
化学 & 生物化学校友顾问委员会

化学系 & 生物化学校友顾问委员会 was founded in November 2019 by five alumni to promote the department and serve as a support base in fundraising, 奖学金, 奖, 和实习. 从那时起, the board has grown to 14 members and includes representatives from the undergraduate and graduate student bodies at 俄亥俄州. 董事会每季度召开一次会议。, with at least one meeting (usually in the autumn) being held on campus in 雅典 to facilitate interactions with current students and faculty.


The 校友 Board is currently planning several career preparation workshops and activities for spring 2023 semester. 这些会议将以混合形式举行, 欢迎本科生和研究生参加. 请继续关注更多细节!



瑞克以B的成绩毕业于俄亥俄州.S. 在化学 in 1984 and earned his master’s degree in chemistry from Lehigh University in 1996. 他在制药行业有丰富的经验, 在那里,他帮助开发和领导全球监管CMC(化学, 默克公司和新基公司的制造和控制团队. Rick目前是R3LS,有限责任公司. 


1982年,约翰以B的成绩从俄亥俄州毕业.S. 在化学. 在获得Ph值后.D. 1989年获得约翰霍普金斯大学有机化学学位, he performed postdoctoral research at the Suntory Institute f或Bioorganic 研究 in Osaka, 日本. 约翰的工业生涯一直专注于药物发现和开发. 他过去的职位包括董事, Department of 化学 at Synaptic Pharmaceutical Corporation and Director, Lundbeck 研究 USA的化学支持服务. 自2005年以来, 他一直是一名全职独立顾问, guiding pharmaceutical clients in the manufacturing of investigational drug substances and drug products. 他目前的职位包括主管,化学,制造 & 控制,South Rampart Pharma和化学,制造总监 & Controls, BioMimetix和Principal, Wetzel化学咨询有限责任公司.


达斯汀1998年毕业于俄亥俄州,成绩为B.S. 他获得了法医化学博士学位.D. in Analytical 化学 from the University of Cincinnati in 2002 with Dr. William Heineman and his MBA in 2016 from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 当我在俄亥俄读本科的时候, 达斯汀在行军乐队中吹小号, was a teaching assistant for the 化学 Department and an undergraduate researcher with Dr. 霍华德Dewald. He started as a scientist at Abbott in 2002 working on the development and validation of analytical testing methods. 此后,他一直在雅培的R&D设施在格拉纳达, 西班牙, was the Site Manager of Abbott’s operation at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 研究 Park, and served as the Senior Manager for Abbott’s Global Operations Professional Development Program. 达斯汀目前是R级&位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市的雅培公司全球分析和食品安全主任. 除了他在化学校友会的工作, Dustin has also served on the Board of Directors for the 俄亥俄州 校友 Association.

蒂莫西·霍尔泽| 1998届毕业生

1998年,蒂姆以B的成绩毕业于俄亥俄州.S. 获得生物化学学士学位和学士学位.A. 用西班牙语. 在newbb电子平台期间,他是布朗博士的本科生研究员. 马丁·塔克,也是游行110的一员. 他获得了博士学位.D. 2005年获生物化学博士学位. 普渡大学的James Forney说, where his research focused on molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in protozoan parasites. Tim continued his research at Eli Lilly in Indianapolis in molecular pathology and development of novel diagnostic assays. He is currently Senior Director in the Clinical Diagnostics Laboratory at Lilly impacting drug development in oncology, 神经科学, 和免疫学.

希瑟·贝尔德·汤姆林森| 2000届毕业生

希瑟2000年毕业于俄亥俄州,成绩为B.S. 她获得了生物化学博士学位.D. 从凯斯西储大学获得药理学博士学位. 埃里克·阿茨2005年. 在newbb电子平台读本科时,希瑟也是卡特勒学者. She has extensive experience in clinical diagnostic testing at both Diagnostic Hybrids and Promega Corporation. 在Promega, Heather led the clinical diagnostics business unit and developed global expertise in clinical oncology biomarker testing, 个性化医疗和伴随诊断. Heather recently founded Mount Baird Health with the goal of improving health care outcomes through research and education.

