

  • Preparation for biology graduate programs or professional school, 包括医师助理项目
  • 临床检验科学/医疗技术专业, 运动生理学, 或神经科学
  • 在州和联邦政府工作, 高等教育设置, 健康产业, 研究实验室, 环保组织, 中心 for Disease Control and Prevention, 自然中心, 博物馆, 等.

主要代码: BS2121





B.S. 生物科学学位课程是为那些在课程中寻求灵活性和广度的学生设计的. 这条赛道特别适合计划进入生物科学研究生课程或专业学校的学生.

To fulfill the minimum of 36 hours in biology, 课程可以选择为学生感兴趣的特定领域做准备, while fulfilling the biology breadth requirement.



完成生物科学课程的学生将为广泛的职业生涯做好准备, 包括, 但不限于, work in the state and federal government, 高等教育设置, 健康产业, 研究实验室, 环保组织, 中心 for Disease Control and Prevention, 自然中心, 博物馆, 等. 这条赛道特别适合计划进入生物科学研究生课程或专业学校的学生. 经过仔细的选课,本专业将满足申请内科医生的先决条件?s助理项目.

浏览数十个实习机会和全职工作发布为newbb电子平台的学生和校友 握手俄亥俄州?是研究工作、雇主、研讨会和专业发展活动的关键资源.


新生/第一年入学想要申请任何生物专业的新生必须有最低20分的ACT数学分数, 等效SAT数学分数(2016年3月之前考试490分,2016年3月或之后考试520分), 或newbb电子平台数学成绩至少达到PL1才能进入这些项目. 不符合这一标准的学生仍然可以进入newbb电子平台,但不能直接进入任何生物科学专业. 在被newbb电子平台录取后, 如果学生在BIOS 1700和BIOS 1705中获得“C”或更高的成绩,并且最低累积GPA为2分,则可以转到生物科学专业.5 .newbb电子平台.

课程政策更改: Current newbb电子平台 students who would like to declare one of the 生物学 majors must have a minimum Math ACT subscore of 20; 等效SAT数学分数(2016年3月之前考试490分,2016年3月或之后考试520分); a minimum newbb电子平台 math placement score of PL1; or a grade of "C" or better in equivalent courses to both BIOS 1700 and BIOS 1705 with a minimum accumulative newbb电子平台 GPA of 2.5.

对外转学录取: Transfer students who would like to declare one of the 生物学 majors must have a minimum Math ACT subscore of 20; 等效SAT数学分数(2016年3月之前考试490分,2016年3月或之后考试520分); a minimum newbb电子平台 math placement score of PL1; or a grade of "C" or better in the equivalent courses to both BIOS 1700 and BIOS 1705 with a minimum accumulative GPA of 2.从他们以前的机构.



The biological science major requires a minimum of 121 hours.

University-wide Graduation Requirements


College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & 科学

View the College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & 科学.


完成总共36个学期的BIOS课程,包括以下所有要求. 注意:专业没有特别要求的1000级和2000级课程不计入BIOS学时要求, 但也可以用来满足大学的毕业要求.



  • BIOS 1700 -生物科学I:分子和细胞学分:3.0
  • BIOS 1705 - 生物科学 I Laboratory Credit Hours: 1.0
  • BIOS 1710 -生物科学II:生态学,进化,动物身体系统.0
  • BIOS 1715 - 生物科学 II Laboratory Credit Hours: 1.0
  • BIOS 3100 - General Genetics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 3200 - Fundamentals of Animal Cell 生物学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 3300 - Principles of Evolution Credit Hours: 3.0



Sub-Requirement 1: Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior


  • BIOS 3750 - Animal Ecology Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 3760 - Field Ecology Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4290 - Marine 生物学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4310 - Aquatic 生物学 Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 4570 - Animal Systematics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4730 - Animal Behavior Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4810 - Animal Conservation 生物学 Credit Hours: 3.0


Complete one of the following courses or course group:

  • BIOS 3030 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 4360 - Field Entomology Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4650 - Ichthyology Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 4710 - Ornithology Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 4720 - Herpetology Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 4740 -哺乳动物学时:4.0

Or complete the following Human Anatomy course group:

  • BIOS 3010 - Human Anatomy Credit Hours: 3.0
  • and BIOS 3015 - Human Anatomy Lab Credit Hours: 1.0



  • BIOS 3210 - General Microbiology Credit Hours: 4.0

Sub-Requirement 4: Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental 生物学

Complete one of the following courses or course group:

  • BIOS 3105 - Laboratory Genetics Credit Hours: 2.0
  • BIOS 3205 - Cell and Microbiology Techniques Credit Hours: 2.0
  • BIOS 4070 - Developmental 生物学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4140 - Molecular and Cellular 神经科学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4260 - Molecular Genetics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4270 - Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4630 - Biological Chemistry Credit Hours: 3.0

