
What Geologists Do

Geologists working with Dr. Greg Springer surveying a cave.
Geologists working with Dr. Greg Springer surveying a cave.

职业生涯 in 地质

  • Environmental 地质 is the fastest growing field in geology. Environmental geologists study threats to the environment and develop solutions to environmental problems. Topics include flooding, pollution, urban and sustainable development, and natural hazards.
  • 水文地质 is one of the largest branches of geology. Hydrogeologists study how water moves through streams and rocks. Quite often hydrogeologists seek to increase water availability and minimize the spread of pollutants.
  • 古生物学 is a fascinating area of geology that explores the history of life on Earth. Paleontologists investigate the relationship between organisms and their environment, how organisms cope with environmental changes, and their evolutionary relationships. Paleontologists help us understand how life has changed through time and how it will continue to change given global climatic changes.
  • 海洋地质 is a fascinating field. Marine geologists study interactions between geology, marine biology, and oceanography. Imagine a career where you spend time on beaches, boats, and submersibles.
  • Planetary 地质 is a growing field that focuses on such topics as meteor craters, volcanism on other worlds, possible life in icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and planet and moon histories.
  • Economic 地质 is a large and lucrative field. Economic geologists seek profitable deposits of oil, 气体, 和矿物质; and economic geologists determine how best to extract those valuables from the subsurface. Economic geologists perform investigations that involve many aspects of geology and they work all around the world.
  • Petroleum 地质 is a large and lucrative field. Petroleum geologists identify oil and 气体 reserves, and they are deeply involved in the study of sediment deposition in oceans, folding and faulting of rocks, and Earth history. This field ties together all aspects of geology.
  • Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography are two of the most important branches of geology because they provide insight into how the Earth might respond to global climate change. We can prepare for the future and lessen the effects of global climate change if we can understand how the Earth's climate and oceans have behaved through time.
  • 地貌学 is dedicated to the processes that sculpt the Earth's surface. Geomorphologists seek to understand how streams, 山体滑坡, 冰川, and wind sculpt the Earth's surface. They work in such diverse places as the Himalayan Mountains, 南极洲, and tropical jungles of South America.
  • Engineering 地质 is another large and lucrative field. Engineering geologists examine the factors that influence man-made structures and certain hazards such as 山体滑坡. Engineering geologists may pave the way for construction of highways, 大坝, 建筑, just about anything else you can think of.
  • There are many other branches of geology, which focus on such diverse topics as caves, 化石, 火山, 冰川, 地震, 地球物理学, rock and water chemistries, 和矿物质.