旅行需求都能及时有效地完成.

    4. Conformance to all applicable federal aviation regulations.

    鼓励大学人员考虑使用大学拥有和运营的飞机进行商务旅行. 航空运输服务部门有几种工具可以有效地规划您的航空旅行需求. 在许多情况下,与其他交通方式相比,乘坐大学飞机更经济有效,大大减少了离家的时间. 通过使用学生副驾驶实习生,乘坐大学自有飞机旅行也支持了大学的学术使命. 航空系飞行训练课程的学生有机会接受培训,并在大学的先进飞机上积累宝贵的飞行时间和经验.

    如果ATS无法满足您的航空旅行需求,请参阅政策 47.020 for further information.

    ATS will maintain detailed information on aircraft, services, and contact information online, linked through

  2. Rates for use

    航空旅行费用是按小时收费乘以飞行时数(从起飞时间到降落时间)计算的。. Traffic delays, routing changes due to weather, 改道可能会增加旅行时间和相关成本,超出最初的估计.

    ATS将从大学会计系统内的有效帐户中报销交通费. 核实为办理学校公务而安排的航班的责任,应由行政预算负责人负责,该行政预算负责人的帐户应计入该航班的费用.


  3. Additional fees

    If ground wait time at destination is in excess of eight hours, 酒店房间可以向客户收取费用,以确保机组人员在回程时得到充分的休息. See also part (E) ("Longer Duration Trips") of this policy.

    On an overnight stay, the customer will be charged for hotel rooms, meals, and ground transportation for the crew.

    The customer will be charged for all destination airport and fixed base operator ("FBO") fees. These fees may include landing, ramp, hanger, and servicing. 其中一些费用可以通过飞往较小的机场来避免或减少. ATS staff can help to determine which airport best fits your needs.

  4. Schedule and reservations

    以了解飞机和机组人员是否可用于计划的旅行, and, if they are, to make a reservation:

    1. Call airport operations at 597-2600 or 2602

    2. State the purpose of the flight and give the required itinerary.

    3. Give the names of the passengers who will be making the flight.

    4. 请提供该航班费用将被收取的大学帐号,以及批准该航班的行政预算负责人的姓名. 费用可以通过提供参与部门的帐户号码和每个部门应收取的百分比来分担.

  5. Longer duration trips


    1. Eight hour rest time and possible hotel charge

    2. Overnight stay

    3. Airport director or chief pilot approval


    ATS工作人员将估算所需的总成本和飞行时间,并在飞机可用时确认航班. 预订飞机的人将在旅行前一天收到一封电子邮件提醒.

    ATS有一些资源来帮助适应地面运输, catering, meeting rooms, and hotels at your destination. 会议地点的实际地址也将帮助我们推荐最经济和最方便的降落机场.

  6. Priority rights

    Aircraft are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, except that the president has priority rights. 总统可以明确地将优先权授予其他部门, or may approve priority rights on a case-by-case basis. 具有优先权利状态的旅行将优先于先前计划的旅行.

    In cases where priority rights have been exercised, ATS将考虑几个方案来履行其对原客户的义务. This could include repositioning the aircraft, exploring alternate departure times, or utilizing the services of an outside charter company.

  7. Holds

    如果预计要旅行,客户可以在特定的日期和时间预订飞机, but cannot yet be confirmed. 如果另一个客户或部门希望预订该飞机,等待将赋予该客户优先拒绝的权利. In such cases, 要求暂停的部门将在收到通知后的24小时内确认他们的行程,或者将飞机释放给其他客户使用. 航空运输服务部门将竭尽全力解决这多种服务请求,通常可以找到一个解决方案,以满足双方希望乘飞机旅行.

  8. Cancellations

    If a customer reserves or holds a plane, and then cancels six days or less prior to the date of the trip, a five hundred dollar cancellation fee will be assessed.

    If a customer reserves or holds a plane, 然后在出发前7到14天取消预订, a two hundred fifty dollar cancellation fee will be assessed.

  9. Pertinent trip information

    选择目的地时,应选择有足够进近设施的机场, assuring the maximum probability of completing the trip as planned. ATS工作人员很乐意就适当的设施提出建议.

    旅行归来后无法降落在newbb电子平台机场(UNI), 飞行员将在与乘客协商后选择一个备用机场. Usually, 如果备用车辆在附近,工作人员将租一辆车将乘客带到雅典, such as Columbus or Parkersburg. There will be no charge to the passengers or department for the vehicle; however, 旅行的原始费用将评估给部门.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Vice President for Finance and Administration

  2. Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary Services

  3. Assistant Vice President for Safety and Risk Management

  4. Planning unit heads