
Wide format printer, JFX2000-2513.
Mimaki JV300 Plus wide format printer

选择最好的, 大幅面承印物是影响印品质量的一个重要决定, 以及这个过程的代价.

事实上, 不同基材的绝对可用数量是使大幅面打印机如此经济可行的解决方案的一部分, 增加newbb电子程序的总数,从而实现投资回报的能力. 

电子邮件 printing@俄亥俄州.edu 了解更多信息和报价. 


Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Substrate


如果产品将在户外展示,有一些与潮湿暴露有关的考虑因素, 以及紫外线照射. 同样的, depending on how the printed material will be exposed, certain substrate considerations will need to be made.


根据印刷材料需要安装的方式,需要对承印物进行不同的考虑, specifically whether a rigid or soft material should be used. 也, the mechanism used to mount the printed material may affect substrate choice, such as reactions to glue or whether mounting hardware can be used.


由于价格和安装的困难,尺寸的考虑与基材的选择有关. 同样的, certain applications for signs will be impossible depending on 大小, i.e. 预期观看距离.

Large Format Substrates: Rigid vs. 卷

The main difference between printed materials is how they are fed to the printer.

The two main options are either roll-fed or a rigid printing system. 当然, whether or not you are familiar with large format printing, 在小幅面印刷技术中,使用卷柔性材料是很常见的. 类似于那些newbb电子程序, 所选择的不同柔性承印物仍然必须反映图像的类型, 大小, 还有墨水选择. These substrates are typically limited to papers, 或者柔性塑料复合材料, which can be sold and shipped on a roll.

交替, 大幅面打印机newbb电子程序也可以生产刚性产品,具有各种不同的选择. This process is known as direct to substrate printing.

再一次。, 某些打印机将只能容纳一定厚度的刚性可印刷基板. 但, 刚性承印物仍应具有支持印刷图像的全色域的表面纹理,以便捕获图像的全分辨率.


Coming in a wide variety of colors, 权重, 和纹理, using paper is a great solution to printing large format products. Depending on the resolution of the image being printing, 纸可能是一个很好的选择,因为各种各样的选择提供了几乎任何需求的低成本解决方案.


This wide format printing material is often sold by the roll, and can feature a removable or non-removable application process. 乙烯基 is often used for large banner or wallpaper, and can be easily cut and shaped for your application. 乙烯基 can also support full color images, and though more expensive than paper, 仍然是一个低成本的选择吗.


大幅面帆布印刷品通常是极高分辨率印刷需求的理想解决方案. 这种基材通常用于艺术或摄影印刷品,它们将承受严格的审查. 它通常也按卷出售,根据材料的不同,是轧制基板中较昂贵的一端.


Foam Core example from 打印服务


泡沫塑料板 (or Foam Board) signage is extremely lightweight, easy to handle and is suitable for cost effective indoor signage. Rigid enough to be mounted on a wall with or without a frame, 泡沫塑料板标牌为您的所有客户的大幅面广告需求提供高质量且预算合理的解决方案.

聚氯乙烯 signage example from 打印服务


这种刚性基材本质上是一种薄聚氯乙烯片材,可用于室内或室外,用于廉价的标识解决方案. Different thicknesses or stocks can be picked depending on installation preferences, such as freestanding displays or temporary signage.

Coroplast printing services substrate example


这种波纹塑料材料是用挤压聚丙烯板制成的,重量轻,成本效益高. 它是防水的, 抗风化的, well suited for indoor and outdoor use, 并为几乎任何newbb电子程序提供经济实惠的视觉通信解决方案.

Sign printed on aluminum by newbb电子平台 打印服务

100%铝或与其他材料复合制成的铝基材可以经过或不经过初始处理进行印刷. Though it is possible to print aluminum from a roll, 取决于厚度, general this substrate is used in direct to substrate printing on a rigid body. A variety of colors and finishes are available for the composites, though the overall cost of aluminum substrate is much higher than paper or vinyl.

Image printed on acrylic material by newbb电子平台 打印服务


亚克力印刷通常是大幅面印刷最昂贵的选择之一, largely due to the extremely vivid nature of the image resolution. 用丙烯可以获得一定程度的深度和色域,这在纸上是很难做到的. 此外,寿命,耐用性和色牢度几乎是无与伦比的任何其他基材.


