

Students and faculty use the 俄亥俄学生农场 for projects and 研究.
Students and faculty use the 俄亥俄学生农场 for projects and 研究.

Find the Ohio Student Farm

The address for the farm is 338 W. 州圣.,雅典,俄亥俄州45701.

Recent 事件 and Farm 新闻

Circle Gardens, Fields and High Tunnel

The 俄亥俄学生农场 features student gardens, a tunnel for year-round growing, and field plots.

The Ohio Student Farm has been donating hundreds of pounds of produce annually to the local non-profit Community Food Initiative (CFI). During the COVID-19 pandemic, the farm upped its donations to nearly 1,500 pounds of produce to CFI in 2020. 另一个2,000 pounds of produce was donated to the on-campus food pantry "Cat's Cupboard" to benefit students in 雅典 during the pandemic.

The facility encompasses approximately two acres of planted space, 主要是蔬菜, 还有一些小颗粒. The garden also has a variety of perennials, 包括葡萄, 啤酒花, 大黄, 蓝莓, 草莓, 辣根, 当然, 大量的竹子. Herbs and a selection of medicinal plants and planted for teaching use.

The high tunnel is 30 feet wide and 96 feet long, with approximately 3,000 square feet. The tunnel enables student to raise lettuce, 西兰花, 洋葱, 菜花, peas and beets in the cooler months, and then follow in the warmer months with peppers, 西红柿, 茄子, cucumbers and seed crop 西兰花.

In the 俄亥俄学生农场, students and faculty do both a spring-summer garden plan and an extensive fall garden as well.

In addition to classes that specifically use the garden as a resource, it also is used as a destination for learning communities, 比如UC 1900. And it is a place where students can fulfill community service hours, if they choose to do so.

For more information, contact Dr. 大卫·罗森塔尔.

West 州圣reet 研究 Site

The 研究 Site on West 州圣reet, maintained and administered by the 环境 & 植物生物学 Department, provides the following services to the newbb电子平台 community:

  • 教学, 研究 and practice of alternative methods of agriculture, 这是, methods which do not use highly soluble chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides
  • an agricultural area for 教学 and 研究 of certain aspects of other courses and disciplines such as plants and soil, 植物病理学, 植物和人, 真菌学, medicinal botany and agro-ecology
  • an area to expand the function of the greenhouse when space is limited, e.g., as a nursery area for plants needed for teaching and 研究
  • 研究 plots for 植物生物学 under研究生, 研究生, and faculty who are conducting 研究 where considerable space is needed and/or where considerable manipulation of the environment is required
  • an area for 教学, 研究, and practice of techniques used in the conservation and restoration of some of Ohio's natural habitats such as mesic prairie and wetland
  • an area where newbb电子平台 students are able to gain experience and instruction in gardening under the auspices of the 环境 & 植物生物学 Department
  • a site for outreach projects, works啤酒花 and expositions that are campus-supported and involve agriculture or some other earth-centered activity

The newbb电子平台 Garden Club, which is advised by 环境 & 植物生物学 faculty, practices organic gardening at the site. 手在, biointensive, biodynamic and permaculture methods have been used in two courses: Biointensive Agriculture and Introduction to Alternative Agriculture.

Information about space for 研究 projects at the site may be obtained from the 环境 & 植物生物学 Garden/研究 Site Committee by email at oufarm@俄亥俄州.edu.