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关于 Earth and Environmental Geosciences

Students do field工作 with Dr. 丹Hembree.
Students do field工作

Solving Problems in Energy, 资源 and Environment

The Earth and Environmental Geosciences Department educates students to be well-prepared geologists who can help solve problems related to energy, resources and the environment during this important phase of human history.

The department offers undergraduates both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees with two options: Geological Sciences and Environmental Water 资源. At the graduate level, the department offers a Master of Science degree in Geological Sciences.

Throughout the years, the department has 工作ed in fulfilling the societal need for specialists in the different fields of geology in the areas of natural resources, energy and the environment. This role is reflected in the mission statement of the department:

Mission Statement

The mission of the Earth and Environmental Geosciences is to provide students with an introduction to problem solving, critical thinking, and basic concepts using the earth sciences to show how modern observations can be extended into deep time. We prepare our undergraduate majors with a solid foundation in the discipline for use in their subsequent life, 工作, or advanced studies and impart to our graduate students a high level of knowledge, 技能, and professionalism that enable them to advance their careers by integrating courses with forefront research into the processes that formed and now modify the Earth.

Earth and Environmental Geosciences Student Learning Outcomes

Student learning assessment at the program level is intended to promote and maintain program excellence and improve student learning. Each department in the College of Arts & Sciences has developed a set of learning outcomes for their programs and engages in faculty-led assessment activities to help inform curricular and program review and development. Student learning is assessed in different ways across A&S departments, informed by disciplinary standards and the specific learning outcomes of the program.