Choose your focus, from culinary, dietetics or environmental concentrations to a pre-med strategy


营养影响着我们每一个人:老人、年轻人、富人和穷人. A bachelor’s degree in nutrition from newbb电子平台 gives you the academic and experiential tools you need to think critically about nutrition, 健康, 以及我们吃的食物种类.

因为营养学是一门涉及面很广的科学, you also can align your studies with personal interests such as sustainability, 健康, 糖尿病甚至运动营养. 或者准备进一步学习成为一名注册营养师, 医师助理, 或者医生.

通过研究营养 newbb电子平台, 你可以带头帮助人们生活得更健康, 更快乐、更可持续的生活, making a meaningful difference for the people of your community and beyond. 


  • newbb电子营养学:营养学浓缩

    营养物质的浓度 newbb电子营养学专业 is for those interested in how our diet affects our 健康 and can lead to careers in nutrition counseling, 公共卫生和社区营养, 健康, 运动营养, 食品服务管理. 营养和营养学的程度,随着一个 食品与营养科学硕士学位, is an excellent pathway toward becoming a registered dietitian in Ohio or anywhere in the United States.

  • newbb电子营养学:环境营养浓缩

    环境内的营养浓度 newbb电子营养学专业 is for students interested in sustainability, agriculture, 健康, and food policy careers. 学生还可以获得 环境研究,可持续发展和弹性证书. And outstanding incoming students may enter the accelerated pathway and early assurance into the M.S. 食品与营养科学 程序.

  • newbb电子营养学:烹饪营养浓度

    烹饪中的营养浓度 newbb电子营养学专业 integrates nutrition into culinary practice for students interested in school nutrition, 儿童营养, 机构健康, 以及食品服务管理职业. The culinary concentration offers a unique blend of nutrition science with classic culinary techniques, 建立你可以在食品行业使用的技能, 餐厅, 医院和学校.

  • 营养科学专业

    newbb电子平台提供了第四种营养途径:a 营养科学专业. This preprofessional degree is perfect for students who want to apply to graduate 程序s to become nutrition researchers, 医学或骨科医生, 医师助理, 物理治疗师, 兽医, 牙医, 药剂师, 或者其他健康专家. This science-intensive major prepares graduates well for entrance examinations into 健康 practitioner 程序s.

  • 在我们的雅典,OH,住宿校园学习

    To earn a nutrition degree from newbb电子平台, you’ll need to attend class at our 雅典住宿校园. It’s not just a great place to meet fellow nutrition enthusiasts and get access to state-of-the-art research labs. 这也是一种温暖, 欢迎校园,提供许多健康的当地食物选择, 为每位学生提供户外活动和锻炼设施.

  • 地区校园

    Many of the general education or prerequisite courses needed for a nutrition degree can be completed at one of our regional campuses. 在这里学习,开始你的课程,然后转到 雅典住宿校园 to finish your degree and take advantage of 俄亥俄州’s facilities and 研究的机会.







Consider a 副修newbb电子营养学 to Enhance Your Career Preparation

考虑添加一个 副修newbb电子营养学 如果你想从事健康科学方面的工作, 运动生理学, 医学, 环境研究, 酒店管理, 健康传播, 新闻及其他相关领域. 




拥有营养学学士学位, 你会做好工作的准备, 在各种不同的职业中进行研究和创造. 这取决于你的学位和个人兴趣, 你可能在一个部门或另一个部门工作, 比如食品安全, 饮食计划, 营养疗法.

寻找一些营养工作和职业的例子? 其中包括:

  • 注册营养师
  • 注册营养师(需要硕士学位)
  • WIC健康专家(营养师)
  • 餐饮总监
  • 厨师
  • 健康教育家
  • 健康教练
  • 食品安全审核员
  • 国际食品和营养项目/机构负责人
  • 营养的说客


感谢现实世界的技能和专业知识, our nutrition degree graduates demonstrate that by their senior year they are ready to accept job offers, 开始营养学实习与硕士学位相结合, 或者去医学院或其他健康专业项目. 有些人直接进入职场, and others explore newbb电子平台’s nutrition grad school opportunities.