Tyson Ardo | 2004届毕业生

泰森2004年毕业于俄亥俄州,成绩为B.S. in forensic chemistry and earned his MBA from Ohio State University in 2013. 他在制药行业有丰富的经验, 他在哪里关注质量保证和变更管理. 此前,他曾担任运营部门的各种领导职务, 卓越的过程, 和质量. 目前, he is the Senior Director for Quality Assurance at Hikma Pharmaceuticals.


凯利2009年毕业于俄亥俄州,成绩为B.S. 在生物化学. She is currently a Senior 研究 Compliance Specialist in the Office of 研究 at the University of Cincinnati. Her areas of professional expertise include preclinical and clinical trial setup and management, 研究诚信与合规性, 商业智能.

托德·格鲁森迈耶| 2009届毕业生

2009年,托德以B的成绩从俄亥俄州毕业.S. 他获得了化学博士学位.D. 在无机化学与博士. 2014年杜兰大学的Russ Schmehl, where his research focused on the spectroscopy and photophysics of organic and transition metal molecules. 在newbb电子平台读本科的时候,托德是一名本科生研究员. 杰夫·拉克的实验室. He received a National 研究 Council Fellowship in 2015 for postdoctoral studies at the Air Force 研究 Laboratory, 他现在是那里的研究化学家.

迈克尔·莫林| 2010届毕业生

2010年,迈克尔以B的成绩从俄亥俄州毕业.S. 法医化学. He then spent six years as an Associate Chemist with BASF focusing on electrolyte and battery chemistry before returning to 俄亥俄州 to earn an M.S. 2020年的化学. 他目前是Gotion Inc .的研究科学家., 他专注于电解质配方, 内部质量保证/质量控制, 以及学术拓展项目.


劳伦2014年毕业于俄亥俄州,成绩为B.S. 她获得了化学博士学位.D. 在无机化学与博士. 2019年在俄亥俄州立大学的克劳迪娅·特罗, 她的研究重点是光化学疗法中的钌配合物. 当我在俄亥俄读本科的时候, Lauren was a Cutler Scholar and participated in undergraduate research with Dr. 杰夫架. Her areas of professional expertise include molecular spectroscopy and photochemistry, and she is currently a 研究 Scientist at the Air Force 研究 Laboratory with General Dynamics Information Technology.

Grace Groborchik | 2022级

格蕾丝于2022年毕业于俄亥俄州,成绩为B.S. 法医化学. During her time at 俄亥俄州, she participated in undergraduate research with both Dr. Anthony Stender和Dr. 本杰明Bythell. She also worked as a PLTL mentor for general chemistry and as a teaching assistant for analytical I and II. 课外活动, she was involved in Alpha Chi Sigma as their 校友 Secretary and Health and Safety Officer. 目前, she is working for the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) as a Forensic Scientist in the drug chemistry section. Her duties include analyzing forensic evidence for the presence of controlled substances along with testifying in court.

Jocelyn Vivona Abonamah, 2016届毕业生

乔瑟琳于2010年离开俄亥俄州,以B级的成绩毕业.S. 2016年获得法医化学学位. While at 俄亥俄州, Jocelyn was a coxswain and coach with the women’s rowing team. 在聚合物行业工作了几年之后, she obtained her MFS in forensic toxicology from George Washington University and joined the 研究 and Support Unit at the FBI Laboratory in Washington D.C. 作为ORISE的访问科学家. 然后她在D工作.C. OCME toxicology department before recently returning to Ohio as an HRMS assay development technologist at the Cleveland Clinic.


Eli Skelton |研究生代表

伊莱目前是无机化学博士.D. 博士候选人. 凯瑟琳·西马图的组织. 他之前曾与Dr. 杰西卡·怀特, where his research focused on the ultrafast spectroscopy of transition metal photosensitizers. 他得了B.S. 2018年从阿勒格尼学院获得化学学士学位,辅修法语, 在那里他参与了本科生研究和联谊会生活.


乔西是newbb电子平台的一名大四本科生,攻读学士学位.S. 法医化学辅修生物学. She is currently the President of the Gamma Nu chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma and Vice President of the Forensic 化学 Honors Society of Delta Delta Epsilon. 乔西也是博士的本科研究员. 埃里克·马森的实验室. After graduation, she plans to continue onto graduate school at 俄亥俄州 and the University of Leipzig.