Or complete the following Biochemistry course group:

  • CHEM 4901 - Biochemistry I Credit Hours: 3.0
  • and CHEM 4902 - Biochemistry II Credit Hours: 3.0

Sub-Requirement 5: Physiology and Body Systems

Complete the following course or course group:

  • BIOS 3430 - Principles of Physiology Credit Hours: 3.0
  • and BIOS 3435 - Principles of Physiology Lab Credit Hours: 2.0

Or complete one Human Physiology course group:

  • BIOS 3450 - Human Physiology Credit Hours: 3.00
  • and BIOS 3455 - Human Physiology Laboratory Credit Hours: 2.0

生物科学 Upper Level Laboratory 课程

完成额外的3000级或以上的生物科学课程,以满足36学分的要求. 在36学时内,至少要修三门3000级以上的实验课程.

  • BIOS 3015 - Human Anatomy Lab Credit Hours: 1.0
  • BIOS 3030 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 3105 - Laboratory Genetics Credit Hours: 2.0
  • BIOS 3205 - Cell and Microbiology Techniques Credit Hours: 2.0
  • BIOS 3210 - General Microbiology Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 3430 - Principles of Physiology Credit Hours: 3.0
  • and BIOS 3435 - Principles of Physiology Lab Credit Hours: 2.0
  • BIOS 3455 - Human Physiology Laboratory Credit Hours: 2.0
  • BIOS 3640 - Forensic 生物学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 3760 - Field Ecology Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4135 - Human 神经科学 Laboratory Credit Hours: 1.0
  • BIOS 4190 - Computer Simulation in 生物学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4290 - Marine 生物学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4310 - Aquatic 生物学 Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 4360 - Field Entomology Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4570 - Animal Systematics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • BIOS 4635 - Biological Chemistry Laboratory Credit Hours: 2.0
  • BIOS 4650 - Ichthyology Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 4710 - Ornithology Credit Hours: 4.0
  • BIOS 4740 -哺乳动物学时:4.0
  • BIOS 4865 - Immunology Lab Credit Hours: 1.0
  • BIOS 4910 - Biological Internship Credit Hours: 1.0-3.0
  • BIOS 4940 - 本科研究 Credit Hours: 1.0-3.0
  • BIOS 4940H - Honors 本科研究 Credit Hours: 2.0-6.0
  • BIOS 4941 - Senior 研究 and 论文 Credit Hours: 3.0





  • CHEM 1510 - Fundamentals of Chemistry I Credit Hours: 4.0
  • CHEM 1520 - Fundamentals of Chemistry II Credit Hours: 4.0



  • 数学2301 -微积分I学分:4.0


Complete the following course or course group:

  • CHEM 3010 - Organic Chemistry Credit Hours: 3.0
  • or CHEM 3050 - Organic Chemistry I Credit Hours: 3.0
  • CHEM 3060 - Organic Chemistry II Credit Hours: 3.0


Complete one of the following course group options:

Introduction to Physics course group option


  • PHYS 2001 - Introduction to Physics Credit Hours: 4.0
  • PHYS 2002 - Introduction to Physics Credit Hours: 4.0


  • PHYS 2051 - General Physics Credit Hours: 5.0
  • PHYS 2052 - General Physics Credit Hours: 5.0



  • MATH 2500 - Introduction to Statistics Credit Hours: 4.0
  • PSY 2110 -统计行为科学学分:4.0


生物科学专业的学生还可以选择以下特殊兴趣之一. 在大二结束前联系健康前顾问,以便分配合适的教师顾问.

Clinical Laboratory Science and Medical Technology

任何生物科学专业的学生都可以选择进入临床实验室科学实习,前提是他们已经学习了微生物学(BIOS 3210)。, 免疫学(BIOS 4860, 4865), 和人体生理学(BIOS 3450). 在有执照的临床机构实习一年,学生就有资格参加美国临床病理学家协会注册考试,成为一名注册医疗技术专家. The program prepares students to work in hospitals, 公共卫生设施, 法医生物学组织, 医学诊断实验室, or to go on to graduate or professional education. 在newbb电子平台注册的学生可以将此期间的课程计入生物科学的总学分.


对运动生理学感兴趣的学生可以选修运动生理学或newbb电子生理学研究生课程. These students should take Human Anatomy (BIOS 3010), 人体生理学(BIOS 3450, 3455), 和运动生理学(BIOS 4450), 4455). 生物力学和newbb电子运动机能学(EXPH 3200和3205)也强烈推荐.


对神经科学研究生学习或神经科学研究与健康专业职业相结合感兴趣的学生应该考虑这个选择. 在大三和大四需要专门的神经科学课程. Students are strongly encouraged to pursue undergraduate research, since neuroscience careers almost exclusively involve research. 在第三年的夏季,通过申请可以获得研究津贴和支持.