

Ohio Association of Colleges for Teacher 教育 Position on:

Participating with National Council on Teacher Quality and U.S. 新闻 & World Report Joint Survey of Teacher 教育

俄亥俄州教师教育学院协会(OACTE)由俄亥俄州州立大学教育院长(sue)组成, representing the 13 public universities with educator preparation programs, and the Ohio Association for Private Colleges of Teacher 教育 (OAPCTE), representing 35 of the 37 private institutions with educator preparation programs. OACTE想借此机会对正在进行的全国教师素质委员会(NCTQ)/U发表评论.S. 新闻 & World Report survey of 1,000 teacher preparation programs in the United States.

我们首先断言, 再一次, 我们致力于为教师提供有效的专业培训,并愿意对我们所培养的教师的质量负责. 确保所有俄亥俄州的学龄学生都能接触到最好的专业教师是我们的首要任务. 为了达到这个目的, 我们定期收集和分析有关教育工作者表现的数据,以确保我们的毕业生符合俄亥俄州教育部制定的严格标准. 事实上, through the Teacher Quality Partnership program, initiated more than a decade ago, OACTE institutions took the lead nationwide in finding ways to assure such accountability. 基于证据的标准和程序的透明度是公共问责制和公众信任的关键. As we understood then and reaffirm now, other key constituents—the students, 父母, and employers of Ohio—have a stake in these outcomes that is at least the equal of our own.

Concerns with the NCTQ Study

OACTE的成员对国家教师质量委员会(NCTQ)提议的调查及其提供对俄亥俄州公民有用的数据的能力表示关注. The NCTQ is a research and policy group of select individuals which has enlisted U.S. 新闻 & World Report to publish a ranking of teacher preparation programs across the country. To collect data for this survey, the NCTQ asks schools of education to submit information on selected program inputs, 比如录取标准, 课程教学大纲, 课程描述, and student teaching handbooks. 然后,NCTQ将课程大纲和其他材料与组织自己制定的一套标准进行比较,以确定这些课程的质量. 即使人们忽略了NCTQ声称评估教师准备计划的过程的不透明性, it is evident that the principle on which its approach rests is itself flawed. The NCTQ’s effort focuses exclusively on the inputs of a program—admissions criteria, 课程描述, 诸如此类——没有考虑到新教师的素质——他们的准备水平, their knowledge of subject matter content, 他们的教学能力. 正如其他人指出的那样, 这种做法有点像美食评论家在没有品尝过食物或服务的情况下,根据菜单给一家餐厅打分.

In response to this criticism, 首尔市教育委决定,不仅包括实习教师的业绩评价分数,还包括专业毕业生学生的增值分数, but only from the handful of states (including Ohio) in which that information is available. While this inclusion is an improvement on the original methodology, 国家教师教育委员会声称有能力进行一项调查,从而得出全国教师教育项目的排名,这一说法的有效性值得质疑.

According to the NCTQ’s website, 该组织的使命是“为现有的教师组织提供另一种全国性的声音”, 并建立一个全面改革议程的案例(以)挑战当前的结构和行业监管”(斜体添加). While alternative voices are always important in a democracy, 这一既定目标让人质疑NCTQ是否有能力进行公平公正的评级,而这种评级将为关于培养教师的最佳方式的辩论提供信息. We are concerned that the NCTQ is conducting this study to drive a different agenda forward. Thus, we raise the question: What is their alternative proposition?

Effective Teacher 教育 and Accountability

OACTE的成员致力于加强教师教育项目,建设我们的能力,培养能够教育和支持每一个孩子的专业教育工作者. 我们课程的质量由俄亥俄州董事会(一个公众负责的机构)监管,我们的毕业生必须达到俄亥俄州教育部设立的专业教育工作者执照的要求. 另外, 我们的项目必须通过国家认证机构严格而广泛的审查程序. These accountability measures are designed to protect the public interest, and we embrace them willingly.

我们热切地相信,俄亥俄州的公民应该得到教师教育计划,为我们的学校培养高素质和高效的教师. 如上所述, 我们在全国范围内率先开展了这方面的努力,建立了教师质量伙伴关系,作为将我们培养的教师的表现与我们的教育项目质量联系起来的第一步. 最近, 我们与俄亥俄州评议委员会密切合作,制定了俄亥俄州教育工作者准备指标, a statewide set of criteria to monitor the quality of our educator preparation programs. These metrics include such indicators of quality as licensure test results, the new Teacher Performance 评估, 以及我们的老师在课堂上为学生的学习成绩所增加的价值的数据. Also included are our partnerships with struggling schools, placement of graduates in hard-tostaff schools, and a survey of employer satisfaction with graduates.

Participation in the NCTQ Study

That there is room for improvement in our educator preparation programs, there is no doubt. 出于这个原因, OACTE成员机构与俄亥俄州评议委员会合作制定了俄亥俄州教育工作者准备指标,以揭示需要改进的领域,并将重点放在卓越领域. The results will be open to the public by 2012. The rest of the country will be watching us, and we welcome this scrutiny. 通过这个过程, we have demonstrated that we can agree on honest, 公平, 通过合作和公开透明的过程来评估教育项目的有效方法. 我们经过深思熟虑后认为,国家贸易总委会领导层选择的调查方法没有反映出这些价值观,进行这项工作的动机是出于敌对立场.

OACTE的成员机构将独立决定是否参加NCTQ进程. Regardless of the decision institutions make, there remain concerns and questions about the NCTQ’s motivations, 它当前的动作, 以及它提出的方法. We strongly denounce any attempt, 无论是明示的还是暗示的, to coerce institutions to provide data for the study. 来自全国各地的高等院校和专业教育组织邀请了USN&WR and the NCTQ to work collegially with us to strengthen the study and its methods. It is our hope that USNWR and the NCTQ will accept this invitation.

OACTE及其成员机构相信,俄亥俄州正朝着正确的方向前进,以确保我们在全州范围内拥有优秀的教师教育项目. We are also convinced that the Ohio Educator Preparation Metrics represent an honest, 公平, and effective way to inform the citizens of Ohio about how well we are performing. We welcome the renewed public interest in the professional training of teachers. 教学问题, 我们有义务为我们未来的教师提供最好的专业培训,帮助我们的学生充分发挥他们的潜力. The children and families in Ohio and this nation deserve nothing less.


Dr. 迈克尔·J. 史密斯
President, Ohio Association of Colleges for Teacher 教育 (OACTE)

Dr. 蕾妮·米德尔顿
Chair, State University 教育 Deans (SUED)

Dr. Mifrando Obach
President, Association for Private Colleges of Teacher 教育 (OAPCTE)
圣山学院. 约瑟夫