
Master's in College Student Personnel



联络我们: 颅脑 to learn how to join our 2024 cohort!

大学生人事(CSP)研究生学位课程是一个历史悠久的课程, 在全国范围内受人尊敬的, 全职, cohort-based程序, that takes two academic years to complete. CSP项目的历史可以追溯到20世纪60年代中期,当时该项目开始作为咨询项目的专业化. In recent decades individuals from across the U.S. 以及其他国家的学生来newbb电子平台攻读大学生人事硕士课程. Approximately 20-25 students enroll each year in this cohort-based程序. 我们的毕业生一直在大学里担任重要的领导职务, 大学, and professional associations for decades. 

大学生人事硕士课程是理论与实践相结合的课程, blending courses in student development theory, student affairs administration, 咨询, 并在newbb电子平台和邻近机构的学生事务办公室获得了实践经验. 该项目要求相当于两年的全日制学习,并遵循国家专业教育标准, while also personalizing study to meet individual needs.

所有参加CSP项目的学生都可以在newbb电子平台学生事务部或其他部门的合作伙伴那里获得研究生助学金. 入学 to the program and the GA assignment are independent decisions.



newbb电子平台大学生人事计划的课程是根据高等教育标准促进委员会的标准和指导方针制定的. 硕士水平学生事务管理准备课程的标准已被用于指导课程,该课程也包含了newbb电子平台CSP课程的独特元素. 另外, 教师设计的课程与ACPA/NASPA学生事务能力保持一致.

Program Learning Objectives

  1. 学生将实际了解学生事务专业的不同方面.
  2. Students will analyze fundamental student affairs competency areas, including the structure and function of higher education, student development theories, 多样性, organization/administration, 和评估/评价.
  3. Students will apply leadership 技能, interpersonal/helping 技能, and scholarship 技能 to be student affairs professionals.
  4. Students will integrate their developing professional networks, their mentorship experiences, their assistantship/practicum experiences, and their academic experiences into their unique career development

Program Philosophy and Objectives

40多年来, 我们的CSP学生已经接受了学习如何丰富学生体验的使命. 的 program offers knowledge and 技能 in a distinctive community setting, 还有一个学习生活实验室,用于学习和提高本科体验. 的 core 值 that guide the mission are:

  • "Community" as a mutually empowering learning environment
  • “多样性”不仅仅是对差异的容忍,而是对平等的承诺, 正义, 和肯定
  • "Individuality" as an expression of personal human growth and dignity
  • "Holism" as the synergy that must take place between the ideas and activities, the heads and hearts of our learners
  • "Service" as an unwavering devotion to the development of human potential
  • ——“学习”是高等教育机构存在的首要理由

的 program attempts to fulfill its 任务 by:

  • Providing a core of theory, 技能, 值, and attitudes to help our graduates enrich the student experience
  • Developing an understanding of higher education, student affairs functions, 大学 student development, 以及教育研究
  • 通过与理论导向课程相匹配的实地经验,帮助学生发展专业能力

校友 Map and Job Placement Rate (close to 100%)

校友 Map of the United States showing where graduates have been hired.

教师 Diversity Statements

CSP Partner--的 Division of Student Affairs (DOSA)


的 Graduate Assistant (GA) is expected to be inclusive, 股权导向, 和多样性-aware, which aligns with the institution’s expectations of 多样性 and inclusion. 我们寻求一位致力于与持有相似或不同世界观的人一起工作,同时倡导包容所有人的候选人.  

DOSA医生网站 强调公平和社会正义是我们的战略重点,并描绘了我们朝着这些价值观所取得的进展.


Enriching the student experience ­is the theme of our Master's Degree Program in College Student Personnel (CSP). 该计划提供的知识和技能,帮助我们的毕业生丰富学生的学习. 我们CSP项目的独特之处在于,除了研究生助教奖学金和“大学学生事务专业课程”之外,还有两个独特的实习经历的机会。. 

该计划通过帮助他们获得担任领导职位所需的技能,为各种高等教育机构的直接服务职位准备有前途的入门级专业人员. Most of our students attend 全职, gaining professional experience through graduate assistantships. 获得助学金的全日制学生通常需要两年时间才能完成课程.

newbb电子平台 College Student Personnel Program has a strong, 与合作伙伴部门和部门在校园的合作关系. CSP学生作为研究生助理、实习生和实习学生参与其中.  的y also serve on department, 大学, 每年参加部门委员会和专业发展项目. 大学合作伙伴参与CSP硕士学位学生的专业发展和教育准备. 学生事务管理员也经常被要求作为CSP核心课程的客座演讲者分享他们的专业知识. newbb电子平台很幸运地与备受尊敬和国家认可的院系和部门(如.g., 学生事务处)的专业人员致力于合作发展未来的学生事务专业人员.

Academic 入学s Process

申请研究生人事专业的硕士学位需要获得学术课程的录取和研究生助教的录取,以供充分考虑.  要开始申请程序,请密切关注以下项目.

  1. 一个好消息! No Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required.
  2. 完成 Online Graduate 入学s Application and an application fee of $50. 
  3. 提交: 
    • Transcripts of undergraduate institutions attended
    • Autobiographical Sketch/Personal Statement (2-3 pages, double-spaced) - 的 autobiographical sketch provides a sample of your writing. 它应该告诉我们你作为一名申请人的情况,并说明你在人生旅途中形成你对CSP的兴趣并促使你申请这个项目的重要因素.
    • 三封推荐信(当您提交申请时,您的推荐信请求将可用)
    • A current résumé or curriculum vitae
  4. After reviewing your admissions materials, 学生将被要求参加与项目教员的虚拟一对一面试. 这些面试将在申请提交后轮流进行. 



For further information, contact:

Higher 教育 and Student Affairs 