
Ph.D. 在化学

约翰·梅斯07博士.D. 和Abigail Muchenditsi '09Ph.D
John Means '07博士.D. Abigail Muchenditsi '09博士.D



The department’s mission is to provide a quality education to graduate students while they pursue state-of-the-art research in chemistry. The objective of the graduate program is to educate and train students to become highly effective scientists by providing them with the interdisciplinary tools, research skills and ethical and service sensibilities needed to succeed in their future career. 这包括提供各种严格的研究生课程, maintaining cutting-edge research programs within individual laboratories and compliance with the Code for Professional Ethical Conduct espoused by the American Chemical Society.

博士候选人. D. 具有化学学位,必须具备计划能力, 执行, 评估, 并交流原创性的化学研究. The graduate program spans all five traditional disciplines of chemistry (Analytical, 生物化学, 无机, 有机和物理). Within these five areas the department boasts particular research strengths in chemometrics, 法医化学, 质谱分析, 药物化学, 超分子化学, 材料化学, 纳米科学和纳米医学, 核酸研究, 蛋白质和糖蛋白工程, 和光谱学.

这是一个全日制课程. 完成学业的标准时间为五个学年, in line with national average as reported by the American Chemical Society.


博士毕业生.D. in chemistry typically pursue academic careers (typically following post-doctoral appointments) and R&化学和制药公司的职位.



博士学位的要求.D. 化学是由综合课程组成的, 研讨会, 研究建议, 原创性研究. Each student will be required to pass three classes (12 credits) in three different chemistry divisions (有机, 无机, 物理, 分析及生物化学), 并通过专业研究领域内的两门课程(8学分). 每门所修课程的成绩必须达到B或以上. 课程的选择与教师顾问的协助. Ph.D. candidates must submit and orally defend a dissertation research proposal to their dissertation committee no later than the first semester of their third year of study.

Students select a research adviser at the end of their first semester of study after rotations in several laboratories. 深入的研究通常在第一年的春天开始. Ph值.D. program culminates in the preparation of a research dissertation and a final oral examination.

  • 至少90个学时的化学和经批准的选修课.
  • 每学期参加一次研讨会.
  • 必须通过资格考试才能成为候选人. This consists of a written research proposal and an oral defense of the proposal.
  • 描述学生研究成果的书面论文.
  • Students must present their dissertation orally at a public meeting followed by an oral defense held before the student's dissertation committee.
  • 平均学习时间为五年.



  1. 完成90个学时的化学和认可的选修课.
  2. Demonstrate breadth of knowledge competency by passing at a level of B or higher one 5000-level course in three of these five areas of chemistry: Analytical, 无机, 有机, 物理与生物化学. 这三门课程中必须有一门属于学生的专业领域, 另外两个肯定在其他区域. Breadth of knowledge competency must be met during the first year of graduate studies.
  3. Demonstrate depth of knowledge competency by passing two classes at the 7000-level in the student’s major area of research. 每门所修课程的成绩必须达到B或以上.
  4. 参加每学期每周一次的部门系列讨论会.
  5. 每学期参加研究生研讨课程(CHEM 8960), 8970, 8980或8990取决于学生的研究领域).
  6. Participate in the Advanced Seminar in 研究 Development and Leadership course each semester (CHEM 8900 or equivalent).
  7. Register to the Doctoral 研究 and 论文 course (CHEM 8950) any semester during which research facilities and/or resources are being used. There is no limit on the number of dissertation hours that can be counted toward the 90-hour requirement.
  8. Take the 化学 Teaching Assistant Training class (CHEM 5100) during the first semester of graduate studies.
  9. Take the 研究生 化学 研究 Training class (CHEM 5710) during the first semester of graduate studies.
  10. Submit and orally defend a dissertation research proposal to a dissertation committee no later than during the fifth semester of study, 排除夏天.
  11. Submit and orally defend a written dissertation to a dissertation committee. 辩词向公众开放.
  12. The student’s graduate advisor and dissertation committee determine the specific requirements for each student within the above framework.

最终经验: All students will write a dissertation that presents the student’s research.


能力 is demonstrated by passing at a level of B or better one 5000 level course in three of the five areas (analytical, 生物化学, 无机, 有机, 和物理). 这三门课程中的一门可以是学生的专业领域, but the other two must be outside of the student's major area and must be in the other areas of chemistry and 生物化学. General/review courses will be offered each fall at the 5000 level in each research area of chemistry and 生物化学. Students failing to meet the competency requirement during their first year of graduate study may lose their financial support until competency is demonstrated or may be removed from the program at the discretion of the 研究生 Committee.


The department's mission is to provide a quality education to graduate students while they pursue state-of-the-art research in chemistry. The objective of the graduate program is to educate and train students to become highly effective scientists by providing them with the interdisciplinary tools, research skills and ethical and service sensibilities needed to succeed in their future careers. 这包括提供各种严格的研究生课程, maintaining cutting-edge research programs within individual laboratories, and compliance with the Code for Professional Ethical Conduct espoused by the American Chemical Society.


  1. To demonstrate a broad understanding of chemical concepts and an in-depth understanding of a selected topic in chemistry.
  2. To demonstrate competence in identifying a significant scientific problem and solving that problem through creative scientific experimentation, 数据分析, 和评估.
  3. To effectively communicate, both verbally and in writing, scientific concepts and outcomes.
  4. To work effectively both as an individual and as a collaborative team member.