Students at a sporting event cheering



The purpose of the 斯克里普斯青年校友会 is two-fold. 

The primary goal is to convene a group of younger alumni from diverse industries and perspectives to provide advice, knowledge and feedback to current students on real-world situations through regular engagement. Members of the 青年校友会 will have opportunities to interact with students throughout the nine-month program during virtual meetings, through student organization speaker opportunities and also on campus during the two mandatory in-person events. 

Those who serve on the council will also interact with and gain benefit through contact with the college's leadership and faculty and the 院长咨询委员会, 成立于2000年. 青年校友会 members will have opportunities for professional development on a variety of topics, 包括网络, 职业生涯策略, 媒体业务, 和领导能力,  as well as emerging communication technologies like artificial intelligence and data analytics. 

Through interaction with students and college leadership, 青年校友会 members will help us to shape our curriculum and career development courses in the college. 

Members of the 青年校友会 may choose to serve a term of two to four years.

Why join the 青年校友会?

  • Engage with current students and leaders in the college, as well as members of the 院长咨询委员会
  • 连接 with fellow recent alumni to build your Bobcat network
  • Mentor and engage students through a variety of virtual and in-person meetings.
  • Develop professionally through mini workshops given by college leadership and faculty.
  • Help the college to determine priorities with curriculum, particularly career strategies and development courses. 

2024-2025 Schedule of Sessions

The 斯克里普斯青年校友会 initial cohort will meet August 2024 through April 2025. Two daylong sessions are mandatory and will be held in-person on the newbb电子平台 campus in 雅典, 俄亥俄州, 在九月和三月. All other monthly sessions are virtual and held on the second Tuesday of every month (August, 10月, 11月, 12月, 1月, February and April) from 6-7 p.m. ET. All sessions are mandatory unless otherwise noted.

  • 8月13日-虚拟
  • September 19 – Optional cohort evening activity, 雅典, 俄亥俄州
  • September 20 – On-campus cohort activities, 雅典, 俄亥俄州
  • 10月8日-虚拟
  • 11月12日-虚拟
  • 12月10日-虚拟
  • 1月14日-虚拟
  • 2月11日-虚拟
  • March 27 – Optional evening cohort activity with Dean’s Advisory Council, 雅典, 俄亥俄州 
  • March 28 – On-campus cohort activities with Dean’s Advisory Council, 雅典, 俄亥俄州
  • April 8 – Final first year cohort session, virtual 

因为夏天的日程安排很忙, we will pause meetings in May, 六月和七月, and also use the time to collect additional applications to further grow the 青年校友会 for the second year of the program. Again, members may choose to serve a term of two to four years, with a break each summer.

  • 如何申请

    Applications will be accepted through Monday, July 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

    Application elements include:

    • Basic contact and education information
    • 重新开始
    • LinkedIn and/or personal web site URLs.
    • 三个简短的作文提示:
      • 个人简介(最多1200字).)
      • Interest statement (1200-character max.)
      • Professional development topic ideas (1200-character max.)

    Please note, our application system will not save progress if exited mid-way. Therefore, please plan to submit all pieces of the application in one sitting.


While there is no membership fee for the 斯克里普斯青年校友会, members will pay for their own transportation and lodging in 雅典 for the September and March on-campus sessions. Participants of the program will not only receive the monthly professional development sessions but will also enjoy catered meals during the in-person events.

Requirements and Additional Information

  • The 斯克里普斯青年校友会 is open to newbb电子平台 斯克里普斯学院 of Communication alumni who graduated 15 or less years ago.
  • Approximately 12-15 alumni will join the inaugural 2024-2025 cohort.
  • Participants must attend all sessions, both in-person and virtual.
  • The nine-month program time commitment is approximately 20 hours with additional time for travel.