55.071: Disposition of Surplus Property




April 23, 2007

Initiated by:


Endorsed by:

Kathy Krendl | Provost

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview


    任何部门申报为剩余或多余的州或大学财产,将联系搬迁和剩余办公室(也称为剩余财产办公室),电话593-0463. 该财产将从该部门转移到其他大学部门或公开出售. No one is permitted to donate, give away, sell, or otherwise dispose of any surplus or excess property, except by the procedure outlined in this policy. 作为购买新设备的一部分以旧换新的设备不视为剩余.

    This policy does not affect the procedures of policy 44.104.

  2. Departmental responsibilities and procedures

    1. All equipment


      1. 每个部门或规划单位都应该有一个被授权的人来决定财产(设备)何时被使用, supplies, 或其他物质资产)对部门不再有用.

      2. 当被授权的个人确定该财产不再有用时, 他或她会打电话给搬家和剩余办公室安排处理.

      3. 该部门必须直接向库存控制部门报告库存的变更和删除, in accordance with policy 19.054 and policy 19.055.

    2. Red tag equipment

      Red tag equipment is equipment marked with a red, rather than the usual green, Ohio university inventory tag. 红色标签表示设备是用拨款资金购买的,并归拨款机构所有, not the university. 未经设备库存办公室批准,不得将红色标签设备送往大学剩余设备. 经常检查设备库存,以处理红色标签设备.

  3. 搬迁和多余的办公室职责和程序

    1. Standard sale procedures


      1. 将剩余的物业尽快转移到指定的销售地点.

      2. Record the item description and general condition.

      3. 如果该物品有经济价值,将其添加到剩余财产库存中, and direct it to the recycling program if it does not.

      4. 查找库存控制号码,并向库存控制部门报告更改情况,以便从部门库存记录中删除. This provision does not 减轻部门直接联系库存控制的责任, as stated in part (B)(1)(c) of this policy.

      5. Prior to public sale, 将物品提供给大学院系,以支付处理物品的费用.

    2. Sealed bid procedures

      搬迁和盈余办公室将管理盈余计划和遗嘱, at its discretion, 推荐那些不适合公开出售的物品(例如, 飞机和公共汽车)到采购和合同办公室.

      采购和合同办公室将对所有剩余货物的销售方法作出最终决定.g., by sealed bid or by web auction, such as e-bay).

      1. 当出价被确定为合理时,出价最高的投标人将被中标.e., commensurate with fair market value of the property).

      2. 如果出价低于公平市场价值,可能会被拒绝, improperly filled out, or lacking in required details. Ohio university may, upon rejecting all bids, re-bid at a later date, or offer the item for open sale.

      3. 相等或相等的投标将根据盖章的提交日期和时间授予. The first bidder will be the successful bidder.

      4. 中标者必须在开标后5个工作日内取货, 除非与搬迁盈余办公室或采购合同办公室另有安排, as appropriate. 如未能按时领取,物业将被没收.

      5. 搬迁和盈余办公室或者采购和合同办公室可以在开标前撤回出售项目, 如果确定该物品在newbb电子平台有进一步用途, or by another state institution.

  4. Disbursement of income generated

    1. Sales conducted through the moving and surplus office


      1. 如果从销售项目产生的收入是500美元或以下, 所有收益将由搬迁和盈余办公室保留.

      2. 出售盈余项目所得超过五百元的, 所得款项的50%将退还给捐助部门.

      当所得款项对提供以类似项目替换该项目的资金至关重要时, 各部门可向物业管理总监提出书面要求及证明理由,要求收取出售所得款项,最高可达百分之八十.

    2. 通过采购和合同办公室进行销售

      所产生的所有收入(100%)都退还给缴款部门. 销售由流动和盈余办公室转到采购和合同办公室 only. 所有部门必须联系搬迁和剩余办公室出售剩余物品.

  5. Regional campuses

    区域校区剩余或多余财产的处置将由区域校区院长管理. 每个地区校区院长将确保遵循本政策中概述的程序.



  1. Associate Vice President for Finance

  2. 副财务总监(根据设备清单审核)

  3. Director of Purchasing

  4. Regional Campus Deans

  5. Planning Unit Heads