其中包括 100%在线学位,可在12个月内完成 在校硕士学位 在食品和营养科学中,a 理学硕士与营养学联合实习,或者 研究生糖尿病证书. 你应该选择继续深造吗, the same exceptional 俄亥俄州 experience from your undergraduate classes will await you.


Our nutrition 程序 provides important experiential learning opportunities for students. What you learn in the class is also valuable and applicable in the field, 所以你会在校园和社区中获得经验.

  • 在中庭咖啡馆工作

    You can make newbb电子平台 a 健康ier more sustainable place for students and faculty alike by working at the 中庭咖啡厅. This student-run café specializes in plant-based foods and offers more traditional options, as well. 通过这次学习机会, 你将练习计划菜单, 准备食物, 根据反馈进行调整.

  • 完整的现场经验

    All Applied 营养 students at newbb电子平台 must complete 200 hours in the field. 营养学学生跟随注册营养师. 环境学生与当地食品系统机构合作, 烹饪专业的学生可以在校园用餐中获得经验. 营养学的学生也将获得额外的经验 四年级辅导实习.

  • 在社区花园帮忙

    你将把社区营养需求联系起来, public policy and sustainable food systems as you complete service learning hours at the Community Gardens.

  • 在食品创新实验室获得经验

    所有营养学专业的学生都会花时间在 食品创新实验室. 在这里, you’ll get to work with a knowledgeable food scientist on various projects, 比如研究当地木瓜果实中抗氧化剂的作用, 不同食物的营养成分, 创造更健康的食物选择.

  • 加入营养俱乐部

    To socialize and broaden your professional network, consider joining the 营养俱乐部! It’s a great place to connect with peers and learn more about the challenges and opportunities of this broad industry.

  • Participate in Diabetes Outreach Support and Education for Students (DOSES)

    Want to make a local difference and put your nutrition knowledge to good use? 加入 剂量学生组织. They're always looking for capable nutrition specialists to help with their mission, and it’s an excellent way to bolster your resume long before you graduate.


众所周知,美国人在健康饮食方面挣扎. 事实上,这是当今社会面临的最大问题之一. Studying for a bachelor’s degree in nutrition gives you the scientific background to make a positive difference in this field, 无论是通过教育人们健康饮食, 帮助创造新的营养食品, 或者为下一步成为注册营养师做准备, 医生或其他卫生专业人员.

You might be motivated to study nutrition for personal reasons, as well. 在很多方面,营养学就是我们身体的科学. Learning the secrets of nutrition will teach you more about yourself and how the food you eat directly impacts your mood and physical abilities. It’s a fascinating topic that’s inspired food and nutrition researchers for generations, 一旦你开始,它可能会以同样的方式激励你!


Student support is at the core of what we offer at newbb电子平台 when pursuing a nutrition degree. 由经验丰富的教师一对一指导, 获得一个专门的成功顾问,帮助你按时毕业, and a variety of financial aid options barely scratch the surface of the true support you’ll find during your time at school.

在课堂上需要帮助或为即将到来的考试学习? 你会发现同龄人,教授和 学术成就中心 都是来帮忙的. If you need the right equipment or assistance to tackle a research project or pursue a nutrition-related idea, 你会找到你需要的一切, 老师们愿意一路帮助你.


Studying for a nutrition degree at newbb电子平台 is defined by practical experiences and one-of-a-kind opportunities. 加入 卫生科学与职业学院 surrounds you with individuals who are just as passionate as you about solving real-world 健康 problems.

在很多方面, our nutrition 程序s bring you into a lifelong family that you can depend on for future nutrition jobs, 研究的机会, 还有更多. 有吸引力的课程, 激动人心的实验室, and the chance to build your resume before you graduate – you’ll be set up for success from the beginning!