
历史 本科学位


未成年人 & 证书


课程 & 资源

挑起过去. Persuading the Present.

想象一下 ... creating your own time machine to delve deeply into the past, or stepping back just a few decades for a closer look at the actors reshaping our modern world. 想象一下 a world stage where individual dramas tell the tales of the birth and death of nations, the struggles of freedom and oppression, the thoughts and decisions of those who have gone before us.

By examining human agency and exploring the choices, 限制, achievements and failures of past peoples, 历史 majors better understand the creation of the present and appreciate options for the future. Historians don't just study the past; they develop the ability to read critically, 彻底的研究, and express ideas carefully and persuasively.

Because historical study is very often comparative, with constant attention to global conditions, our majors are well prepared for a variety of careers in today's global marketplace, in the public and private sectors as analytical, 有创意的, articulate and informed thinkers. 历史 majors become lawyers, 政客们, 企业家, 记者, 作家, 社会工作者, 和老师. They work around the world in the Foreign Service, 非政府组织, international corporations and governmental agencies, in the armed forces and in education. Studying history not only prepares students for these professions; it also satisfies their curiosity about who they are and where they come from.

The 历史 Department at newbb电子平台 has approximately 250 majors and over 80 minors. 关于 50 students graduate annually. The full-time faculty guiding them through the program are nationally and internationally recognized for their research stretching in time from Antiquity through the 20th century. 首先也是最重要的, 然而, 他们是老师, and the department is acclaimed on campus for excellence in undergraduate instruction in U.S., European, Middle 东部, Latin American, African and Asian history. Students choose from a variety of courses in these areas and may develop independent studies and research internships with faculty as well. Some students elect to research and write an honors thesis in their senior year.

历史 majors have dedicated faculty advisers who are available to coach them through course selection, applying for internships, 奖学金, 奖, 研究生院, and in general helping them make the most of their academic experience. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their advisers regularly and to integrate themselves into a vibrant community of learning.

荣誉 Tutorial College 历史 Major

The 荣誉 Tutorial College program in 历史 offers exceptional students the opportunity to study the many aspects of 历史 in one-on-one relationships with 历史 faculty members. Maximum opportunities will be afforded for the student to progress well beyond the material found in conventional courses. The primary purpose of the tutorial program is to serve as preparation for graduate study. Students will receive a degree of Bachelor of Arts in 历史 from the 荣誉 Tutorial College.