Exercise Bikes in Ping 娱乐 Center
Bachelor of Science in 运动生理学

Earn an 运动生理学 Degree to Help and Restore Clients' Fitness

Ever wanted to take your love of exercise and translate it into a career? 在newbb电子平台 exercise physiology program, you’ll get the science background, practical skills, and faculty support for 任何 雄心壮志.

When you jump into our program at newbb电子平台, you’ll find a challenging, rigorous curriculum packed with the critical courses needed for not just one career path but 许多, ranging from 物理治疗 to 体育训练 和更多的. 


Choose What You Want to Learn

  • B.S. in 运动生理学 Degree

    Study exercise physiology for a variety of different career pathways and professional opportunities. This course selection includes basic sciences such as anatomy and physiology, as well as the applied exercise sciences.

  • 运动生理学: Pre-体育训练 Concentration

    Complete four additional courses (10 credit hours), and you’ll be ready to head straight into an 体育训练 master’s program. M任何 students of this track pursue certification from the American College of Sports Medicine.

  • 运动生理学: Pre-Physical Therapy Concentration

    Complete three additional courses (9 credit hours), and you’ll meet all the requirements for a graduate-level 物理治疗 program at newbb电子平台 and most other universities.

  • Learn at our 雅典, OH, Residential Campus

    俄亥俄州’s Bachelor of Science in exercise physiology is only fully available at our primary 雅典的校园. Students of this major will find well-equipped facilities suited for their classroom and practical training needs. Keeping your body as healthy as your mind is fun and easy, 太, no matter your preferred form of exercise – the 雅典的校园 is home to a recreation center, 网球场, 高尔夫球场, 水上中心, 自行车道等等!

Lane Cullums, alumnus of the 运动生理学 program, poses in a lab

Careers in 运动生理学

A Bachelor of Science in exercise physiology opens doors – lots of them. 研究生s of our program are ready to follow their dreams down numerous professional career paths and jobs in exercise physiology, including preparing to apply to graduate programs in:

  • Exercise physiology (clinical, research and human performance)
  • 物理治疗
  • 医师助理
  • 体育训练
  • 职业治疗
  • 按摩学校
  • 医学院
  • Prosthetics and orthotics

Post-Graduation Opportunities for 运动生理学 专业

Some of the graduates from the exercise physiology bachelor’s program proceed directly into their careers. 除了实习之外, the bachelor’s degree is all you need to become a clinical exercise physiologist – no master’s required! 类似的, with a bit of work experience, you can use your skills as a strength and conditioning specialist for athletic departments or sports medicine companies.

Other grads work in fitness centers and gyms, putting together the training programs that clients need to achieve their unique fitness goals. Have an entrepreneurial spirit? You can combine your degree with a few business classes and open your own fitness center!

Those who want to focus further on their original major may progress into our Master of Science degree in 运动生理学. It’s the perfect fit for students who want to continue their education and research experiences and push the field of physical training and forward. Specializations include Research, Clinical and Human Performance. newbb电子平台 maintains five state-of-the-art research facilities for students, so there’s a better place to hone your skills and start your academic career.

当然,B.S. in 运动生理学 leads 许多 to graduate programs for 物理治疗, 体育训练等等. With the addition of core chemistry classes, it’s also possible to change or cement your path to medical school.

运动生理学 Student, Woman with notebook

Get 实践经验 with Your 运动生理学 Degree

Our exercise physiology program provides important experiential learning opportunities for students. What you learn in the class is also valuable and applicable in the field, so you’ll get experiences in the clinic and in the community.

  • Volunteer at 俄亥俄州’s WellWorks Facilities

    Some students volunteer at 俄亥俄州’s WellWorks facilities to lead exercise classes, 练习他们的技能, and observe trained exercise physiology professionals at work.

  • Complete a Clinical Experience

    Students in the pre-体育训练 concentration must complete a clinical experience to graduate. It’s an excellent opportunity to hone your skills and gain confidence to perform required duties in clinical environments.

  • Complete a Practicum Course

    Exercise physiology majors in all concentrations must complete a practicum course to graduate. They’ll build up their practical skills and can potentially gain an internship by the time the course is completed.

  • Join the 运动生理学 Club

    Participate in educational and professional development activities in the 运动生理学 Club. It’s a great way to engage with the community and connect with professional speakers in the industry.

  • Participate in 社区参与 Opportunities

    Make 雅典 a better place by working for community organizations like HeartWorks, local hospitals, and exercise facilities. 

  • Join the American College of Sports Medicine

    The Midwest chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine is open to exercise physiology majors who want to network, attend professional conferences, and get an early foot in the door for future career success.

Why Choose an 运动生理学 Degree?

An exercise physiology degree is a stellar way to prepare for a future career as a physical therapist, sports medical specialist, and other health care professions. Since those careers often require graduate school, this bachelor’s degree will ensure that you have a well-rounded foundational education and begin your graduate classes with full confidence in your capabilities.

但除此之外, an exercise physiology degree allows you to directly help others, from those dealing with medical challenges to others in sports and exercise communities. M任何 of our students love sports and physical activity, and they want to help others succeed in their physical activity goals. They pursue this degree to learn how to help and restore the bodies of others through healthy lifestyles.

The 俄亥俄州 Experience for 运动生理学 专业

Studying exercise physiology at newbb电子平台 is a lot like combining the traditional bachelor’s degree with a hands-on training program to get started on a career path such as 物理治疗 or 体育训练. Experiential learning — combined with ample opportunities to get involved with the community or local medical and training centers — means that you’ll have an engaging, active day-to-day experience beginning in your first year.

The 俄亥俄州 experience brings people together and produces confident graduates who are ready to jump into the workforce. Future exercise physiologists are armed with the 太ls and expertise needed to restore and help by bringing fitness to all types of people.

Student Support 资源 for 运动生理学 专业

Throughout the duration of the exercise physiology degree program, you’ll acquire practical skills that don’t just look good on a 的简历. They also prepare you for challenges in real-world environments, plus grant you the confidence to achieve your goals in 任何 professional setting. And our supportive staff and advisors will be with you every step, leap, and lap of the way.

M任何 of 俄亥俄州’s faculty are first-generation professionals, so they’re always willing to help new first-gen students tackle the mundane and complex challenges that arise from the college experience. 更广泛地说, the exercise physiology program’s faculty are universally experts in the field — they know exactly what it takes to succeed in this industry and are committed to doing whatever they can to help you achieve your goals.

Students often benefit from personalized, 一对一的会议, as well as learning communities, where teachers work with students in their classrooms to provide additional support and mentorship. At 俄亥俄州, we’re committed to ensuring that no student ever feels alone or overwhelmed.