  • 横幅 — Gloss Finish — 13oz 横幅 is a single-sided, polyester scrim banner designed to be lightweight and versatile. With a specially formulated topcoat, it produces consistent image quality and optimal color reproduction. The material can be easily finished with grommets, 缝纫或边缝, and is designed for indoor and outdoor durability without lamination.
  • 网的横幅 -当重量和风是安装过程中的一个因素并增加横幅的使用寿命时,是最佳的. Used for Construction Sites, Fence 横幅s, Sporting Events, Building 横幅s & 体育场馆
  • 胶背白乙烯 -光泽度或亚光饰面-用于贴纸/标签,窗口图形和各种标牌.
  • Quickstick -是一种可重新定位及可拆卸的黏附纺织产品,由可循环再造的聚酯织成. 它是涂层,以实现最大的图形清晰度,并允许优秀的油墨负荷,同时也耐刮12毫, 可回收聚酯纺织品, 可移动的 & repositionable adhesive, Matte finish & 抗撕裂.
  • Canvas — known for its bright white finish and the ability to produce solid blacks, 鲜艳的色彩和平滑的渐变. The strong, but flexible, 1:1 weave makes for easy stretching without cracking.
  • 半光泽 -是一种亮白色的照片质量纸,用于制作高质量的广告, 照片打印, 和促销活动.
  • 不光滑的纸 -是一种超光滑的亮白色相纸,以高性能和高质量为设计理念. Featuring a barrier coating that seals the base paper, 您可以产生具有高深度的色彩和阴影细节的图像,而不会出现透光和卷曲.
  • 幻景Wallwrap -剥离和粘贴墙体覆盖物比其他覆盖物更厚,更耐用,它不会轻易拉伸或撕裂,具有独特的纹理,可以隐藏墙壁缺陷,减少眩光和光热点. 光滑或纹理处理.
  • 走猫步 — designed for short-to medium-term applications. 具有防滑性, textured surface that requires no over-laminate, this film is ASTMD-2047 certified, and suitable for surfaces that are in both dry and wet locations, like poolside 图形 or marble floors. Dimensionally stable and digitally printable, CatWalk is a great solution for a variety of indoor floor and surface applications. Note: Not for use on hardwood floors.
  • 窗口性能 -是一种胶粘剂背衬的乙烯基材料,上面有均匀间隔的圆形孔. Window perf is sometimes called “see-through vinyl,或“单向视觉胶片”,” because it partially blocks vision from the outside, 但不是从内部. 可选:50/50、60/40、70/30 & 80/20
  • 磁铁 — is a magnetic sheeting for printing. 这种多功能磁性基板允许您直接打印磁性材料,而无需过度层压. 这种材料可以用刀具、绘图仪甚至剪刀切割成任何形状. Common uses: Ideal for temporary signage, 图形, 店内和POP显示, 户外标识, 汽车磁铁/汽车标志, 促销磁铁, 和更多的



    Mimaki jv300 - 160

    The JV300 Plus Series inkjet printers delivers a remarkable range of applications. 扩展色域的生态溶剂油墨使您能够完成从美术复制的任何事情, 墙壁装饰和令人惊叹的背光, 以及户外展示. Fast printing speeds up to 1,140 SqFt (105.9 SqM) per hour – High quality print resolution of up to 1,440 dpi


    Mimaki ucjv300 - 160

    UCJV UV-LED delivers an amazing array of applications that are instantly dry, 可以在打印后立即进行层压和/或切割,以提高工作流程的效率. 独特的多层印刷为背光newbb电子产生创新的图形,而先进的印刷技术和精确切割能力使包括标志在内的完整活动得以交付, 海报, 横幅, 标签, 贴花和更多. 与此同时, industry leading ink performance brings the versatility of white with the quality, stability and reliability of an original Mimaki solution.


    Mimaki JFX200

    JFX200-2513宽幅UV-LED平板打印机可以为室内和室外使用产生多种输出. 它非常适合各种newbb电子,如安装就绪的刚性标牌, 海报, wayfinding, 装饰面板, 自定义部分, 印刷夹具, 和更多的. Its landscape-oriented format is designed to maximize floorspace. The UV-LED lamps offer reduced energy consumption and a longer lamp lifetime.

    • 景观导向的桌子可以打印在一个4 ' x 8 '板或各种预切割片, 在2英寸厚的物体上
    • 用户可调节布局引脚
    • High quality print resolution of up to 1,200 dpi
    • 可变点技术和Mimaki高级通道系统(MAPS)的平滑梯度和固体
    • Dual-zoned vacuum table holds media flat
    • 多种油墨配方
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